Bulgaria Candidate for the UN Human Rights Council 2024-2026
05 June 2023 Events and Discussions
Candidate for the
UN Human Rights Council
The Human Rights Council (HRC) is the main intergovernmental body within the United Nations system. It is responsible for the promotion and protection of human rights around the world, through addressing country specific situations and making recommendations on them. HRC was created by the UN General Assembly resolution 60/251 in 2006. It is comprised of 47 UN Member States, which are elected by the UN General Assembly for a three-year term with the possibility of re-election to serve a maximum of two consecutive terms. The Council meets regularly three times a year (in March, June, and September) and also when the need arises, usually following the outbreak of a human rights crisis.
Bulgaria is a partner that respects, protects, and fulfils human rights:
Bulgaria served its first ever term as a member of the Human Rights Council in the period 2019–2021. Bulgaria’s participation in the Council’s work attests to the country’s commitment to work for the protection and promotion of human rights worldwide. As a member of the Human Rights Council’s Bureau in 2021, the Bulgarian delegation to the Council was actively engaged with all UN Member States, the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights, the Human Rights Council’s Procedures and Mechanisms. Bulgaria has continuously supported all relevant UN funds and programs and engaged with the UN system as a whole.
For a stronger multilateral human rights system
Human rights are at the heart of multilateralism and represent one of the key pillars of the United Nations system. Bulgaria adheres to the principles of effective multilateralism, which is critical to responding successfully to the existing and emerging global challenges.
Bulgaria is currently a member of the Executive Board of UNICEF (2023–2025) and the Executive Board of UN Women (2023–2025). This further contributes to country’s longstanding commitment to respect, promote and fulfil the rights of every child and woman.
To universal, indivisible, interdependent and interrelated human rights both at home and around the globe
Understanding the direct connection between human rights and the level of prosperity, development, and security, one of Bulgaria’s primary foreign policy goals is to guarantee the promotion and protection of human rights. If elected as a member of the Human Rights Council for the period 2024-2026, Bulgaria will seek to foster the dialogue with all stakeholders, while upholding the highest standards in the promotion and protection of human rights both at home and abroad.
Bulgaria will continue to support the human rights-based approach in the planning and the implementation of its national policies. We will take further measures to strengthen and ensure the independence of all national human rights institutions, including through their active participation in the National Coordination Mechanism on Human Rights.
Bulgaria will work with all partners - states and all stakeholders - to ensure wide support and successful implementation of human rights as universal, interdependent, indivisible, and interrelated.
As a member of the Council for the period 2024-2026, Bulgaria will:
- Work to support measures and policies aimed at combatting all forms of discrimination, intolerance, racism, antisemitism and hate speech.
- Promote women and girls‘ empowerment in all spheres of political and public life.
- Ensure the fulfilment of the rights of every child, including through promoting universal access to education, improving school environment, and providing quality online education to supplement traditional methods.
- Join efforts to combat disinformation, support media freedom and safety of journalists.
Brochure presenting Bulgaria’s candidature and its priorities:
For more information on our commitments and pledges, available in all UN languages: