Diplomatic missions



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Switzerland, Geneva, Permanent Representation of the Republic of Bulgaria


Bulgaria took part in the Fifth Global Conference on the Elimination of Child Labour (15-20 May 2022 in Durban, Republic of South Africa)

Bulgaria took part in the Fifth Global Conference on the Elimination of Child Labour (15-20 May 2022 in Durban, Republic of South Africa)

The Fifth Global Conference on the Elimination of Child Labor was held in Durban, Republic of South Africa on May 15-20, 2022. It was attended by over 8,000 representatives of governments, workers, employers and their organizations, UN agencies and other international organizations, representatives of civil society, children and academic institutions, who proved that tackling child labour is a core element of the principle for respecting human rights and ranks high on the global agenda.
26 May 2022
Celebration of Europe Day by the Permanent Representation of the Republic of Bulgaria in Geneva

Celebration of Europe Day by the Permanent Representation of the Republic of Bulgaria in Geneva

"World peace cannot be safeguarded without the making of creative efforts proportionate to the dangers which threaten it." With these words began the Schuman Declaration of 9 May 1950, an ambitious plan to secure long-term peace in post-war Europe that is considered the beginning of the process of European integration.
09 May 2022
Women for Multilateralism

Women for Multilateralism

In November 2021, at the initiative of Gabon, the General Conference of UNESCO adopted a Resolution on the International Day of Women in Multilateralism, which was celebrated for the first time on 25 January 2022.
08 March 2022
Celebration of Bulgaria’s National Day in the Permanent Mission of the Republic of Bulgaria to the UN Office and other international organizations in Geneva

Celebration of Bulgaria’s National Day in the Permanent Mission of the Republic of Bulgaria to the UN Office and other international organizations in Geneva

The Permanent Representation of the Republic of Bulgaria in Geneva marked the National Holiday of the country with a reception for the diplomatic corps and the Bulgarian community. A special guest of the event was Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs Ms. Velislava Petrova, who addressed the audience. Among the numerous guests were ministers and Deputy ministers from UN member states participating in the session of the UN Human Rights Council, UNECE Executive Secretary Olga Algayerova, WIPO Director-General Darren Tang, Secretary-General of the Inter-Parliamentary Union Martin Chungong, Deputy Heads of ILO and WTO, senior UN officials and ambassadors of UN member states, representatives of municipal and cantonal authorities, as well as the Bulgarian community in Geneva. The exhibition of paintings "Space and Presence" by  artists Miglena Savova Ockler and Nora Ampova, who live and work in Geneva, was presented during the event.
04 March 2022
The Permanent Representatives of the European Union Member States the United Nations Office and other international organizations in Geneva expressed their support and solidarity with Ukraine and the Ukrainian people

The Permanent Representatives of the European Union Member States the United Nations Office and other international organizations in Geneva expressed their support and solidarity with Ukraine and the Ukrainian people

On February 25, 2022, at the Delegation of the European Union in Geneva, the Permanent Representatives of the Member States of the European Union to the UN Office and other international organizations in Geneva met with the Permanent Representative of Ukraine to the UN Office and other international organizations in Geneva. European ambassadors strongly condemned Russia's unprovoked military aggression against its neighboring sovereign state and expressed their support and solidarity with Ukraine and the Ukrainian people. Possibilities for closer cooperation within the UN and other international organizations in response to the Russian aggression, which poses a challenge to the modern international legal order, were discussed.
28 February 2022
Ambassador Sterk reiterated Bulgaria’s continued commitment to the pledges made at the First Global Refugee Forum in December 2019

Ambassador Sterk reiterated Bulgaria’s continued commitment to the pledges made at the First Global Refugee Forum in December 2019

The Permanent Representative of Bulgaria in Geneva, Ambassador Yuri Sterk, speaking at the first High Level Officials Meeting of the Global Refugee Forum, welcomed the event as an opportunity to take stock of the progress made towards achieving the objectives of the Global Compact on Refugees and to identify further steps to be taken in view of the constantly increasing number of refugees against the backdrop of the pandemic.
15 December 2021
Ambassador Sterk reiterated the strong support by Bulgaria for IOM as the global lead agency for migration

Ambassador Sterk reiterated the strong support by Bulgaria for IOM as the global lead agency for migration

The Permanent Representative of Bulgaria to UN Office in Geneva аmbassador Sterk commends IOM as key partner in implementing voluntary returns of illegal migrants and for incorporating disability in all aspects of its humanitarian response, raises concerns over the worsening humanitarian situation in Afghanistan and Ethiopia
03 December 2021
Bulgaria expresses deep concern about violations of human rights and the international humanitarian law and calls for the restoration of the security and constitutional order in Afghanistan

Bulgaria expresses deep concern about violations of human rights and the international humanitarian law and calls for the restoration of the security and constitutional order in Afghanistan

Bulgaria expresses deep concern about violations of human rights and the international humanitarian law and calls for the restoration of the security and constitutional order in Afghanistan
25 August 2021
Bulgaria participated in the 47th session of the UN Human Rights Council

Bulgaria participated in the 47th session of the UN Human Rights Council

The 47th regular session of the UN Human Rights Council has concluded. The session was held from 21 June to 14 July 2021 and was conducted almost entirely virtually due to the ongoing COVID-19 restrictions.
16 July 2021
Ambassador Yuri Sterk met with the Director General of the International Labour Organisation

Ambassador Yuri Sterk met with the Director General of the International Labour Organisation

The Permanent Representative of the Republic of Bulgaria to the United Nations and other international organizations in Geneva, Ambassador Yuri Sterk, held a protocol meeting with the Director General of the International Labour Organisation /ILO/ Guy Ryder
10 July 2021

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