Last update 19 November 2024Diplomatic missions
Risk index
Level 3: Avoid non-essiential travel (Do not travel in certain areas of the country unless necessary)
Select passport type
Federative Republic of Brazil
Embassy of the Republic of Bulgaria in the Federative Republic of Brazil
Address: SEN 803, Asa Norte, CEP: 70800-911, Brasilia, DF, Brasil
Telephone: +55 61 32236193;
Fax +55 61 33233285
Out-of-hours hotline: +55 61 986023360
Working hours: 09:00 – 17:30
Е-mail: [email protected]
Honorary Consuls of the Republic of Bulgaria in Brazil
Mr. Renato Russeff Prado
Belo Horizonte, State of Minas Gerais and Espírito Santo
Address: Rua Rovigo 791 Bandeirantes, Minas Gerais _ Belo Horizonte, CEP 31.340-500
Telephone: +55 1431991437870; +55 143136562697; +55 143134262477
E-mail: [email protected]
Mr.Renato Gonçalves Ilieff
Honorary Consul of Bulgaria for the states of Santa Catarina, Paraná e Rio Grande do Sul
Address: Rodovia Armando Calil Bulos, 6567 Unidade 203- D Condomínio Águas Verdes – Bairro Ingleses – Florianópolis - Santa Catarina
Telephone: + 55 48- 98484-2222
E-mail: [email protected]; [email protected]
Mr.Durvalino Andreotti
Recife, Pernambuco State
Address: Av Mal Mascarenhas de Morais 2314 casa 2 Imbiribeira Recife Pe
Telephone: +55 81 99994 5885; +55 (81) 98784 4203 whatsapp
E-mail: [email protected]
Embassy of the Federative Republic of Brazil in Sofia
Address: 1000 Sofia, 5 Veliko Tarnovo St.
Telephone:+359 29719819, 9719821
Fax: +359 2 9712818
E-mail: [email protected]
Web site:
Opening hours: 09:00 – 17:00
Consular Department: Telephone: +359 2 9719823
In view of the high level of crime in the states of Amazonas, Roraima, Ceará, Amapá, in the north and northeast of Brazil, and further complicated by the situation of Venezuelan immigrants entering the territory of Brazil, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs recommends against individual travel to these states, not organized by licensed local or foreign tour operators. The recommendation about visiting the major tourist centres in the country (including Rio de Janeiro) remains valid: only organised tours of the central area and the sights of the cities concerned should be undertaken, and the slums known as ‘favelas’ should be avoided completely.
General information
Security level:
The level of crime is high, especially in big cities.
Travellers to Brazil are advised:
- to leave the international passport and valuables in a safe place in the hotel, tourists should carry with a photocopy of the passport;
- not to carry large amounts of money outside the hotel, keep them in the safe in the hotel room or at the reception of the hotel;
- not to carry jewellery on the streets, expensive watch and camera, other accessories that may attract the attention of thieves;
- to talk on a mobile phone only indoors (shop, restaurant), not on the street;
- to keep the identity documents separate from money;
- to exchange money only in licensed exchange bureaus or at the hotel or airport;
- to remain calm in case of possible attack, not to resist, notify the police and the consular office of the Embassy in the capital Brasilia;
- In case of loss/theft of passport, immediately notify the consular office of the Embassy in Brasilia. Only the Consular Office of the Embassy may issue an Emergency Travel Document for return to Bulgaria;
Healthcare is at a very high level in the private sector. There is government health insurance that covers basic and urgent treatment.
Recommended vaccines and personal hygiene advice:
Due to the high risk of yellow fever, it is advisable for travellers to Brazil to be vaccinated against the disease at least 10 days before entering the country.
In view of the widespread Zika, Dengue and Chikungunya viruses, Bulgarian citizens travelling to or residing in Brazil, are advised to exercise vigilance and caution, to strictly follow the advice of the official sanitary and hygienic authorities, and to register on the website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs or to provide their contact details to the Embassy of the Republic of Bulgaria in Brazil.
Specifics of the legislation:
Sentences for drug possession and trafficking range from 5 to 15 years. The country is pursuing a consistent policy of combating drug trafficking, accompanied by particularly close monitoring at airports using state-of-the-art equipment.
Customs requirements:
Customs requirements for Brazil can be downloaded from HERE.
Road traffic:
From the capital to the south, the infrastructure is relatively well maintained, but there are many broken and unrepaired sections that must be crossed with caution. The infrastructure is much more broken in the north of the country.
Practical advice:
Organised tours of the city centre and sights are recommended. Completely avoid the slums known as favelas.
It is recommended to refuse to carry someone else's luggage, even when the contents are known.
When travelling by private or hired car, travel only during the day and stop only at designated car parks, which are very well equipped.
It is recommended to travel with pre-paid health insurance.
It is forbidden to bring in any kind of food and pets without the relevant certificates, which is subject to very strict inspections and high fines.
Bulgarian citizens travelling to Brazil are advised to register at the Bulgarian Embassy by phone or e-mail — [email protected]
Local currency:
Brazilian Real (BRL). 3.65 BRL = 1 EUR
Travel papers and visas
A valid international passport is required to travel to the country. Visa-free regime for a stay of up to 90 calendar days.
Consular service
Issuance of Bulgarian identity documents:
The Embassy in Brazil have been equipped with the biometric data equipment — fingerprints and photo — for the issuance of new passports, identity cards and driving licences.
A birth certificate must be presented when the first identity card is issued. A police document verifying the relevant circumstances must be presented if the identity card and/or passport is lost, stolen, damaged or destroyed.
The local birth certificate of the child, bearing an Apostille, and the presence of both parents is required in order to issue an Emergency Travel Document for children born abroad. For the issuance of an Emergency Travel Document to return to Bulgaria in case of lost/stolen documents, a report from the police stating the relevant circumstances must be presented (theft, burglary, robbery, etc.).
Civil status:
The initial certificate of civil status shall be issued by the competent local authorities (Civil Status Registry in the respective municipality), and the time limits for registration should be respected. Particular attention should be paid to the time limit for entering the birth of a child, which is one month.
After obtaining the relevant local civil status document, it shall be presented to the Consular Office, translated and certified in accordance with the established procedure, in the event that the persons concerned are unable to register with the local authorities a birth, a contracted civil marriage or a death in any other way.
Where the person concerned is able and willing to carry out the registration in person, he/she shall present the relevant local certification document, translated and certified in accordance with the established procedure in the relevant municipality in Bulgaria:
- for a child birth — at the place of the permanent address of the mother, and if she is a foreigner — of the father;
- for a contracted civil marriage — before the local authorities at the place of the permanent address of the husband or, if he is a foreigner — of the wife;
- for death — at the place of the permanent address of the deceased.
Certifications and legalizations:
Bulgaria and Brazil are parties to the 1961 Hague Convention on the Abolition of the Requirement of Legalisation of Foreign Public Documents. Therefore, the documents/deeds drawn up in each of the two countries should bear an Apostille by the respective Ministry of Foreign Affairs, as well as translated and duly authenticated in order to serve before the authorities of the other country.