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The Ministry of Foreign Affairs is in the process of organizing the parliamentary elections abroad, Britain has agreed to vote

15 May 2021 News

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs is in the process of organizing parliamentary elections on July 11, 2021 abroad, and in the evening the first consent was received - from Great Britain, for the vote on its territory.

In order to guarantee the right to vote of our compatriots abroad, the heads of our limited missions were instructed to seek the consent of the host country to verify the elections and to open sections, both on the territory of diplomatic and consultative organizations or others. At present, the consent of 58 countries out of a total of 130 has been sought, including these with secondary diplomatic accreditation.

As a result, on May 14, 2021, the British Foreign Office did not inform that the country must agree to check the elections. The note received does not specify a limit on the number of sections that can be opened in the UK. The intention has been opened to open sections in various places, including the embassy in London. The British side clarifies that the organizer of the vote must ensure that the elections will be conducted in accordance with the current, in all parts of the UK at the time of the voting, rules and recommendations, related to the prevention of the spread of coronavirus.

In the framework of the preparation of the choice of the back border at the moment of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs the following activities have been performed:

-        Election Working Group has been established;

-        an indicative budget for voting abroad has been prepared and sent to the CEC;

-        a letter was sent to the CEC with an official e-mail address, which will correspond between the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the CEC;

-        instructions are given for sending invitations for international monitoring in the implementation of international commitments and in accordance with the Electoral Code;

-        on the website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs there is a section "Elections for the National Assembly July 11, 2021", where important information will be published, access to the voting at the back border and access to the following address: https://mfa.bg/bg/izbori- 2021 compatriots cannot be informed abroad and from the sites to contact diplomatic missions, as well as from the current profiles on social networks.

In order to organize the vote abroad, as before, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs declares its readiness to work in close cooperation with the Bulgarian communities abroad. We call for initiative to be shown and for diplomatic missions to be contacted in order to be actively involved in the process.

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