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Minister Svetlan Stoev: Attacks on civilians in Israel and Palestine must stop

18 May 2021 News

Foreign Minister Svetlan Stoev expressed serious concern over the high level of tension between Israel and Palestine, the rocket attacks from Gaza, the attacks on civilians that have resulted in numerous casualties, and the inter-community clashes in Israel.

"The ongoing rocket fire from Hamas and other terrorist organizations in Israel, which terrorizes both countries, is unacceptable and we condemn it," said Svetlan Stoev, who spoke at an extraordinary video conference of EU foreign ministers convened today. Foreign Affairs Council. This was the first participation of Minister Stoev in the Foreign Ministry after his appointment to the post on May 12, 2021.

"Violence could lead to future radicalization, especially among young people in the region, and worsen the situation for years to come," the Bulgarian foreign minister said. He stressed that the loss of innocent lives and the growing number of injured on both sides, especially children, was unacceptable.

In his speech, Minister Stoev stressed that the immediate priority should be to stop hostilities, provide immediate humanitarian access and negotiate a possible truce.

The foreign ministers of the EU member states agreed on the need to mobilize all diplomatic resources to reduce tensions and cease fire with the subsequent provision of humanitarian aid.

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