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Türkiye, Istanbul, Consulate General of the Republic of Bulgaria

News All news
Commissioning of a new version of the National Visa Information System
Commissioning of a new version of the National Visa Information System
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs is in the process of implementing a large-scale project, coordinated in advance with all responsible institutions in Bulgaria and the EU, including the implementation and launch of a new version of the National Visa Information System (NVIS). The technological implementation of the works requires the temporary suspension of...
06 August 2024
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Seyahat Acentelerinin Akreditasyonu ile İlgili Duyuru

Seyahat Acentelerinin Akreditasyonu ile İlgili Duyuru

Bulgaristan Cumhuriyeti İstanbul Başkonsolosluğu 2020-2021 Akreditasyon için Türk Seyahat Acentelerinin başvuruda bulunabileceklerini duyurur. Akreditasyon Belgelerini Şahsen veya Yetkili kişi tarafından Bulgaristan Cumhuriyeti İstanbul Başkonsolosluğu veya Bursa Konsolosluk ofisimize 30.09.2020 tarihine kadar teslim edilmelidir. 2020 /...
02 September 2020


Bulgaristan Cumhuriyeti İstanbul Başkonsolosluğunun Konsolosluk İşlemleri Bölümünün, COVİD-19 salgınına karşı alınan tedbirlerle uyumlu olmak şartıyla 24.06.2020 tarihinden itibaren normal çalışma saatlerine döneceğini vatandaşların bilgisine sunarız. Vatandaşlarla çalışma saatlerimiz her gün saat 08:00 ile 12:00...
23 June 2020
Guide to the Media accredited to cover the visit of Pope Francis to Bulgaria

Guide to the Media accredited to cover the visit of Pope Francis to Bulgaria

Receipt of Badges: The distribution of the special accreditation for the media to cover the apostolic journey of Pope Francis in Bulgaria will be done on 2 May 2019, within the timeframes specified below (only in these time slots). The badges that will be provided are personalized – named and non-transferable, i.e. they cannot be used for access...
02 May 2019

Information regarding amendments to the Law on the Roads of the Republic of Bulgaria and possible difficulties in the processing of passengers traffic at the Border Checkpoints of the Republic of Bulgaria in the period June-September 2017

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Bulgaria would like to inform that, considering the recent amendments to the Law on the Roads of the Republic of Bulgaria, vehicles entering the Republic of Bulgaria without a valid vignette fee document, may only continue their journey after paying the necessary fee for the respective category at the...
09 May 2017
News MFA All news
Georg Georgiev talks with the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the State of Israel

Georg Georgiev talks with the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the State of Israel

Earlier today, Minister Georg Georgiev held a telephone conversation with the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the State of Israel, Gideon Sa’ar. They discussed the latest developments in the Middle East region, including the practical implementation of the ceasefire agreement in Gaza and the release of all hostages. The Bulgarian Foreign Minister...
31 January 2025
Position of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Position of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs

The Foreign Ministry condemns as highly inappropriate and offensive to the memory of the millions of victims of the Holocaust and the Nazi death camps a statement made while participating in a television broadcast on 26 January 2025. Such abuse of the suffering of the victims of the Holocaust, whose memory we commemorate today, 27 January, the day of the...
27 January 2025
Deputy Minister Maria Angelieva at the conference dedicated to the International Holocaust Remembrance Day: The Holocaust is a constant reminder of the dangers of hatred, intolerance and racism

Deputy Minister Maria Angelieva at the conference dedicated to the International Holocaust Remembrance Day: The Holocaust is a constant reminder of the dangers of hatred, intolerance and racism

On behalf of the Minister of Foreign Affairs Mr. Georg Georgiev, the Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs Ms. Maria Angelieva addressed the participants in the conference dedicated to the International Holocaust Remembrance Day and in memory of the distinguished Holocaust researcher Prof. Yehuda Bauer, deceased in 2024, which took place today at the...
27 January 2025
Minister of Foreign Affairs Georg Georgiev attended the regular meeting of the EU Foreign Affairs Council

Minister of Foreign Affairs Georg Georgiev attended the regular meeting of the EU Foreign Affairs Council

The Bulgarian foreign minister participated today in the first ordinary meeting of the Foreign Affairs Council of the EU, which took place in Brussels. Europe's top diplomats discussed the ongoing Russian aggression against Ukraine, EU-US relations and the situation in the Middle East. The Council discussed the latest developments on the Russian military...
27 January 2025

Consulate General of the Republic of Bulgaria in Istanbul
Address: Ahmet Adnan Saygun Cd. № 34, Ulus- 2.Levent, 34340, Istanbul, Republic of Türkiye
Обслужва областите: Истанбул, Коджаели, Сакария, Чанаккале

Телефони, включително в извънработно време: +90 212 281 01 14; 281 01 15; 281 01 16; +90 533 383 64 14

GSM: 0090 533 383 64 14 

Дежурен телефон за реакция при събития от извънреден и кризисен характер и хуманитарни случаи: +90 549 7921529
Телефони за информация по визови и консулски въпроси: +90 212 281 06 01
Факс: +90 21 2264 10 11
E-mail: [email protected]

Получаване на готови български лични документи - всеки петък от 9.00 до13.00 ч. 

Електронна поща за български лични документи E-mail: [email protected]


Consular Office in Bursa to the Consulate General in Istanbul
Обслужва областите: Бурса, Балъкесир, Биледжик, Мугла, Денизли, Айдън, Маниса,  Измир, Ялова
Address: Adalet Mah., "Aydın Sok" № 1, Osmangazi-BURSA, 16180, Turkey
Telephone: +90 224 245 55 00; +90 224 245 56 00; +90 224 245 52 52
Fax: +90 224 245 55 09
Emergency hotline Bursa: +90 533 4931289

Информация по визови и консулски въпроси: Телефон: +90 224 245 55 00 и +90 224 245 56 00 от 15.00 до 16.00 часа
Телефон за спешни случаи в извънработно време за консулския окръг на КК Бурса: + 90 533 493 12 89
E-mail: [email protected]


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