Diplomatic missions



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Last update 16 January 2025Diplomatic missions

Risk index

Level 5: Leave immediately/ avoid all travels


Select passport type

Regular passport: visa required

Diplomatic passport: visa required

Official passport: visa required

Republic of the Sudan

The Republic of Bulgaria does not have a functioning embassy in Khartoum. Bulgarian citizens residing in Sudan on a short or long-term basis may address consular matters to the Embassy of the Republic of Bulgaria in Cairo, Egypt.

Embassy of the Republic of Bulgaria in the Arab Republic of Egypt

Address: 6, El Malek El Afdal Str. Zamalek, Cairo, Egypt
Telephone: +20 2 2736 30 25; +20 2 2736 60 77
Fax: +20 2 2736 38 26
Out-of-hours hotline: + 20 122 317 1991
Working hours: Sun – Thu, 08:30 – 14:30
Consular Office
Visa days: Sun and Wed, 09:30 – 12:30
Consular days: Mon – Fri, 09:30 – 10:30
E-mail: [email protected]  ; [email protected] 
Website: www.mfa.bg/embassies/egypt

Bulgarian citizens can apply for visas at the Embassy of Sudan in Bucharest.

Embassy of the Republic of Sudan in Bucharest, Romania
Address:011954 Bucharest, rue Paris 19-21, Sectur 1
Telephone: +40 21 233 91 81 (Protocole Ambassadeur)
040 21 233 91 87 (Section Consulaire)
E-mail: [email protected] 
[email protected] 
Website: www.sudanembassy.ro 
Working hours: 09:00 – 15:30 (Monday – Friday)
Consular Department: 10:00 – 14:30 (Monday – Thursday)

General information


In connection with the complicated internal political situation in the Republic of Sudan and the escalating social tensions, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Bulgaria advises Bulgarian citizens not to visit the country except in case of extreme necessity. In the event of an urgent need to stay in the Republic of the Sudan, we advise our compatriots to exercise caution and care, to avoid places where political gatherings or demonstrations are taking place, to exercise caution if in the vicinity of large gatherings of people, protests or processions, and not to undertake non-urgent travel until the situation calms down. It should be borne in mind that even previously declared peaceful protests and demonstrations can lead to conflicts and violence.
Bulgarian citizens in need of assistance may contact the Embassy of the Republic of Bulgaria in the Arab Republic of Egypt at the following telephone numbers: +20 2 273 630 25; +20 2 273 660 77 and an out-of-hours hotline: + 20 122 317 1991
Alerts and requests for assistance in disaster situations of Bulgarian citizens are accepted around the clock on the telephone lines of the Situation Centre Directorate: +359 2 948 24 04; +359 2 971 38 56 or e-mail: [email protected].
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs recommends that Bulgarian citizens, when travelling abroad, take the opportunity to register in the section ‘Travelling to...’ at the following address: https://mfa.bg/bg/embassyinfo.

Security level:

Sudan is in the midst of a severe civil war following the outbreak of armed clashes between the Sudan Armed Forces and the paramilitary Rapid Support Forces on 15 April 2023. As a result of the ongoing hostilities, the situation in the country is extremely worrying and dangerous. Fighting is intense and widespread, and millions of people are displaced inside and outside Sudan and threatened by famine. Civilians and areas are under large-scale attacks by the warring parties. There is a lack of health services in the country and outbreaks of cholera have been reported, with deaths, measles and malaria recorded. Slavery (including on the basis of gender) and forced abduction are used.

The situation in the country remains volatile, with tensions between local tribes and armed criminal groups, as well as between the authorities and certain opposition political parties. Demonstrations of various scales often take place in the capital, posing a security risk to foreign nationals. The risks of terrorist attacks and kidnappings of foreigners are high.

It should be borne in mind that the Embassy of the Republic of Bulgaria in Cairo has extremely limited possibilities for assistance in case of emergency situations with Bulgarian citizens in the Republic of Sudan.
The level of general crime is high in all parts of the country. Typical crimes include armed robbery, car theft, including vehicle repossession by armed assault, and theft from homes and hotels.
Cattle rustling continues in the south of the country, causing tensions between different tribes and sects.

