Extraordinary Measures Adopted in Romania to Prevent the Spread of COVID-19
17 March 2020The Romanian National Committee for Special and Extraordinary Situations decided to adopt extraordinary measures prevention the spread of COVID-19, which will be in effect between 9 March and 31 March and may be extended, as follows:
- suspension of flights to and from Italy. Airlines are obliged to inform Romanian nationals traveling from Italy, China, Iran and South Korea to Romania with a stopover that they will be quarantined or placed in self-isolation at the time of their entering Romanian territory;
- airlines are obliged to not allow on board passengers who are not Romanian nationals and who are traveling to Romania with a stopover in Italy, China, Iran and South Korea;
- Romanian nationals arriving from or traveling via Italy, China, Iran, and South Korea who enter the country through land border crossing points will be quarantined in an area close to the border which they had crossed or be placed in isolation at their places of residence, depending on the area from which they have arrived.
- foreign nationals, including Bulgarians traveling to Romania from Italy, China, Iran or South Korea, regardless of the means of transport used, will be quarantined or placed in self-isolation;
- shipments and cargos over 3.5 ton are exempt from traffic restrictions.
- the measures and restrictions mentioned above also apply to maritime and river transport.
Bulgarian nationals who need assistance may call the Embassy of the Republic of Bulgaria in Bucharest at +40 21 230 21 50 and +40 21 230 21 59 (outside business hours).
Reports and requests for assistance in emergency situations will be received from Bulgarians 24 hours a day at the phone numbers of the Situation Center Directorate (+359 2 948 24 04; +359 2 971 38 56) or at the following e-mail: crisis@mfa.
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