Diplomatic missions



Australia and Oceania


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Austria, Vienna, Embassy of the Republic of Bulgaria

News All news
Commissioning of a new version of the National Visa Information System
Commissioning of a new version of the National Visa Information System
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs is in the process of implementing a large-scale project, coordinated in advance with all responsible institutions in Bulgaria and the EU, including the implementation and launch of a new version of the National Visa Information System (NVIS). The technological implementation of the works requires the temporary suspension of...
06 August 2024
  • 1
The Joint Chairmanship of the Republic of Bulgaria and the Republic of North Macedonia of the Berlin Process for the Western Balkans organizes a Meeting of the Ministers of Foreign Affairs, VTC format, on 9 of November 2020

The Joint Chairmanship of the Republic of Bulgaria and the Republic of North Macedonia of the Berlin Process for the Western Balkans organizes a Meeting of the Ministers of Foreign Affairs, VTC format, on 9 of November 2020

Ministers of Foreign Affairs‘ meeting is to take place on 9 of November 2020 as part of the 2020 Berlin Process for the Western Balkans’ first Joint Chairmanship of the Republic of Bulgaria and the Republic of North Macedonia. Due to the fragility of the situation, attributed to the Covid-19 pandemic, the meeting will be held on-line in VTC...
05 November 2020
Main information — satellite-based tolling system in Bulgaria

Main information — satellite-based tolling system in Bulgaria

As from 1 March 2020, road vehicles with a total technically permissible maximum weight exceeding 3,5 tonnes circulating on paid road sections in Bulgaria will have to pay for their use distance-based road charges – toll. The toll replaces the electronic vignette for heavy vehicles and buses. The toll for 1 km is differentiated according to the...
14 February 2020
Guide to the Media accredited to cover the visit of Pope Francis to Bulgaria

Guide to the Media accredited to cover the visit of Pope Francis to Bulgaria

Receipt of Badges: The distribution of the special accreditation for the media to cover the apostolic journey of Pope Francis in Bulgaria will be done on 2 May 2019, within the timeframes specified below (only in these time slots). The badges that will be provided are personalized – named and non-transferable, i.e. they cannot be used for access by...
01 May 2019

Introduction of e-vignette and toll in Bulgaria

An electronic system (e-vignette and toll), as a modern way of charging for the use of the national road network, is introduced in Bulgaria as of 1 January 2019.
In the attached file, you will find more information on where and how you can buy E-Vignette and how to convert your paper vignette to an electronic one.

04 January 2019
News MFA All news
The Consul of the Republic of Bulgaria in the Kingdom of Sweden visited the Bulgarian citizens — crew members of the detained ship ‘Vezhen’

The Consul of the Republic of Bulgaria in the Kingdom of Sweden visited the Bulgarian citizens — crew members of the detained ship ‘Vezhen’

Today the Bulgarian citizens — members of the crew of the detained ship ‘Vezhen’ were visited by the Head of the Consular Service at the Embassy of the Republic of Bulgaria in the Kingdom of Sweden Stefan Stoykov. The consul met all 8 Bulgarians on board and had the opportunity to talk with them for three hours. They are in good health,...
01 February 2025
The Minister of Foreign Affairs participates in a commemoration of the Memorial to the Victims of the Communist Regime in Sofia

The Minister of Foreign Affairs participates in a commemoration of the Memorial to the Victims of the Communist Regime in Sofia

Minister of Foreign Affairs Georg Georgiev took part in the commemoration of the Memorial of the Victims of the Communist Regime in Sofia, as a sign of respect and gratitude to all those who died and suffered from the repression of the totalitarian regime. The event brought together representatives of the government, public organizations and citizens who...
01 February 2025
Georg Georgiev talks with the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the State of Israel

Georg Georgiev talks with the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the State of Israel

Earlier today, Minister Georg Georgiev held a telephone conversation with the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the State of Israel, Gideon Sa’ar. They discussed the latest developments in the Middle East region, including the practical implementation of the ceasefire agreement in Gaza and the release of all hostages. The Bulgarian Foreign Minister...
31 January 2025
Bilateral political consultations between Bulgaria and Austria

Bilateral political consultations between Bulgaria and Austria

On 31 January 2025, bilateral political consultations between Bulgaria and Austria were held at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The Bulgarian delegation was headed by the Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs Elena Shekerletova and the Austrian delegation — by the Secretary General of the Austrian Federal Ministry for European and...
31 January 2025

Посолство на Република България във Виена, Р Австрия

Embassy of the Republic of Bulgaria in Vienna, R Austria

Ръководител: Десислава Найденова-Господинова, посланик (агрее)

Часови разлики спрямо България: Лятно: -1 час ; Зимно: -1 час

За контакт:

Адрес (на местен език): Schwindgasse 8, 1040 Wien

Телефон: +43 1 505 64 44, + 43 1 505 31 13

Факс: +43 1 505 14 23

Дежурен телефон в извънработно време: + 43 6991 888 21 01

Работно време: понеделник - петък 09:00 - 17:30 ч.

E-mail: [email protected][email protected]


Консулска служба:

Тел.: +43 1 503 16 78; +43 1 581 03 82

Факс:  +43 1 503 26 43

Работно време: 09:00-17:30

Приемно работно време с граждани: 9:00-13:00

E-mail: [email protected]; [email protected]


Консулска служба:

Тел.: +43 1 503 16 78; +43 1 581 03 82

Факс:  +43 1 503 26 43

Работно време: 8:30-17:00

Приемно работно време с граждани: 9:00-13:00

E-mail: [email protected]; [email protected]

Информация по телефона:

По – Пт,14.00 - 16.00h
E-mail: [email protected]

С цел съкращаване на времето за чакане на посетителите в Консулска служба на посолството, е въведено предварително записване за ден и час във времето за прием от 09.00 до 13.00 ч. всеки работен ден

Български културен институт „Дом Витгенщайн”, Виена - http://www.haus-wittgenstein.at/

Българо-австрийско училище „Св. Кирил и Методий”, Виена - http://www.bulgarische-schule.at/

Българо–австрийско училище „Проф. Иван Шишманов“, Виена http://bulgarische-schule.com/

Българско училище „Орфей” в гр. Линц - http://www.bulgarischeschule-linz.at/

Българско училище „Дунав” в гр. Линц - http://www.bgschule-linz.com/

Българско училище„Дунав” в Залцбург /*филиал на училище „Дунав” в Линц/ www.bgschule-linz.com

Българско училище „Никола Й. Вапцаров” в гр. Грац - http://www.bgschule-graz.com

Botschaft der Republik Bulgarien in der Republik Österreich
Embassy of the Republic of Bulgaria in Austria
Address: Schwindgasse 8, 1040 Wien, Österreich
+43 1 505 31 13
+43 1 505 64 44
Office hours:
Mon to Fri, 08.30 am - 17.00 pm
Consular section
0043 1 503 16 78
0043 1 581 03 82
Office hours:
Mon to Fri, 09.00 am - 13.00 pm

Information on phone:

Mon to Fri, 14.00 - 16.00h
E-mail: [email protected]

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