Last update 04 December 2024Diplomatic missions
Risk index
Level 2: Increased cauion (Be informed on the current situation in the country beforehand)
Select passport type
Republic of Lithuania
The Republic of Bulgaria does not have a functioning embassy in Lithuania. At the end of 2011, for financial reasons and by decision of the Bulgarian government, the Embassy in Vilnius was closed.
The non-resident ambassador extraordinary and plenipotentiary based in Sofia is Mrs. Selver Khalil.
Е-mail: [email protected]
Telephone +359 2 948 2377
The territory of Lithuania in terms of consular activities is covered by the Embassy of the Republic of Bulgaria in Warsaw, Poland.
Embassy of the Republic of Bulgaria in the Republic of Poland
Address: Al. Ujazdowskie 33/35, 00-540 Warszawa, Poland
Working hours: 08:30 – 17:00
Telephone: +48 22 629 40 71; +48 22 629 40 72
Fax: +48 22 628 22 71
Emergency out-of-hours hotline: + 48 668 668 813
Е-mail: [email protected]
Consular office with consular district territories of Poland, Latvia and Lithuania
Wydzial konsularny Ambasady Republiki Bulgarii
Address: Al. Ujazdowskie 33/35, 00-540 Warszawa, Poland
Telephone: +48 22 629 40 71; +48 22 629 40 72
Emergency out-of-hours hotline: + 48 668 668 813
Fax: +48 22 628 13 40
Working hours: Mon – Fri, 08:30 – 17:00
Opening hours: 09:00 – 12:00
Е-mail: [email protected]
Honorary Consul of the Republic of Bulgaria in the Republic of Lithuania
Dr. Laurynas Jonusauskas
Address: Šiaulių street 10-38 Vilnius,
LT-01134 Lithuania
Telephone: +37064155184,
E-mail: [email protected]
The Embassy of the Republic of Lithuania in Bucharest is accredited to Bulgaria.
Embassy of the Republic of Lithuania in Bucharest
Office: Bucureşti, B-dul Primăverii, nr. 51, et. 1, apt. 2, Sector 1, cod 011973
Telephone: +40 21 3115997; +40 21 3173373
Fax: +40 31 3115919
E-mail: [email protected]
Honorary Consul of the Republic of Lithuania in the Republic of Bulgaria
Mr. Racho Rybarov
Office: Sofia, 3 Viktor Grigorovich St., floor 1
Telephone: +359 888 540 700
E-mail: [email protected]
General information
Security level:
In the capital Vilnius and Kaunas it is relatively safe in the centre where there is a strong police presence. There is a possibility of theft. Thefts are relatively common in vehicles, especially at night and in cities.
It is recommended to drink only bottled water.
In Lithuania, the family of Ixodes ticks known as ricin is widespread, which are dangerous for two types of serious diseases that can be transmitted to animals and humans: Central European encephalitis and Lyme disease. Care should be taken in summer, especially on trips through the woods. It is advisable to wear long trousers and shoes, as well as clothing with light colours to make them easier to detect. We recommend applying anti-insect ointments and looking around often, and if you notice them on the skin, remove them immediately with tweezers.
There are no requirements or recommendations for vaccines.
Road traffic:
We recommend particular attention for those travelling by car or other mode of ground transport (truck, bus) in Lithuania. In order to finance the maintenance of Lithuanian roads, the authorities have introduced since 1 July 2007 the vignette system for the payment of tolls for the use of the country's main thoroughfares (A1 to A18) by the following vehicles:
-Bus ( from 8 seats + driver and up)
-Trucks (3.5 tons and up),
-Special vehicles (for special operations but not freight).
The purchase of the relevant vignette to pay the toll can be made at petrol stations and other places designated on this road. Further information can be found HERE.
By Decree of the Government of Lithuania as of 1 December 2024. all drivers of goods vehicles leaving Lithuania via the borders with Belarus and Russia, namely the Medininkai (on the Belarusian side - Kamenny Log); Shalčininkai (on the Belarusian side - Benyakonī) and Kibartai (on the Russian side - Chernyshevskoye) BCPs, must register in the Queue Management Information System (EVIS) and pay the relevant registration fee.
If a vehicle arrives at the queuing area without a reserved time slot for crossing the border, it will be able to register for the next available time slot in the EVIS on the spot.
Local currency:
On 01 January 2015 Lithuania became the 19-th member of the euro area and adopted the euro as its national currency.
Possession, consumption and trafficking of narcotics is punishable by up to 15 years of imprisonment and a fine.
Travel papers and visas
Passport or identity card. There is no visa requirement.
Consular service
Bulgarian citizens residing in the Republic of Lithuania on a short-term or long-term basis may address consular issues to the Embassy of the Republic of Bulgaria in Warsaw.
In extreme situations - in case of damage, loss or theft of a passport, Bulgarian citizens can apply for the issuance of an ETD /emergency travel document/ for travel at the embassy of an EU member state in the Republic of Lithuania.
Bulgarian identity documents:
The diplomatic mission of the Republic of Bulgaria in Warsaw has the technical capability to digitally capture the signature, face and fingerprints of the applicant, therefore applications for passport, identity card and Emergency Travel Document are accepted.
Certifications and legalizations:
The Republic of Lithuania is a party to the Hague Convention Abolishing the Requirement of Legalization for Foreign Public Documents.In order to be valid in the Republic of Bulgaria and to be able to serve before the Bulgarian institutions, all documents issued by the authorities in Lithuania to Bulgarian citizens should be stamped with an Apostille by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Lithuania. Once the documents have been prepared in this way, they must be translated into Bulgarian by an authorized company in Bulgaria and the translation must be certified by the Certifications and Legalizations Department with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Bulgaria.