Diplomatic missions



Australia and Oceania


North America

South America

Publicity and promotion of the Development Co-operation Policy



1.     The information materials used in the implementation of the communication plan for development projects funded by the Bulgarian Development Aid shall contain the following visual elements:

 1.1.                     The logo of the Bulgarian Development Aid[1]; the flag of the partner country or the logo of the beneficiary implementing the project; text in the official language of the partner country rendering the meaning of the following Bulgarian/English wording: Проект /име на проекта/ се финансира със средства по Българската помощ за развитие /The project / Project Title / is funded by the Bulgarian Development Aid’ (or, in case the project title has already been stated in the material concerned, the following wording may be used: Този проект е финансиран със средства по Българската помощ за развитие / This project is funded by the Bulgarian Development Aid’); in case the information materials target an audience speaking a language other than the official language of the partner country, this text may be written in English or, if needed, in the language of the target audience, provided that it shares the same language which is different from the official language of the partner country.


1.2.                     In case the project is co-funded and/or simultaneously implemented by another donor and/or international organisation, the requisite elements listed in Item 1.1. shall be accordingly adapted to the publicity rules of the co-funding organisation but may not be omitted.

In case of publications, research papers, handbooks, information websites and other materials presenting sociological research,

1.1.                     statistics, analyses, etc. which represent an assessment and/or could potentially influence the audience in a way other than informing it by presenting facts, the following disclaimer shall be included:

Настоящата публикация (или друг вид материал) е изготвена с финансовата подкрепа на Българската помощ за развитие. Отговорност за съдържанието носят единствено изпълнителите на проекта /име на организацията изпълнител/. При никакви обстоятелства материалите (в съответната публикация /материал) не могат да се разглеждат като отразяващи позицията на Република България и Българската помощ за развитие.

This publication (or other type of material) has been produced with the financial assistance of the Bulgarian Development Aid. The contents of this publication are the sole responsibility of / name of the author/contractor/implementing partner/international organisation/ and can in no way be taken to reflect the views of the Republic of Bulgaria and the Bulgarian Development Aid.’

 1.     Printed information materials

1.1.                        Brochures, flyers, leaflets, posters, newsletters, diplomas and training certificates, attendance lists, folders, writing pads, notebooks, flipcharts, etc. shall include the logo of the Bulgarian Development Aid and the text detailed above, adapted to the specifics of the target audience;

1.2.                        Banners, billboards, etc. shall contain all the compulsory visual elements, including the logo of the Bulgarian Development Aid. The beneficiary's logo and name may also be added. The beneficiary shall be allowed to also put up banners, billboards, etc. (for instance on the premises of institutions implementing projects funded by the Bulgarian Development Aid or using the outcomes thereof). They shall be put up in the rooms where project events take place, such as workshops, conferences, training, meetings, etc.;

1.3.                        Small-size promotional and advertising materials (pens, USB sticks, keychains, badges, lighters, etc.): given their small printable area, these shall contain the following compulsory visual elements: the words ‘Bulgarian Development Aid’ and the logo in a language matching the target audience;

1.4.                        Information boards: information boards shall contain all compulsory visual elements, and the text shall be written in the official language of the partner country and in English. If technically possible and provided that space is available, information boards shall preferably contain the logo of the Bulgarian Development Aid, along with, if possible, the logo or national flag of the project beneficiary.

 2.     Public events: Hosts of awareness and training events (such as workshops, conferences, working meetings, info days, etc.) related to the implementation of development projects funded by the Bulgarian Development Aid shall explicitly communicate that the project concerned is funded by the Bulgarian Development Aid by using the above information and publicity elements. They may do so by putting up banners featuring the logo of the Bulgarian Development Aid in the rooms where the event concerned takes place.

All documents, publications, advertising and information materials related to the event shall meet the visualisation requirements of these Guidelines (including press releases, certificates of participation, advertisement and information strips, multimedia presentations, posters, etc.).

 3.     Articles and interviews: Any public appearances, articles and interviews with representatives of the beneficiary that are related to the project must state the role of the Bulgarian Development Aid.

 4.     Paid publications and broadcasts (advertisement strips and spots, captions, reports, videos, PR materials, etc.) shall feature the words: Проект /име на проекта/ се финансира със средства по Българската помощ за развитие / The project / Project Title/ is funded by the Bulgarian Development Aid’ and the logo of the Bulgarian Development Aid as compulsory visual elements, adapted to the specifics of the target audience.

 5.     Internet

The information disseminated online, including banners, images and other visuals published on websites, social media and other online platforms used by the organisations implementing projects under the Bulgarian Development Aid shall include the words Проект /име на проекта/ се финансира със средства по Българската помощ за развитие / The project / Project Title / is funded by the Bulgarian Development Aid’, adapted to the specifics of the communication channel and the audience, and shall, if possible, also feature the logo of the Bulgarian Development Aid (the flag of the Republic of Bulgaria) and the flag of the partner country.

 6.     Information stickers

Where technical and/or office equipment is procured as required for the implementation of the project or as an outcome of the project, the beneficiary shall attach information stickers at appropriate places on the surface of the equipment. Each sticker shall feature (the flag of the Republic of Bulgaria) the logo of the Bulgarian Development Aid, the flag of the partner country or the beneficiary's logo, as well as the words: Проект /име на проекта/ се финансира със средства по Българската помощ за развитие / The project / Project Title / is funded by the Bulgarian Development Aid’



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