The number of sexual assaults is high, including by members of the Sudanese army. These cases have been found mainly in the south and south-west of the country.


On August 17 2024, a cholera epidemic was declared, largely caused by flooding in the country and the ongoing military conflict.  The most affected by the disease are the states of Kassala, El-Gezira and Khartoum.

The standards in local hospitals are below the European level. It is recommended that persons with specific medical conditions requiring medical supervision do not travel to the country.
A requirement when visiting hospitals is payment in advance for medical services rendered. Outside the capital Khartoum, the health system has no ambulance service.
There is a high risk of malaria infection, especially in the deprived south and south-west, where there is inadequate medical provision. It is advisable to obtain some of your necessary medicines before you travel to Sudan.
For up-to-date information on mandatory and/or recommended vaccines you may contact the Regional Health Inspectorates in the country.

Recommended vaccines and personal hygiene advice:

No special immunizations are required for Sudan.
Yellow fever vaccine is administered at the following Regional Health Inspectorates: Sofia Regional Health Inspectorate; Varna RHI; Burgas RHI; Pleven RHI; Plovdiv RHI; Blagoevgrad RHI and Ruse RHI.

Specifics of the local legislation:

In the Republic of the Sudan, there are very strict penalties for defiant behaviour between the sexes or homosexual acts. There is a dry regime in the country.

Customs requirements:

There are no restrictions on the import of foreign currency, but it must be declared. No more than the amount declared on entry may be exported.
The import and export of local currency is completely prohibited.
You can also import up to 200 cigarettes, 50 cigars or 500 grams of tobacco duty-free.
The import of alcohol, pork, fruit and vegetables, as well as pornographic books and films is banned. The export of ivory, stuffed animals (crocodiles, monitor lizards, etc.) and animal skins, as well as large quantities of gold and gold jewellery, is prohibited.
The import and export of computers, video cameras and satellite telephones shall be declared when entering and leaving Sudanese territory.
The import of any goods from Israel is prohibited.

Road traffic:

When driving a car, it should be borne in mind that the local road users do not respect the traffic rules, the road conditions are complicated, in many places there is no road surface, and in some of the settlements the streets are narrow and make traffic in both directions difficult. Typical violations endangering the lives of other road users are: breaking speed limits, driving into oncoming traffic, driving without lights at night.
The best way to get to the Republic of Sudan is by plane or ship (on organised tours). Rail transport is seasonal and unreliable.
Movement more than 25 km outside the capital Khartoum requires prior permission from the Ministry of Humanitarian Affairs.
Photography of military sites, bridges, radio stations, reservoirs and other objects is prohibited.

Practical advice:

When travelling to the Republic of Sudan, it is advisable to observe the following:
• Respect local traditions and customs that are part of Muslim law (Sharia), including the prohibition of eating, drinking and smoking in public places until sunset during Ramadan.
• Maintain good personal hygiene.
• Use mineral water for drinking. Wash the fruits and vegetables that are eaten.

Local currency:

It is advisable to carry US dollars. Credit card payments in the Republic of Sudan are poorly accessible.

Travel papers and visas

An international passport that is valid for at least 6 months from the date of entry into the country is required. Bulgarian citizens can travel to Sudan only with visas (for regular, official and diplomatic passports). The same can be obtained at the Embassy of Sudan in Bucharest, Romania.


Your passport should not have a visa for Israel or a stamp that you have visited that country.
Within 72 hours of your arrival, you must register with the police or at the airport. Failure to do so will result in a fine.

Consular service

European Emergency Travel Document:

In extreme situations — in case of damage, loss or theft of a passport, Bulgarian citizens can apply for an Emergency Travel Document at an Embassy of an EU Member State in Khartoum. Embassies in Khartoum have: UK, Germany, Greece, Spain, Italy, Romania, France, the Netherlands and Sweden.

Certifications and legalizations:

The documents, which are made out to Bulgarian citizens in the Republic of the Sudan, should bear the stamp of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of the Sudan, after which they should be certified by the Embassy of the Republic of the Sudan in Bucharest, Romania. Once the documents have been prepared in this way, they must be translated into Bulgarian by an authorized translation agency in Bulgaria and the translation must be certified by the Certification and Legalization Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Bulgaria.



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