Приключи конкурсът за изработване на костюм на Манекен Пис в Брюксел

Приключи конкурсът за изработване на  костюм на Манекен Пис в Брюксел

  Държавният културен институт към министъра на външните работи, съвместно с посолството на Република България в Брюксел организираха провеждането на конкурс за изработване на авторски костюм за символа на Брюксел: „Манекен Пис“. Постъпиха 18 проекта от студенти от катедра „Мода“ на Националната художествена академия. На 19 октомври 2021 г заседава комисия в състав: г-н Пламен Бончев, посланик на Република България в Кралство Белгия и Великото Херцогство...

Почит към Бинка Желязкова

Почит към Бинка Желязкова

Специален акцент в панорамата от филми на „БГ екран онлайн“ е включването на две нови заглавия, които отдават почит към режисьора Бинка Желязкова (1923-2011). Документалният филм "Бинка: Да разкажеш приказка за мълчанието" представя една от най-изтъкнатите български жени филмови режисьори. Това е разказ за пътя на творец, който никога не е избягвал конфронтацията. Филмите ѝ носят ярко политическо послание в една среда на тоталитарен идеологически контрол в България. ...

Премиера на българския филм „Слава“ на 13 декември 2021 г. в рамките на Кино фестивала на страните от сътрудничеството Китай – ЦИЕ („16+1“)

Премиера на българския филм „Слава“ на 13 декември 2021 г. в рамките на Кино фестивала на страните от сътрудничеството Китай – ЦИЕ („16+1“)

В рамките на Кино фестивала на страните от сътрудничеството Китай – ЦИЕ („16+1“) на 13 декември 2021 г. се проведе премиерата на българския филм „Слава“. Българската кино творба ще бъде показвана до края на календарната година в кината от Националния съюз на арт кината в Китай.  По официална покана на организаторите на премиерата присъстваха пълномощният министър от посолството на Република България в Китай г-н Васил Василев, който направи приветствие пред...

The Film “Antarctica” by Jivko Konstantinov Wins Grand Prize at Kathmandu International Film Festival, Nepal

The Film “Antarctica” by Jivko Konstantinov Wins Grand Prize at Kathmandu International Film Festival, Nepal

  The documentary "Antarctica" by the Bulgarian journalist Jivko Konstantinov won the Grand Prize at Kathmandu International Film Festival, Nepal. The film competed in a program of 107 films from over 50 countries around the world.  The author of the film personally represented Bulgaria at this international forum with the exclusive support of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Bulgarian State Institute for Culture, the Honorary Consul of Bulgaria in Nepal, and the Embassy of...

Начало на София ДокуМентал - международен филмов фестивал с фокус върху човешките права

Начало на София ДокуМентал - международен филмов фестивал с фокус върху човешките права

От 9 до 19 декември Балкански документален център организира съвместно с Фондация „Конрад Аденауер“ и Чешки център онлайн филмов фестивал, посветен на едни от най-хубавите филми, които показахме по време на есенното ни издание на живо в София. Онлайн изданието се осъществява и с подкрепата на Национален фонд „Култура“ и Държавен културен институт към МВнР.  Фестивалът, който тази година се провежда под надслова „Прекрачи границата” ( “Do cross...

Accession of the Embassy of the Republic of Bulgaria in Beijing as a Full Member of the EUNIC Cluster in Beijing

Accession of the Embassy of the Republic of Bulgaria in Beijing as a Full Member of the EUNIC Cluster in Beijing

On November 30, 2021, the Embassy of the Republic of Bulgaria in Beijing officially joined as a full member of the Beijing-based cluster of the Association of European National Institutes for Culture (EUNIC). The Embassy of the Republic of Bulgaria in Beijing became the nineteenth full member of the cluster through a letter sent by the director of the State Institute for Culture Snezhana Yoveva-Dimitrova, which gave a mandate to our diplomatic mission in Beijing to join.

VII General Assembly of the Global Public Diplomacy Network

VII General Assembly of the Global Public Diplomacy Network

  In the period November 29 - December 1, 2021. The 7th General Assembly of the Global Public Diplomacy Network (GPDNet) was held in Doha, Qatar. The Global Public Diplomacy Network was established in 2014 in Seoul, as a platform aimed at contributing to the international community through cultural, academic and civil society initiatives, supporting and contributing to international cooperation. Members of the Global Public Diplomacy Network (GPDNet) have dedicated their work to public...

Kонкурс за назначаване на държавен служител на свободната длъжност „Главен експерт” - една щатна бройка


  ОБЯВЛЕНИЕ   Държавният културен институт към Министъра на външните работи, на основание чл. 10а, ал. 2 от Закона за държавния служител и чл. 14, ал. 2 от Наредбата за провеждане на конкурсите и подбора при мобилност на държавни служители /приета с ПМС № 304 от 03.12.2019 г., обн. ДВ, бр.97 от 10.12.2019 г., изм. и доп. ДВ, бр. 9 от 31.01.2020 г., изм. и доп. ДВ бр.29 от 09.04.2021 г., в сила от 09.04.2021 г./, обявява конкурс за назначаване на държавен служител на свободна...

