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Republic of North Macedonia, Skopje, Embassy of the Republic of Bulgaria

News All news
Commissioning of a new version of the National Visa Information System
Commissioning of a new version of the National Visa Information System
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs is in the process of implementing a large-scale project, coordinated in advance with all responsible institutions in Bulgaria and the EU, including the implementation and launch of a new version of the National Visa Information System (NVIS). The technological implementation of the works requires the temporary suspension of...
06 August 2024
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CALL FOR PROPOSALS Procedure for acceptance of project proposals for grants from the Republic of Bulgaria

CALL FOR PROPOSALS Procedure for acceptance of project proposals for grants from the Republic of Bulgaria

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Bulgaria through the Embassy of the Republic of Bulgaria in the Republic of North Macedonia, announces a procedure for the acceptance and selection of proposals for projects to be implemented with a grant through the Official Development Assistance of the Republic of Bulgaria, with an initial implementation...
10 June 2024
CALL FOR PROPOSALS Procedure for acceptance of project proposals for grants from the Republic of Bulgaria

CALL FOR PROPOSALS Procedure for acceptance of project proposals for grants from the Republic of Bulgaria

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Bulgaria through the Embassy of the Republic of Bulgaria in the Republic of North Macedonia, announces a procedure for the acceptance and selection of proposals for projects to be implemented with a grant through the Official Development Assistance of the Republic of Bulgaria, with an initial implementation...
21 April 2023
CALL FOR PROPOSALS Procedure for acceptance of project proposals for grants from the Republic of Bulgaria

CALL FOR PROPOSALS Procedure for acceptance of project proposals for grants from the Republic of Bulgaria

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Bulgaria through the Embassy of the Republic of Bulgaria in Skopje announces a procedure for the acceptance and selection of proposals for projects to be implemented with a grant through the Official Development Assistance of the Republic of Bulgaria, with an initial implementation period in...
19 May 2022
CALL FOR PROPOSALS Procedure for acceptance of project proposals for grants from the Republic of Bulgaria

CALL FOR PROPOSALS Procedure for acceptance of project proposals for grants from the Republic of Bulgaria

Priority Areas for Project Implementation on the territory of the Republic of North Macedonia:   - Capacity building in support of security and development, including through support for good governance and civil society building, including the promotion of quality and independent journalism; - Support for providing universal health coverage and...
11 May 2021
News MFA All news
Georg Georgiev talks with the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the State of Israel

Georg Georgiev talks with the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the State of Israel

Earlier today, Minister Georg Georgiev held a telephone conversation with the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the State of Israel, Gideon Sa’ar. They discussed the latest developments in the Middle East region, including the practical implementation of the ceasefire agreement in Gaza and the release of all hostages. The Bulgarian Foreign Minister...
31 January 2025
Announcement of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Announcement of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs

It is with great relief and joy that Bulgaria welcomes the release of the Bulgarian citizen Daniella Gilboa, held captive by Hamas. This positive development is the result of intensive diplomatic efforts in which Bulgaria is actively involved. Bulgaria expresses its special gratitude to Qatar, Egypt and the United States, and personally to His Highness...
26 January 2025
Minister Georg Georgiev meets European Commissioner for Start-ups, Research and Innovation Ekaterina Zaharieva

Minister Georg Georgiev meets European Commissioner for Start-ups, Research and Innovation Ekaterina Zaharieva

Minister of Foreign Affairs Georg Georgiev met today with European Commissioner for Start-ups, Research and Innovation Ekaterina Zaharieva. The Minister congratulated the Commissioner for taking over the key portfolio for Europe. Sustainable and long-term economic growth can be achieved by fostering technological innovation, investing in research...
24 January 2025
Meeting of Minister Georgiev with his counterpart H.E. Badr bin Hamad Al Busaidi

Meeting of Minister Georgiev with his counterpart H.E. Badr bin Hamad Al Busaidi

In the context of the Bulgarian state’s concerted and consistent efforts to successfully resolve the case of the Bulgarian citizens detained on board the Galaxy Leader, on 22–23 January 2025 the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Bulgaria – Mr. Georg Georgiev paid a working visit to the Sultanate of Oman, where he met...
24 January 2025

За контакт:
Адрес: Zlatko Shnajder, № 3, Skopje
Адрес (на местен език): Златко Шнајдер, № 3, Скопjе
Телефон: +389 2 3229 444
+389 2 3246 491

Факс: : +389 2 3246 493
Дежурен телефон в извънработно време: +389 75 280 013
Работно време: 09.00 – 17.30 ч.
E-mail: [email protected]
[email protected]

Консулска служба:
Адрес : Zlatko Shnajder, № 3, Skopje
Адрес (на местен език) : Златко Шнајдер, № 3, Скопиje
Телефон: +389 2 3229 444
+389 2 3246 491
Факс: +389 2 3246 493
Работно време: 09.00 – 17.30 ч.
Работно време с граждани: 

Приемното време на Консулската служба при ГК за граждани, по предварителен запис е всеки работен ден от 9.30 до 13.00 часа.

Приемното време на Консулската служба при ГК за граждани, които имат само българско гражданство е всеки работен ден от 9.30 до 16.00 часа .

E-mail: [email protected]

Записвания за консулски услуги с предварително запазен час стават единствено и само на контактните телефони на Посолството или ГК, обявени на сайта.

Embassy of Bulgaria in the Republic of North Macedonia
Office hours:
9:00 - 17:30, every working day
Address: 3, Zlatko Snajder str., Skopje, Macedonia
+389 2 3246 491
+389 2 3229 444
Fax: +389 2 3246 493
GSM: +389  75 280 013
Оut-of-hours hotlines:
+389  75 280 013
+389 2 32 29 444
+389 2 32 46 491
Consular service:
Working with citizens:
09:30 - 12:00 h, every working day
E-mail: [email protected]

Appointments for consular services with a pre-booked appointment can only be made on the contact numbers of the Embassy or the Consulate General, announced on the website.

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