Kristian Vigenin: Investment in young people is an investment in the future
16 September 2013 News
"Welcome to Bulgaria. Influencing your leaders to think more about young people depends on you because the investment in young people is an investment in the future. " With these words Minister of Foreign Affairs Kristian Vigenin addressed the participants at the sixth International Programme for Young Leaders, organized by the National Council of BSP and held on 15-21 September.
Minister Vigenin discussed with the young leaders the main priorities of the Bulgarian foreign policy, among which is the effective participation in the EU and NATO for protecting the national interests and guaranteeing the security of the citizens. " Continuity is combined with certain change of focus associated with a more dynamic regional cooperation and an active policy in Southeast Europe and the Black Sea region, " he said.
"Our top priority is the region we live in and the European perspective of the Western Balkans. Bulgaria will be a genuine and real part of the EU only when the Western Balkan countries join the European family, " the Foreign Minister said.
According to him, no one questioned the enlargement process, but at the same time it is left behind on the EU agenda. "It is important to explain the member states why EU membership is important not only for the country to join the Union, but also for the block as a whole, " Kristian Vigenin said.
As a positive effect of the EU membership, Foreign Minister addressed the policy planning and implementation in the long term. " The long-term objectives and priorities should not depend on the change of governments. Only through stability and security a better life for our citizens can be guaranteed, " he added.
Traditionally in the International Programme for Young Leaders the participants are young representatives of socialist and social democratic parties in the countries of Southeast Europe and the Black Sea region. Its aim is to enable participants to encounter the Bulgarian experience within the framework of the EU membership, European integration and European Neighborhood Policy, the European perspective of the Western Balkans, and the Eastern Partnership policy.
The emphasis in this year's edition is on the dialogue between civil society and institutions, the role of NGOs in shaping the agenda of the domestic political scene, as well as the exchange of experience in terms of the forms of political education and training.