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Information for accreditation of journalists for "Parliamentary elections 2014" International Press Centre

10 September 2014 News

 1. General information

The elections for Members of the National Assembly of the Republic of Bulgaria will be held on 5 October 2014. The "Parliamentary elections 2014"International Press Centre, organised by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, will be held at the National Palace of Culture, Hall 3, address:

1 Bulgaria Square, Sofia 1414.

2. Accreditation

Media,political parties registered for the elections, polling organizations, representatives of institutions and diplomatic missions may receive accreditation  for the International Press Centre.

The media accreditation process is solelyconducted  by e-mail, to the address [email protected].

All media representatives wishing to receive accreditation for the International Press Centremust submit an application form for accreditation to the address[email protected],  including:

  • An accreditation form. There are two types of forms: For representatives of foreign media accredited to Bulgaria – Bulgarian citizens (download HERE); and for representatives of foreign media – foreign nationals (download HERE);
  • A digital photograph, size 3.5 x 4.5cm, in JPG format, labelled in the following format: media_first name_family name (for example, TV5_ivan_ivanov);
  • An official letter on letterhead, signed by the manager and containing a full list of the names of media representatives applying for accreditation.

Applications for accreditation ofmedia representatives will be invalid if not accompanied by a photograph in the required format and if the person’s name does not appear in the letter signed by the editor-in-chief.

Applications for issuing of permits for the access of cars and drivers will be accepted only electronically on e-mail address: [email protected],and together with the applications for accreditation, the form for applying for access for cars and drivers should be attached (the form can be downloaded HERE).

Guests of TV stations, whoshould have access to the building of the NPCon the election day,are also eligible foraccreditation (accreditation form forguestscan be download HERE)

The deadline for the submission of applications for accreditation is 25September2014, Thursday.

All valid applications submitted within the specified period will be answered by e-mail with a registration confirmation, which must be presented to the accreditation desk to receive their badges.

The badges will be received at the accreditation desk at thecentral entrance of the National Palace of Culture.

Accreditation desk working hours:

Friday 3 October2014, 12pm to 6pm

Saturday 4 October2014, 9am to 7pm

Sunday 5 October2014, 9am until the conclusion of proceedings.

Badges will be issued on presentation of personal identification documents (ID card or passport) along with printed confirmation of registration from the e-mail address [email protected].

If a representative is to be authorised to receive the badges of all those accredited from an organisation, an authorisation letter signed by the head or director of the organisation must be presented.

Badges must be worn prominently during the entire time in the International Press Centre and must be presented uponrequest. On 5 October, media representatives will be allowed in to the National Palace of Culture only after displaying a regular press card, ID and badge.

 3. Space arrangements at the National Palace of Culture, access areas and quotas for access, parking

Entrance for the media: Centralentrance of the NPC

Access areas

Zone A – Hall 3, where news conferences will be held;

Zone B – Foyers for media studios,HQ of political forces and polling organizations.

Quotas for access

All journalists who have submitted valid applications will be accredited to the International Press Centre. Because of the limited capacity of the hall, the management of a news organisation should specify the number of journalists who will be attending press conferences and submit this information to the organisers of the access areas.

Space arrangements at the National Palace of Culture

News conferences will be held in Hall 3 on the seventh floor of the National Palace of Culture. The order in which news conferences will be held will be specified at a later stage.

The workspace for the media will be located in the lobby of Hall 3 on the, 7th floor- East side. The workspace for the media will have working places (no IT equipment) and wireless Internet connection.

The operational headquarters of “Parliamentaryelections 2014” International Press Centre will be located in Hall 3.3, 7th floor of the National Palace of Culture.

The medical centre will be in a room adjacent to Hall 3.

Media representatives who will be using bulky equipment should set it up in Hall 3 and the media workspace no later than 8pm on 4October2014.

Parking and car pass

On 5 October 2014  cars with passes will be able to park on Vitosha Blvd. in the section from  Skobelev Blvd. toPatriarch Evtimii Blvd., on Dr. Hristo Stambolski Str. from Vitosha Blvd. to Baba Nedelya Str., on Baba Nedelya Str. to Dr. Hristo Stambolski Str. to the parking lot of the NPC pillars.

Provision of signal and sound

IMPORTANT: Camera operators from Bulgarian National Television, bTV, Nova TV and TV7 will have right of access to Hall 3. Sound from Hall 3 will be provided through a sound system capable of delivering a signal to all needing it. At the speakers in Hall 3, there will be tables for tape recorders and microphones.


Closed-circuit television monitors will be placed in the media workspace and lobbies around Hall 3 of the National Palace of Culture. All news conferences in Hall 3 will be transmitted live.

Additional information:

Press Center Directorate

Phones.: +359 2 971 14 08, +359 2 971 37 78, +359 2 948 2218

Phone for weekedns and holidays: +359 2 948 2218

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