Last update 16 January 2025Diplomatic missions
Risk index
Level 3: Avoid non-essiential travel (Do not travel in certain areas of the country unless necessary)
Select passport type
Republic of Moldova
Embassy of the Republic of Bulgaria in Chisinau, the Republic of Moldova
Address: 92 Bucharest St., Chisinau, Moldova
Telephone: +373 22 23 79 83; +373 22 23 89 10
Fax: +373 22 23 79 78
Out-of-hours hotline: + 373 22 23 79 83; + 373 22 23 89 10
Working hours: 09:00 – 17:30
E-mail: [email protected]
Consular Office with the Embassy of the Republic of Bulgaria in Chisinau
Address: Chisinau, 4 М. Eminescu St.
Telephone: +37322240262
E-mail: [email protected]
Working hours: Every working day from 09:00 to 17:30
Opening hours for citizens: Every working day from 09:00 to 11:00
Appointments for the submission of documents for the acquisition of Bulgarian citizenship or for the issuance of Bulgarian identity documents are available:
- in person, by prior visit to the CO;
- by telephone - between 14:00 and 16:00, every working day;
- by e-mail.
In case of urgent assistance to Bulgarian citizens, the Head of the Consular Office is available at any time of the day or night (can be contacted via the out-of-hours hotline of the Embassy: +373 22237983; +373 22238910.
Consulate of the Republic of Bulgaria in Taraclia, the Republic of Moldova
Address: 7401 Taraclia, Republic of Moldova, 143/2 Lenina St.
Telephones: 00373 294 23 950; 00373 294 23 985
Fax - 00373 294 23 920
E-mail - [email protected]
Working hours - every working day from 9:00 to 17:30
Opening hours for citizens - every working day from 09:00 to 12:00.
- Inquiries concerning the submission of documents for Bulgarian citizenship, submission of applications for Bulgarian identity documents, inquiries on matters within the competence of the CO staff - on working days from 09:00 to 17:30.
- Reception of documents, receipt of issued documents (Bulgarian identity documents, visas, certificates, civil status certificates, etc.), reception, consultations of citizens - on working days from 09:00 to 12:00.
Telephones: +373 294 23 950; +373 294 23 985.
Outside these working hours, Bulgarian citizens in a situation requiring urgent assistance, in need of consular protection or consular assistance, may contact the Head of the CO at +373 22238910.
Embassy of the Republic of Moldova in Sofia, the Republic of Bulgaria
Address: 1142 Sofia, 152 Georgi S. Rakovski St.,
Telephone: +359 2 935 60 11
Fax: +359 2 980 64 75
E-mail: [email protected]
Honorary Consuls of the Republic of Moldova in the Republic of Bulgaria
Engineer Veselin Stoychev Chipev
Consular district: Plovdiv + districts: Plovdiv, Haskovo and Stara Zagora;
Office: Plovdiv, Hristo Botev St. No. 49, Capital City Center
Phone: +359 32 306 401
E-mail: [email protected]
Mrs. Zhenya Hristova Atanasova
Consular district - Burgas + districts: Burgas, Varna and Dobrich
Office: pending opening
General information
IMPORTANT! Since mid-February 2023, there have been cases of application of an enhanced checkpoint regime to Bulgarian citizens when entering the Republic of Moldova. So far, the Moldovan authorities have not provided official information on the reasons and whether there are new rules, requirements and/or conditions for the entry of Bulgarian citizens into the country. It should also be borne in mind that practice shows that it is not excluded that border controls may take several hours. It should also be borne in mind that additional documents may be requested to prove the purpose of the trip and to verify individual circumstances surrounding the stay.
Security level:
At the moment there is no direct threat to the security of the Republic of Moldova, as well as to the Bulgarian citizens in the country. It should be taken into account that the situation in Moldova is directly dependent on the course of military actions in Ukraine and may be complicated by a number of factors stemming from the Russian invasion of Ukraine.
The level of crime in Moldova is relatively low. There are individual manifestations of so-called domestic crime, pickpocketing, etc. The number of car thefts and burglaries is relatively low. There have been isolated cases of forceful ‘settling’ of scores between criminal groups and entities. There is no evidence that their actions were directed against or affected Bulgarian citizens.
Specifics of the local legislation:
In Moldova, you should comply with local laws and customs. You fall within their jurisdiction during your stay there. Penalties for breaking the law can be more stringent than those in Bulgaria for the same offences.
Customs requirements:
According to the Law on foreign exchange regulation of the Republic of Moldova No 62-XVI of 21 March 2008 (Chapter III), the rights and obligations of import and export of foreign exchange valuables, including financial means in cash for foreign and national currency, are the following for individuals (residents and non-residents):
- voluntary written declaration for imports of amounts up to EUR 10,000 in foreign or national currency;
- voluntary written declaration for exports of amounts up to EUR 10,000 in foreign or national currency;
- mandatory written declaration for imports of amounts over EUR 10,000 in foreign or national currency;
- Mandatory written declaration for exports of amounts from EUR 10,000 to EUR 50,000 in foreign or national currency.
