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Kristian Vigenin: It is a matter of general interest to work towards preserving the role of the EU and its founding principles

13 January 2014 News

“Bulgaria is determined to be an active, valuable and predictable partner within the EU. I am convinced that our country and the Union as a whole share the interest to work together with the like-minded Member States, including Greece, towards preserving the role of the EU and its founding principles - solidarity, cohesion, unity, integrity, equality.” This was said by Minister Kristian Vigenin at the public discussion on the topic "EU during the Greek Presidency and where Bulgaria stands" organized by PanEuropa Bulgaria and Konrad Adenauer Foundation.

"Our focus is Europe and the European citizens, and therefore the motto of the Greek presidency is “Europe, our common quest. United we sail further," said in turn the Greek Ambassador to Sofia, Dimosthenis Stoidis, who presented the priorities of Greece for the next six months as EU president. These include the promotion of growth, employment and cohesion, deepening the integration of the Union, including the Economic and Monetary Union, the topics of migration, border management and mobility, аswell as themaritime policy. “We are committed to work for more Europe, a better Europe, a more cohesive Europe,” the Greek diplomat said.

In his statement, Minister Kristian Vigenin addressed the main challenges and priorities of the Bulgarian foreign policy in 2014 in the context of the Greek Presidency of the EU. According to him, the priorities of the Greek Presidency are determined by the demands of time – the need to address the economic and financial crisis and immigration, which in recent years has been particularly relevant topic for the EU and its Member States.

In times of budget constraints it is important for us that the Cohesion policy remains an essential tool for promoting development and reducing regional disparities, achieving territorial cohesion in the Union, as well as for investments in growth and jobs, said Kristian Vigenin.

As regards the topic of creating a stable Economic and Monetary Union (EMU ), the Foreign Minister emphasized that guaranteeing the preservation of the unity of the internal market and the financial services, and the full respect for the interests of the Member States, outside the eurozone, are of a particular importance to Bulgaria. We support the focus of the Greek Presidency on the Growth and Jobs Pact and the need for further efforts on its implementation, in order to restore the sustainable economic growth and the public confidence in the European project, Kristian Vigenin said.

In relation to the social dimension of EMU as another major priority in the program of the Greek Presidency, Kristian Vigenin emphasized that Bulgaria believes that in parallel with the efforts to address the macroeconomic imbalances and to stabilize the banking sector, a special attention should be paid to the social consequences the crisis. He pointed out that youth unemployment is one of the most serious challenges in this area, both at national and European level.  

Minister Vigenin welcomedthe inclusion of the topic of migration management and  equitable distribution of burdens and responsibilities, associated with it, between the Member Statesin the priority issues of the Greek Presidency. Bulgaria is committed towork towardsbuildinga more flexible and effective comprehensive approach to migration management, based on the principles of solidarity and proportionality,”theBulgarian Foreign Minister said. According to him, it is necessary to intensify the cooperation with third countries of origin and transit of illegal immigrants to the EU in order to develop an effective return policy.

In the context of the migration topic, Minister Vigenin identified as an important issue for Bulgaria the country's accession to the Schengen area. Bulgaria has fulfilled all the conditions for membership and assumesall responsibilities of a country - a joint member of the Schengen area,”he said. Minister Vigenin emphasizedthat Bulgaria will resumethe dialogue with itsEU partners towards Schengen membership and he looks forward to reaching a positive decision in a timely manner.

The Bulgarian Foreign Minister expressed confidence that the EU enlargement and the Eastern Partnership will be included in the agenda of few Councils in the first semester of 2014. For Bulgaria, these issues are of a significant importance and the government considers the regional cooperation and the the conduct of active policy in Southeast Europe and the Black Sea region a key priority, he said. “Active and reasonable participation of Bulgaria in the promotion of the European and the Euro-Atlantic perspective of the Western Balkan countries is a confirmation of our commitment to the partners,” the Foreign Minister said.

Kristian Vigenin expressed the belief that the Greek Presidency can contributeto the further development of theregional cooperation and the increase ofits efficiency. As stepsin thatdirection, he identifiedthe strengthening of the partnership between the EU and SEECP, and attracting European funds for regional development. According to the Foreign Minister, the good cooperation between Bulgaria and Greece in the coming period may receive additional supportalsofrom our matching presidencies– the Greek Presidency of the EU and the Bulgarian Presidencyof the Organization of the Black Sea Economic Cooperation.

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