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Bulgaria is an active and committed partner of UNESCO

07 November 2013 News

Bulgaria welcomes the ambitious goal of UNESCO, within the framework of its medium-term strategy, to lay the foundations and create the conditions for achieving lasting peace, eradicating poverty and reaching sustainable development . This was said today at the 37th session of the UNESCO General Conference by the head of the Bulgarian delegation - Minister of Foreign Affairs Kristian Vigenin. In times of transition and conflicts, the society is seeking balance in its cultural roots and the intense spiritual and intellectual exchange - an ongoing process that connects  people and we call civilization, the Bulgarian Foreign Minister said.

The dynamic socio-political events and the social movements in recent years , the apparent desire for change that the young people around the world are constantly demonstrating are a sign of a serious challenge rising that puts on a test our understanding of the social contract, international solidarity and cooperation . "Today, the philosophical concept of humanism and empathy through education and culture, set in the foundations of UNESCO , is more relevant than ever," said Minister Vigenin .

The quality education and the implementation of the five conventions in the field of culture are a priority for Bulgaria also in the next programming period through placing a special emphasis on the conservation of tangible and intangible cultural heritage and the fight against illicit trafficking of cultural valuables , Kristian Vigenin said. He emphasized the great potential for regional cooperation in UNESCO's programs related to the conservation of biological diversity , the sustainable use of natural resources in Southeast Europe and the effective implementation of the green economy.

On behalf of the Bulgarian delegation , the Foreign Minister congratulated the Director-General , Ms. Irina Bokova, and the entire secretariat of the organization for their efforts to fulfill the primary mission of UNESCO , despite the severe financial crisis. He expressed satisfaction with  the leading role  and recognition of the specific competencies of UNESCO in such global initiatives such as the establishment of the UN Scientific Advisory Board and the launched by Ban Ki-moon “Global Education First” Initiative. This serves as an evident example , Vigenin said , of the active role of UNESCO and its valuable expertise in the field of education , intercultural dialogue , cultural heritage and human rights.

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