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South Sudan - Africa's Youngest Nation

11 July 2011 News

Today the world witnessed the birth of its youngest country in Africa - South Sudan. On the occasion of the independence of the new nation, Bulgarian Foreign Minister Nickolay Mladenov stated:

"Six months after voting freely for independence in a democratic referendum, we witness the birth of Africa's youngest nation. The peaceful road that led to today was made possible by the responsible behavior of all political leaders who in 2005 agreed to the Comprehensive Peace Agreement.

Bulgaria respects the will of the people of South Sudan and welcomes the independence of the new state. Next week we will recognise the independence of South Sudan and proceed to establish diplomatic relations. Аt the Independence day celebrations Bulgaria was represented by our permanent representative to the African Union.
We stand ready, together with our EU partners, to support the new country in developing a democratic state, which is capable of delivering opportunities for economic and social development to its people. The challenges of independence are immense. Bulgaria will coordinate with the European Commission and the United Nations how best to support South Sudan in developing their healthcare, education and agriculture. 

Today the citizens of the young country are full of enthusiasm for their independence. Now they will be able to chose for themselves how to govern their country, how to use the natural resources of their land, but most of all - how to bear the responsibility for their own future. Bulgaria will develop its relations with South Sudan and with Sudan in the interest of the people of both countries and the stability of Africa."

On 9 July South Sudan formally secedes from Sudan under the name Republic of South Sudan. The independence comes as a result of a referendum that took place in January and February 2011, where almost 99% of those voting opted for secession.
Secession will also mark the last phase of the Comprehensive Peace Agreement, agreed in 2005, ending 21 years of civil war between North and South Sudan

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