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Statement of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs on comments in the media by a representative of the Government of Serbia

03 August 2023 News

With regard to the comments of a representative of the Government of the Republic of Serbia, reflected in the Bulgarian media, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs states the following:

As before, Bulgaria will continue to ensure the rights of all Bulgarian communities abroad. This is one of the main priorities of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Regarding the Republic of Serbia and the Bulgarian national minority there, Bulgaria will continue to insist that the institutions in the neighbouring country respect their own legislation in the field of the rights of national minorities, as well as the commitments arising from the EU accession process.

The difference between the constitutional structure of Serbia and other countries, including Bulgaria, cannot be used as an argument for a possible refusal of the Serbian state to fulfil its commitment to guarantee the rights and freedoms of the representatives of national minorities, including Bulgarians.

We find surprising and extremely inappropriate statements which, through hypotheses and in pursuit of domestic political goals, cast doubt on the existence of Bulgarians in Serbia and the need to protect their rights. This harms the dignity of our compatriots in the neighbouring country and in no way contributes to the development of good neighbourly relations with Bulgaria.

Such behaviour contradicts the basic principles and values of the European Union and Serbia's declared aspiration for membership in this democratic family.

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