Opening of the Exhibition "The Bulgarian Monuments under the Protection of UNESCO" in the House of Culture "Krasno Selo"

Opening of the Exhibition "The Bulgarian Monuments under the Protection of UNESCO" in the House of Culture "Krasno Selo"

    From 1.12. until 31.12.2021 the mobile exposition "Bulgarian Monuments under the Protection of UNESCO" visits the Krasno Selo Cultural Institute, 41 Tsar Boris III Blvd., Sofia. The exhibition is part of the mobile expositions program of the State Institute for Culture and presents the uniqueness and beauty of the Bulgarian monuments included in the list of world cultural and natural heritage sites. Until now, the exhibition was presented in Plovdiv, Paris, Tunisia, Kotor,...

Invite Bulgarian Cinema at Your Home with BG Screen Online

Invite Bulgarian Cinema at Your Home with BG Screen Online

The second edition of the film festival BG Screen Online commences. The State Institute for Culture at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the platform for Bulgarian cinema are pleased to present the online festival for Bulgarian films, which will be available on your screens for three weeks – from November 29 to December 19, 2021. Access is free for everyone around the world who would like to immerse themselves in the world of Bulgarian cinema.The mission of BG Screen Online...

Bulgaria Will Participate in the Animation Film Festival in Slovenia

Bulgaria Will Participate in the Animation Film Festival in Slovenia

Bulgaria will present itself at the Animateka International Animation Film Festival in Slovenia, the 18th edition of which will be held in a hybrid format from November 29 to December 5 this year. Among the visiting foreign artists is Radostina Neykova - with the animated film "Marmalade" (2020). Her film work is included in the section "Eastern and Central European Panorama II", in which titles are selected, demonstrating good technical skills and creative potential. In an innovative way,...

Opening of the Exhibition "Bulgarian Monuments under the Protection of UNESCO" in Tunisia

Opening of the Exhibition "Bulgarian Monuments under the Protection of UNESCO" in Tunisia

  On November 19, 2021, Ambassador Veselin Djankov opened the thematic exhibition "Bulgarian Monuments under the Protection of UNESCO" at the Youth Center for Culture and Sports - Canteen in Tunisia. The exhibition was organized jointly with the State Institute for Culture under the Minister of Foreign Affairs and with the support of the National Commission of Bulgaria for UNESCO. In his speech, Ambassador Djankov pointed out that the exhibition was organized in the context of...

Screening of the Bulgarian film "Letters from Antarctica" at the European Film Weeks in Helsinki

Screening of the Bulgarian film "Letters from Antarctica" at the European Film Weeks in Helsinki

On 16th of November 2021 at Eurooppasali in the European Commission Representation in Finland was presented the Bulgarian movie “Letters from Antarctica”. European Film Weeks are organized by the European Commission Representation in Finland and the European Parliament Liaison Office in Finland, together with the embassies and cultural institutes of EU countries. This year's motto of the film weeks is "Green and Sustainable Europe". Ambassador Nina Simova briefly presented the...

Bulgarian Architects and Designers with Awards from the BIG SEE 2021 Festival

Bulgarian Architects and Designers with Awards from the BIG SEE 2021 Festival

  Architectural and design bureaus and designers from Bulgaria won awards from the BIG SEE Design Month festival in Slovenia, which were presented at a virtual ceremony last week. Due to the Kovid pandemic, the 19th edition of the festival under the motto "Southeast Europe - Where Life is Creativity" was held only online. Traditionally, the awards for achievements were awarded in six areas - design in the field of tourism; fashion and accessories; Interior Design; architecture; product...

Presentation of the Exhibition "Bulgarian Cities: Living Antiquity" in Reco, Italy

Presentation of the Exhibition "Bulgarian Cities: Living Antiquity" in Reco, Italy

The Consul General of the Republic of Bulgaria in Milan Mrs. Tanya Dimitrova presented the exhibition "Bulgarian Cities - Antiquity that Lives" in the municipality of Reco on 11.11.2021. The photo exhibition is a traveling exhibition of the State Institute for Culture to the Minister of Foreign Affairs. It includes 30 photo-posters of 20 Bulgarian cities, including Pleven, Ruse, Varna, Kazanlak, Sofia, Veliko Tarnovo and Blagoevgrad. Capturing the simultaneous presence of traces of different...

Participation of the Embassy in Seoul in the European Day of Languages

Participation of the Embassy in Seoul in the European Day of Languages

  The Embassy in Seoul, together with eighteen other diplomatic missions of EU Member States and their educational institutes, took part in the European Day of Languages ​​organized by the Delegation of the European Union, which took place on 13 November 2021 in the city center. The participation of the Bulgarian diplomatic mission was carried out jointly with professors and students majoring in Bulgarian Studies at the Department of Greek and Bulgarian Studies at the University of...