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Switzerland, Geneva, Permanent Representation of the Republic of Bulgaria

The Minister of Labour and Social Policy met with the Director General of the International Labor Organisation

20 June 2024 News

On June 3, 2024, an official meeting was held between Mr. Ivaylo Ivanov, Minister of Labour and Social Policy of the Republic of Bulgaria, and Mr. Gilbert Houngbo, Director General of the International Labour Organisation /ILO/. The meeting took place at the Palace of Nations in Geneva within the framework of the 112th session of the International Labour Conference /ILC/, which was held in the period 3-14 June 2024 in Geneva, Switzerland.

During the meeting, Minister Ivanov presented Bulgaria's priorities in employment policy and emphasised the great importance our country attaches to its ILO membership and the effective implementation of international labour standards.

The two interlocutors discussed the role of the Global Coalition for Social Justice initiated by the Director General of the ILO and gave high praise to the partnership between Bulgaria and the ILO. Minister Ivanov expressed confidence that Gilbert Houngbo's initiative will have great added value for ensuring social justice in the world of work by uniting the efforts of governments, social partners, international organizations and other key stakeholders. He emphasized that Bulgaria's priorities in the employment policy for 2024 correspond to the thematic priorities of the Global Coalition. Among the main measures in this area, Minister Ivanov pointed to the adoption of the National Employment Action Plan with the aim of promoting employment and reducing unemployment, ensuring equal opportunities and preventing discrimination and reducing the number of people at risk of poverty or social exclusion.

Within the framework of his two-day visit to participate in the 112th session of the ILC, Minister Ivanov met with Mr. Alexei Buzu, Minister of Labour and Social Protection of Moldova and Chairman of the 112th Session of the ILC, and confirmed Bulgaria's readiness to assist Moldova's implementation of European legislation in the field of labour and social policy.

Minister Ivanov also held a meeting with Mr. Marcelo Caetano, Secretary General of the International Association for Social Security /ISSA/.

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