Detailed information on the rules for transfer of goods and objects by natural persons on the territory of the Republic of Moldova is provided in the following normative acts:
- Law of the Republic of Moldova on the procedure of import and export by natural persons is No 1569-XV of 20 December 2002
- Government Decree No 1185 of 30 September 2003 on the procedure of import and export of property of natural persons.
- Regulation on customs registration of property transported across the border of the Republic of Moldova by natural persons and specimen forms approved by Order of the Customs Service No 56-O of 21 February 2008.
On 26 March 2011, the Customs Code of the Republic of Moldova was amended, on the basis of which foreign citizens (residents and non-residents) are allowed to import vehicles into the territory of the Republic of Moldova for up to 90 days within one calendar year.
In case the non-resident foreign national obtains another regime of stay on the territory of the Republic of Moldova, the relevant documents shall be presented to the customs authorities in order to extend the stay of the vehicle.
For this purpose, a customs declaration DV-6 shall be filled in, on the basis of which a stay permit for the vehicle shall be granted for the period of stay on the territory of the Republic of Moldova. On the basis of this permit, the foreign national submits a request to the territorial structure of the Ministry of Information Technology and Communications in order to obtain temporary registration plates.
Customs requirements for Moldova can be downloaded from HERE.
Road traffic:
There are no specific features in road traffic. The condition of the road network is poor - there are no markings in the cities, most of the intercity roads are broken. Vignettes are not required for travel on the intercity road network.
Vignette stickers in Moldova
Since 1 November 2012, a vignette system for vehicles with foreign registration has been operating in the Republic of Moldova. The following fees apply: vignette for 7 days - EUR 2; for 15 days - EUR 4; for 30 days - EUR 7; for 90 days - EUR 15; for 180 days - EUR 25. The fine for not having a vignette is between EUR 100 and EUR 200. Vignette stickers can be purchased at the border checkpoint.
Vehicles with foreign registration and holding a vignette sticker may stay on this basis on the territory of the Republic of Moldova up to 180 days within one calendar year.
Practical advice:
Citizens are advised to refrain from travelling to the left bank of the Dniester River (the so-called Transnistrian Moldovan Republic - TMR) - a territory which is practically beyond the control of the Moldovan official authorities and where the Bulgarian diplomatic representation - respectively the Ministry of Foreign Affairs — has very limited possibilities to provide assistance in case of need.
Before travelling or upon arrival in Moldova, it is advisable for Bulgarian citizens to either register in the "Travel to..." section of the MFA website, or to leave contact details (name and telephone number) at the Bulgarian Embassy in Chisinau or at the Consulate in Taraclia. In this way - in case of emergency circumstances or accidents, the Bulgarian diplomatic missions are able to react as quickly and adequately as possible and provide assistance to the citizens of the Republic of Bulgaria.
Local currency:
Moldovan Leu (MDL).
EUR 1 ≈ MDL 16.
Travel papers and visas
Citizens of EU member states (including Bulgaria) are entitled to a 90-day visa-free stay within 6 months in Moldova. The entry and stay of Bulgarian citizens in the Republic of Moldova for a period of up to 90 days within 6 months shall be carried out with a valid Bulgarian identity card or passport - with a validity period of at least 6 months after the date of travel to Moldova.
As of 16 June 2015, citizens of the European Union member states and citizens of the Schengen Agreement member states may enter, transit and reside on the territory of the Republic of Moldova with ID-1, ID-2 format identity cards, including biometric identity documents issued in accordance with the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) standards ISO 7810:2003.
To obtain a Moldovan visa, the passport of the person applying for the visa must be valid for at least 3 (three) months after the date of entry into the country.
It is necessary that the passports of the citizens of countries for which it is not necessary to have a visa (e.g. citizens of EU member states) entering Moldova are also valid for at least 3 months after the date of entry into the country.
Entry/exit from the Republic of Moldova is regulated by Law No 269 of 09 November 1994.
The birth certificate cannot be used as a travel document.
Requirement to register foreigners who entered Moldova through the territory of the so-called ‘Moldovan territory’. TMR - We inform you that according to Article 124 of the Decision No 125/18 February 2013 of the Government of the Republic of Moldova, foreign citizens who entered the Republic of Moldova through the territory of the so-called ‘Transnistrian Moldovan Republic (TMR)’, should register within 72 hours after crossing the border into:
- one of the branches of the State Enterprise ‘Register’ (under the Moldovan Ministry of Information Technologies and Communications);
- one of the branches of the Migration and Asylum Bureau (under the Moldovan Ministry of Interior).
