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Bulgaria actively and consistently supports the process of EU enlargement

13 March 2014 News

Bulgaria actively and consistently supports the process of EU enlargement. Candidate countries are our immediate neighbors and we all have an interest in building a region of stability, prosperity and security, in which values ​​and principles of the EU are guaranteed, said Minister Kristian Vigenin in his lecture before the Moroccan Diplomatic Academy on the topic “The role of Bulgaria for the European integration of the states in South-Eastern Europe” .

Minister Vigenin emphasized that the enlargement policy remains one of the most successful EU policies, bringing undoubted political and economic benefits for the EU and the Member States. “The accession process now is stricter and more demanding, and  is based on strict and fair conditionality, thus the progress depends on the individual efforts of each country,” he said. Especially important to us is the condition for EU membership of the states in South-Eastern Europe to maintain and develop good neighborly relations, as it is a prerequisite for the realization of future cooperation between EU partners.

According to Minister Vigenin, one of the most important aspects of the Bulgarian contribution to the foreign policy and security policy of the EU is the relationship with the neighboring states - the Western Balkan States and the Eastern Partnership. “Bulgaria supports the European integration in the region not only through political support, but also through providing expertise, using its own experience of a Member States within the region and relatively fresh memories of the accession process,” said Minister Vigenin.  In this sense, we have a comparative advantage in the knowledge of the region - sharing similar challenges in preparation for membership, and geographical and cultural proximity.

Bulgaria maintains good relations with its neighbors and proof of this is the important role we play in regional cooperation and maintaining regional stability. Bulgaria has signed memoranda of cooperation in the field of European and Euro-Atlantic integration with almost all countries of the Western Balkans and is ready to continue and deepen cooperation with them bilaterally within the memoranda and through EU instruments,” said during the lecture Minister Vigenin.

Enlargement policy is not among the most important EU priorities at the moment, but we have reasons to insist on its adequate presence in the agenda of the Union. “Regardless of the problems of a domestic nature, that the EU faces, it undoubtedly remains tangibly attractive and desirable goal for the Western Balkan States. Bulgaria has accepted for its foreign policy goal to maintain the interest in the "enlargement" topic and Bulgaria remains consistent and committed supporter of the enlargement process towards the Western Balkans,” said in conclusion Minister Vigenin.  

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