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Minister Kristian Vigenin participates in the 11th ASEM Foreign Ministers Meeting

11 November 2013 News

During the first day of the ASEM Foreign Ministers Meeting in Gurgaon, India, the heads of delegations of the ASEM partners exchanged views on issues of economic growth and sustainable development, and the non-traditional security challenges.

Minister Kristian Vigenin made a statement on the topic "Water Security" and focused on the role of the water resources for power generation, agriculture, economy, trade and others. He emphasized that the good management of water resources is key to eliminating poverty, achieving inclusive and sustainable growth, and improving public health. The Minister also noted that the provision of clean drinking water plays an important role in improving the living conditions and could be an important tool for conflict prevention, crisis management and post-conflict recovery, while being a strong stabilizing factor for maintaining and strengthening peace.

Minister Vigenin said that Bulgaria strongly supports the efforts towards strengthening the water security as an element of the EU foreign policy and in this connection he noted the importance of the Black Sea and the Danube basin as key European water resources. Minister Vigenin welcomed the inclusion of the water theme in the cooperation within ASEM  and expressed high assessment on the exchange of experience in this field within theDanube-Mekong Cooperation Initiative, in which Bulgaria participates as a co-organizer.

Minister Vigenin expressed sympathy on the occasion of the victims and the injured from the Typhoon Haiyan in the Philippines

Within his participation in the 11th ASEM meeting , Kristian Vigenin held bilateral meetings with the Foreign Ministers from the organization’s partner countries.
During his meeting with the Foreign Minister of India, Salman Khurshid, the two confirmed the stable pillars of the bilateral relations, which are expected to be revitalized in the context of the forthcoming celebration of the 60th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between the two countries, marked in 2014. They discussed possibilities for carrying out official visits at the level of President, Vice President and Minister of Foreign Affairs, and to hold the next round of political consultations between the Ministries of Foreign Affairs. Attention was drawn to the promotion of economic ties, cooperation through culture, science and education. Minister Vigenin congratulated his counterpart on the occasion of the successful launch of India's space flight to study the planet Mars.

At the meeting, the two ministers expressed their mutual expectations for intensifying the contacts between the business community, including participation in international trade fairs that are held in both countries. The Indian side expressed gratitude for the facilitation of the travel of Indian businessmen, holding  Schengen visas, to Bulgaria. The readiness of Bulgaria and India to continue coordinating the support for their applications to various UN bodies and other international organizations was confirmed.

During the meeting with the Foreign Minister of Malaysia, Dato' Sri Anifah Aman, Minister Vigenin emphasized the attention that the Bulgarian government is paying to the development of the relations with the Asian partners and expressed desire to strengthen the bilateral political dialogue with Malaysia and to expand the contacts in the areas of mutual interest. The Bulgarian side invited once again the Malaysian Foreign Minister to visit Bulgaria.

As regards the two Bulgarian nationals sentenced to death in Malaysia, Minister Vigenin expressed hope for a swift consultation on the proposed agreements on extradition, mutual legal assistance and transfer of sentenced persons. The Malaysian side shared the desire to use all the available tools of the country's judicial system first and only then to discuss the question on bilateral basis.

Minister Vigenin held  a bilateral meeting with the Minister of Foreign Affairs of New Zealand, Murray McCully. Both ministers emphasized the need to implement high-level contacts, aimed at stimulating the bilateral ties, especially in the economic field . They exchanged opinions on the policy of the two countries in the area of free trade and Minister Vigenin confirmed its important role in accelerating the economic growth and providing employment opportunities, especially to the young people. In response to  the expressed interest by New Zealand, Minister Vigenin informed on the EU policy for economic recovery, the Eastern Partnership and the energy security. The Foreign Minister of New Zealand shared his country's experience in the field of renewable energy.

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