For registration, the person concerned must present a valid travel document, which is required for entry into the territory of Moldova.
The above requirements do not apply to foreign diplomats accredited in the Republic of Moldova and holding valid accreditation cards.
Travel of children:
Under-aged persons have the right to leave and enter the territory of the Republic of Moldova only with one of their parents or without them, but with their legal representatives in the presence of a notarized power of attorney.
Persons married before the age of 18 can travel without a power of attorney.
Consular service
Consular officers at the Embassy provide a variety of assistance to Bulgarian citizens, but there are certain cases where assistance cannot be provided. Consular officers cannot provide legal protection for Bulgarian citizens - they can recommend local lawyers, but the person concerned hires and pays the lawyer on their own. Consular officers do not provide an interpreter from or into Bulgarian - translation services are provided by authorized interpreters paid by the person concerned. The Consular Office with the Embassy of the Republic of Bulgaria in Chisinau accepts and processes visa applications for Montenegro. Visas for Montenegro are granted (or refused) by the Montenegrin competent authorities (Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Interior), not by the Bulgarian Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
Citizens wishing to consult on matters of a consular and/or administrative nature are received every working day from 09:00 to 11:00 (i.e. during the reception hours of the CO), without prior appointment.
Visa applicants and citizens who use different types of administrative services (certification of powers of attorney, legalization of translations, submission of applications for address registration or for the drawing up of an Civil Status Certificates, etc.) are received every working day without prior appointment.
In case of urgent assistance to Bulgarian citizens, the Head of the Consular Office is available at any time of the day or night (can be contacted via the out-of-hours hotline of the Embassy: +373 22237983; +373 22238910).
Issuance of identity documents:
The Consular Office with the Embassy of the Republic of Bulgaria operates a biometric data capture desk, which accepts applications for the issuance of Bulgarian identity documents - passport, identity card, driving licence and Emergency Travel Document.
When applying for an identity document for a person under 12 years of age, the person concerned shall not be fingerprinted or have his/her signature taken. Persons between 12 and 14 years of age are fingerprinted only.
Issued Bulgarian identity documents are received at the embassy about 3-4 months after the application is submitted.
Citizens wishing to receive their new identity documents more quickly should pay for delivery of the documents by courier service (DHL). Payment is made by bank transfer to one of the following accounts (depending on whether you transfer the amount in Bulgarian levs or in euros):
For payment in EUR: price for delivery of documents to Moldova - EUR 42.99.
Beneficiary’s IBAN No: BG40UNCR70001523563800
Beneficiary’s Bank: UniCredit Bulbank AD
Beneficiary’s Bank Address: 7, Sveta Nedelya Square, Sofia 1000, Bulgaria
For payment in BGN: price for delivery of documents to Moldova - BGN 84.09.
Beneficiary’s IBAN No: BG94UNCR70001523563798
Beneficiary’s Bank: UniCredit Bulbank AD
Beneficiary’s Bank Address: 7, Sveta Nedelya Square, Sofia 1000, Bulgaria
The following must be written as grounds for payment:
BDS_city_name_your name.
Example: BDS_Chisinau_Ivan Ivanov Ivanov
The bank-issued bordereau/receipt for the DHL document delivery fee shall be submitted at the time of application for the Bulgarian identity documents.
Certifications and legalizations:
In order for a document issued by Moldovan institutions to be recognized in Bulgaria, and vice versa - for documents/deeds issued in Bulgaria to be recognized in Moldova, they should be provided with an Apostille stamp, translated and certified in the proper manner.
The Consular Office with the Embassy of the Republic of Bulgaria in Chisinau legalizes only documents that have been provided with an Apostille by the Moldovan Ministry of Justice. Translations from Moldovan into Bulgarian (not from Bulgarian into Moldovan)made by translators authorized by the Embassy shall be certified.
Powers of attorney which are subject to certification at a Consular Office shall not be drawn up on ready-made forms. The relevant power of attorney shall contain the identifying data (name, date of birth, personal identification number, number and validity of the identity document) of the authorising person and the authorised person respectively.
Civil status:
1. Drawing up of birth certificate (the certificate is drawn up in Bulgaria) - necessary documents:
- Duplicate of the Moldovan birth certificate with an Apostille;
- Current photo;
- Application to the CO;
- A photocopy of the parents' identity documents.
2. Drawing up a marriage certificate (to be drawn up in Bulgaria) - documents required:
- Duplicate Moldovan marriage certificate with an Apostille;
- A photocopy of the persons' identity documents;
- A photocopy of a duplicate birth certificate with an Apostille (from the Moldovan citizen).
3. Drawing up a death certificate (to be drawn up in Bulgaria) - necessary documents:
- Duplicate Moldovan death certificate with an Apostille:
- Bulgarian identity documents of the deceased.