The Mobile Exhibition “The Light of the Letters” will be Presented in Vancouver, British Columbia



The Consulate General of the Republic of Bulgaria in Toronto organizes the presentation of the exhibition "The Light of the Letters" in Vancouver, British Columbia province on September 22, 2022. The date was chosen because of the celebrations on the occasion of the Bulgarian Independence Day, which will be celebrated together with the Bulgarian community and the Canadian authorities in Vancouver.

The exhibition, which was created on the initiative of the State Institute for Culture at the Bulgarian Ministry of Foreign Affairs on the occasion of the anniversary of the Slavic script, will be shown for the first time in the province with the assistance of the Bulgarian-Canadian Society, which will be awarded at the event with a diploma from the State Agency for Bulgarians Abroad for its 20th anniversary.

The collection for the exhibition "The Light of the Letters" was assembled by the Bulgarian Academy of Science correspondent member Prof. Aksinia Dzurova and Associate Professor Vasya Velinova, and the works were provided with the assistance of the "Elena and Ivan Duychevy" Foundation and the Scientific Archive at the Bulgarian Academy of Science.

The exhibition is from the year 2013 – the year declared by UNESCO as the year of Cyril and Methodius and the creation of the Slavic script.

The Light of Letters exhibition has been already presented at the Niagara Falls Historical Museum and in Kitchener, Ontario with the assistance of the Embassy in Ottawa, as well as in the Municipality of Niagara Falls and Calgary, Alberta.