Diplomatic missions



Australia and Oceania


North America

South America


Last update 16 January 2025Diplomatic missions

Risk index

Level 3: Avoid non-essiential travel (Do not travel in certain areas of the country unless necessary)


Select passport type

Regular passport: visa not required

Diplomatic passport: visa not required

Official passport: visa not required

Тhe Republic of Chile

Since 6 August 2012 Bulgaria does not have a functioning embassy in Chile. The country is serviced by the Bulgarian Embassy in Argentina.

Embassy of the Republic of Bulgaria in Argentina
Address: Sucre 1568, C1428DUT, Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires, Argentina
Tel.:+ 54 11 4781 8644; +54 11 4786 6273
Opening hours: Mon – Fri, 09:00 – 17:30
E-mail: [email protected]
Website: www.mfa.bg/embassies/argentina

Honorary Consuls of the Republic of Bulgaria to the Republic of Chile
Mrs. Katia Dobrew Hott
Osorno, Consular District: Ninth, Tenth and Eleventh Administrative Regions of the Republic of Chile
Address: Calle La Quintrala No 1246, Osorno, Chile
Tel.: (+56 64) 42 33 04
E-mail: [email protected]

Mr. Andrés Nicolás Pivcevic Rajcevic
Consular District: Magayanes Region, Republic of Chile
Address: Av. “O’Higgins” 891, Punta Arenas, Chile
Tel.: (0056) (61) 61-61-00,
Fax: (0056) (61) 61-61-10,
E-mail: [email protected]; www.aeroviasdap.cl

The Embassy of the Republic of Chile in Bucharest is accredited for the Republic of Bulgaria

Embassy of the Republic of Chile in Bucharest, Romania
Address: Calea Grivitei 24, Piso 4. Sector 1, 0107320 Bucharest, Romania
Telephone: +40 21 312 73 11; +40 21 312 72 39
Fax: +421 312 72 46
Website: www.chile.ro
E-mail: [email protected]

Honorary Consul of the Republic of Chile in the Republic of Bulgaria
Mr. Georgi Krumov
Office: 1463 Sofia, 8 Khan Asparuh St.
Telephone: +359 951 62 33
Fax: +359 851 93 13
E-mail: [email protected]; www.consuladochile.org

General information

Security level:
The level of crime in Chile is relatively low compared to neighbouring countries in the region and Latin America.

The cоuntry has a very high level of healthcare, with private health insurance in clinics and government health insurance, which has more basic options. No immunizations are required for Chile.

Customs requirements:
It is forbidden to bring into the country any kind of food and pets without certification, which is subject to very strict inspections and high fines.

Practical advice:
Chile is located in a highly seismic area with risks of frequent earthquakes. There are also risks of active volcanic activity in the southern regions of the country. In the event of a natural disaster, it is important to follow the safety recommendations and instructions of the authorities in Chile. We recommend to the Bulgarian citizens to consult the specific information of the National Office of Emergency with the Ministry of Interior of Chile right before travel: www.onemi.cl.
During the anniversaries of the October 2019 protests and other dates of particular political significance, public order incidents may occur, particularly in major city centres.
We recommend to the Bulgarian citizens to inform themselves about the developments in the country and to avoid crowded public places during such events.
Spanish is the official language and Catholicism is the main religion in the country.

Local currency:
Chilean peso (CLP).

Travel papers and visas

A valid international passport is required to travel to the country. According to the established visa-free regime, holders of valid Bulgarian international passports are exempted from a visa requirement for a stay in Chile of up to 90 days within every six months. A visa is required for longer stays and can be issued on site. More information on required documents and fees can be found HERE.

Consular service

Issuance of identity documents:
Bulgarian citizens residing in the country can apply at the Embassy for an identity card, a driving licence and an Emergency Travel Document. A birth certificate must be presented when the first identity card is issued; and a police document verifying the relevant circumstances must be presented if the identity card and/or passport is lost, stolen, damaged or destroyed.
The local birth certificate of the child with the relevant endorsement in the presence of both parents is required in order to issue an Emergency Travel Document for children born abroad.
For the issuance of an Emergency Travel Document to return to Bulgaria in case of lost/stolen documents, a report from the police stating the relevant circumstances must be presented (theft, burglary, robbery, etc.).

Civil status:
The initial certificate of civil status shall be issued by the competent local authorities (Civil Status Registry in the respective municipality), and the time limits for registration should be respected. Particular attention should be paid to the time limit for entering the birth of a child, which is one month.
After obtaining the relevant local civil status document, it shall be presented to the Consular Office, translated and certified in accordance with the established procedure, in the event that the persons concerned are unable to register with the local authorities a birth, a contracted civil marriage or a death in any other way.
Where the person concerned is able and willing to carry out the registration in person, he/she shall present the relevant local certification document, translated and certified in accordance with the established procedure in the relevant municipality in Bulgaria:
- for a child birth - at the place of the permanent address of the mother, and if she is a foreigner - of the father;
- for a contracted civil marriage - before the local authorities at the place of the permanent address of the husband or, if he is a foreigner - of the wife;
- for death - at the place of the permanent address of the deceased.

Certifications and legalizations:
The Republic of Bulgaria and the Republic of Chile are parties to the 1961 Hague Convention on the Abolition of the Requirement of Legalisation of Foreign Public Documents. Therefore, the documents/deeds drawn up in each of the two countries should bear an ‘Apostille’ by the respective Ministry of Foreign Affairs, as well as translated and duly authenticated in order to serve before the authorities of the other country.

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