Project "Let's preserve a collection of precious liturgical icons"
06 February 2024 News
On 02 February 2024, a team of the Bulgarian Embassy in Beirut payed a visit to the University of Kaslik (suburb of the City of Beirut), founded in the 17th century by Lebanese Maronite Order (OLM) monks. The visit aimed an onsite-inspection of the beneficiary readiness for executing a project “Let’s preserve a collection of precious liturgical icons!”
The project constitutes an effort for rehabilitation of a part of the collection of liturgical icons of the University of Kaslik in Beirut (USEK), dating from Middle age to late Christian era. Among them is an icon displaying a script in ancient Bulgarian language. The project activities will be executed by art historians and experts specialized in icons rehabilitation. The project is part of the Operational Program “Bulgarian Development Aid” of the Bulgarian Government.