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Meeting of the Contact Group on Libya

15 July 2011 News

Today in Istanbul was held the fourth meeting of the Contact Group on Libya with the participation of 32 countries and 7 international organizations including the UN, the EU, NATO, the Islamic Conference, the Arab League and the Council of the Gulf States. The Bulgarian Foreign Minister informed the participants about his visit to Benghazi and recognition of the National Transitional Council as legitimate representative of the Libyan people. Nickolay Mladenov declared the readiness of our country to help the NTC also in the future by providing medicines and medical teams.

The host of the summit - the Turkish Foreign Minister, as well as other heads of delegations, outlined the actions taken and the results achieved since the third meeting of the Contact Group in Abu Dhabi on 9 June. Ideas to support the National Transitional Council, referred to as a legitimate government in Libya until the election of a temporary governing authority, were discussed. The Head of NTC delegation Mahmoud Jibril expressed the needs of the Council, including the period after the withdrawal of Gaddafi, in order to build a democratic, united and prosperous Libya.

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