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Desperate Attempt to Stop Modernisation and Protect the Status Quo

28 July 2011 News

On the occasion of the presidential veto on the amendments to the Diplomatic Service Act, Foreign Minister Nickolay Mladenov stated:

“I am profoundly disappointed by this decision of the President. His veto is a desperate attempt to stop the modernization of the Bulgarian Diplomatic Service, to stand in the way of young people, and to protect the web of dependencies created by the secret service of the former Communist regime. 

In December 2011 it became apparent that during the last two decades 45% of Bulgarian ambassadors were part of the secret service of the former Communist regime. While in office, President Parvanov oversaw the increase, rather than the decrease, of this share.

Today, however, Bulgaria has the will to deal with this sad legacy. It will close this chapter in its history – albeit late, but in a manner similar to how the problem was resolved across Central and Eastern Europe.

In January 2011 the National Assembly voted by qualified majority to end dependencies between the former state security services and the modern Bulgarian Diplomatic Service. All political parties, except the Socialist Party, voted in favour. Unfortunately the President refused to recall those ambassadors that had collaborated in the past, as Parliament had demanded.

If one takes into account Parvanov’s own background, the decision to veto the amendments can be understood. What one cannot understand, however, is the desperate struggle against modernisation.
I remain convinced that the Diplomatic Service is in need of urgent reform, that it must give opportunities to young people to develop, that it must integrate the best of our society.

The Government remains committed to building a modern Diplomatic Service that is accountable, represents our country capably and defends our national interests and the interests of Bulgarian citizens and companies throughout the world.

I remain convinced that Parliament will overrule the veto at the start of the next parliamentary session in September of this year.”

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