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Minister Vigenin: We are seeking a common European solution to the refugee problem

18 October 2013 News

The situation of Syrian refugees caught our country not prepared enough, and the potential for the emergence of a refugee problem has been underestimated during the last years. Solving the refugee crisis requires full mobilization and extremely responsible approach not only by the Bulgarian government, but also from all Bulgarian institutions. This was said by Minister Kristian Vigenin in the BTV show "Face to Face”. He predicted that the problem will not be solved in the coming months. According to him, even if the refugee flow slows down, for the people seeking asylum in our country, and especially for their children, normal living conditions should be provided for the time they reside in Bulgaria, awaiting refugee status.

The staff is working and the government is actively involved in finding a solution to the current crisis situation, Minister Vigenin said. On a special meeting next week, the government will discuss and adopt, along with the urgent measures, a medium and long term plan for addressing the problem, he added. The decision to build fences in areas along the border with the Republic of Turkey, where exercising control is the most difficult, was taken and its execution will begin immediately, the Minister said.

According to Kristian Vigenin, Bulgaria needs European solidarity and will continue to insist on finding a common European solution to the refugee problem. Bulgaria receives also at the present moment support from the EU and other international organizations. By the end of this year, and especially at the beginning of the next, the provision of additional help is expected. "We must not, however, create the illusion that the EU can solve this problem for us," he added.

Kristian Vigenin said he sought solidarity and a European solution to the refugee problem also during his yesterday's meeting with the Greek authorities. It is expected the country to add the migration topic and the common European approach to the migration processes to the main priorities of the Greek rotating EU presidency, assumed at the beginning of next year.

Kristian Vigenin described the offensive statements by some Bulgarian politicians addressing the refugees and the attempts to spread anti-European and nationalist sentiment in the society as completely unacceptable. We can deal with such perceptions by effectively explaining to the public who these people are and what forced them to seek asylum in our country, he said.

"I try to convince the French authorities, and through them, the French society that Bulgaria is not a threat to them," Vigenin said when asked about France's position against the country's accession to Schengen. According to him, after the chance was missed 2 years ago, currently Bulgaria and the Schengen membership are becoming a victim of the domestic political situation in countries like France. "For me it is important to stop humiliating ourselves. We will work without much fuss, we will see where the problems are," he said.

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