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Ukraine at the focus of today's EU Foreign Affairs Council

22 July 2014 News

"The downing of Malaysian Airlines Flight MH17 changes the profile of the conflict in Eastern Ukraine, gives it a global dimension and can be a turning point for the development of the situation there," said Minister Kristian Vigenin in his  statement today to the Foreign Affairs Council in Brussels. He called for a unified approach within the EU and emphasized that the difficult decisions that come at a cost for the Member States should be taken jointly.

The Council started with a minute of silence to pay tribute to the nearly three hundred victims of the MH17 plane crash. The tragic incident was at the focus of Ministers’ discussions on Ukraine. Member States were unanimous in expressing solidarity with the countries whose citizens were aboard the plane. The Council identified the urgent measures to be taken: immediate and secure access to the crash site and the surrounding area; safe identification and repatriation of the bodies and belongings of the victims; preserve the crash site intact,including by refraining from moving any remains or objects. Ministers agreed on the need for full and independent international investigation and prosecuting those responsible, including through cooperation by Russia to exert pressure on illegal armed groups and halt arms trafficking across the border. The Council participants agreed to accelerate the preparation of targeted measures agreed at the European Council meeting on 16 July. 

They confirmed the readiness of the European Council to introduce a package of further significant restrictive measures against the Russian Federation in case of insufficient cooperation for achieving the objectives set out inthe conclusions of today’s FAC meeting.

European Foreign Ministers discussed the security situation in Iraq and the regional security implications of the increasing number of controlled territories by the terrorist group Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL). The participants reaffirmed the strong support of the EU for the unity, sovereignty and territorial integrity of Iraq, and they called Iraqi leaders to create a government of national consensus involving all ethnic and religious communities. EU is ready to support Iraq in the fight against terrorism and to continue assisting in overcoming the worst humanitarian crisis in the country.

Among the topics on the agenda was also the serious escalation of violencein Israel and Gaza. The Council strongly condemned the firing of rockets into Israel by Hamas. While recognizing Israel's legitimate right to defend itself against any attacks, the EU underlines that the Israeli military operation must be proportionate, guaranteeing the protection of civilians at all times. The Council members expressed deep concern about the many innocent victims, including children,as well as the rapidly deteriorating humanitarian situation in Gaza.Ministers welcomed the mediation efforts of the UN, the U.S. and Egypt to reach a ceasefire agreement. The Council adopted conclusions on the Middle East peace process, which reaffirmed the EU's willingness to work together with other partners towards achieving a peaceful solution.

After the Foreign Affairs Council, Minister Kristian Vigenin participated in the fifth meeting of Eastern Partnership foreign ministers,who reaffirmed their support for the sovereign right of each of the partner countries to determine its own future. The signing of the Association Agreements with Ukraine, Moldova and Georgia of 27 June 2014 opens up new opportunities for deepening EU cooperation with these countries. The expansion of relations with Eastern partners is based on mutual benefit and is not directed against third parties.

Minister Vigenin informed that the ratification procedure of the three Agreements is underway and it is expected to be completed in the near future by the National Assembly.

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