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UNESCO Director-General congratulates Bulgaria on the 65th anniversary of its accession to the organization

17 May 2021 News

"For 65 years, Bulgaria has been fully committed to the activities of UNESCO. Together, UNESCO and Bulgaria work together to create the conviction of the great author of Tsvetan Todorov: "True morality, true justice, true price must above all possess universality and therefore equality of rights."

With these key words, the Director-General of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization UNESCO Audre Azule congratulated Bulgaria after signing the 65th anniversary of the country's accession to the organization, which is presented on May 17, 2021. In a special video message dedicated to the anniversary, Audrey Azoule said the anniversary was a celebration of 65 years of teamwork, friendship and cooperation.

The Director-General of UNESCO represents the Bulgarian Representation for World Heritage and Culture and shares his impressions from the visit to Bulgaria 2 years ago, after the celebrations for May 24.

"I heard an anthem dedicated to May 24, which will soon resonate in all schools in the country. He does not talk about the importance of knowledge and culture for the Bulgarian nation - a concept very close to that which UNESCO is called to carry as an ideal within the scope of the United Nations, " said Audrey Azule.

You can see the full video congratulation of Audre Azule on the occasion of the 65th anniversary of Bulgaria's accession to UNESCO with original sound and Bulgarian subtitleshere:https://isbg-my.sharepoint.com/:f:/g/personal/vgruev_is-bg_net/EjDCXXzAcKdLruIxfSA7CMUBjUaJli0I-wg7cygbuH-rsw

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