Celebrating Bulgaria’s National Day in London
03 March 2020 News
The Embassy of the Republic of Bulgaria in London hosted two events in honor of Bulgaria’s National Day. The events took place on March 2 and 3, 2020, and were hosted by the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Bulgaria to London H.E. Mr. Marin Raykov.
The traditional reception for the diplomatic corps was held on March 2nd and was attended by more than 300 guests with whom we celebrated both the 142nd anniversary since the reestablishment of Bulgarian statehood and the beginning of the 15th decade since the establishment of diplomatic relations with Great Britain. Among the guests were representatives of the Foreign and Commonwealth Office and other UK government institutions, a number of ambassadors and diplomats accredited in London, Lords and Members of Parliament, mayors, representatives of the International Maritime Organization and other UN-organizations in London, representatives of international NGOs and the business sector. A number of compatriots and friends of Bulgaria also took part in the celebration.
Ambassador Marin Raykov began his speech with a fragment of Ivan Vazov's epic poem The Volunteers at Shipka in Peter Tempest’s lovely translation. The emphasis in the Ambassador's speech was on the changes in history and that after times of defeat and ruin, Bulgaria has now finally taken its rightful place among the European nations. Ambassador Raykov stressed that we are determined that our close partnership with the United Kingdom should be further strengthened and expanded, regardless of the UK's exit from the European Union.
In his welcome to our compatriots, Ambassador Raykov emphasized the need for Bulgarians in the UK to do what is necessary to regulate their status in the country, as well as to make the necessary efforts for their successful incorporation into British society.
As part of the festive event, Prof. Sonia Rouve-Uvalieva and Prof. Vladimir Getov were recognized for theior contributions with the Orders of the Madara Horseman and Sts. Cyril and Methodius.
Singers from the Choir of the Bulgarian National Guard contributed to the festive atmosphere with a selection of National Revival-Era songs and some of the popular hymns of the struggle for liberty and unification of the Bulgarian people. The young pianist living in the United Kingdom, Lilly Petrova, also performed during the reception.