Main part of the program "Public diplomacy" is a project "Traveling exhibitions" intended as an instrument for promoting the Art collection of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and developing of a different kind of particular exhibitions presenting the Bulgarian culture, history and contemporary art.
"Traveling exhibitions" is implemented jointly with the missions abroad. The program relies on coordination between Cultural Institute and missions which allows projects to be carried out in adequate communication with local partners and to multiply the effect of the presentation . In 2012 the world have organized 28 exposures of 12 projects from the portfolio of the Institute. In 2013, over 50 presentations - mainly related to the celebration of important events such as the Great Moravian mission of Saints Cyril and Methodius and the 70th anniversary of the rescue of Bulgarian Jews from the Holocaust.
The “Bulgaria and Mosaics” exhibition, commissioned by the State Institute for Culture - Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Bulgaria, was created in 2023 by the Balkan Heritage Foundation in collaboration with several Bulgarian museums, non-profit organizations, and experts in the fields of art history and archaeology. The exhibition aims to present the rich and diverse mosaic heritage in Bulgaria, and to spark interest by showcasing details of ancient, medieval, and...
The exhibition "Bulgaria A Bird's - eye View" presents a selection of 25 large-format photographs by it's author Alexander Ivanov, dedicated to the beauty of Bulgarian natural and historical landmarks.
Alexander Ivanov's photos are an authentic photo journey through the picturesque and impressive aerial shots that the author captured with his lens, flying hundreds of kilometers with a motorized hang glider over different parts of Bulgaria. For 17 years and over 500 flying hours, he...
COEXISTENCE - without violence, without hate speech, without assault on human dignity is the theme of the posters specially selected from the fund of the International Triennial of the Stage Poster – Sofia. The exhibition is part of the traveling expositions of the State Institute for Cultural under the Minister of Foreign Affairs.
In 2001, Bojidar Ikonomov, at the invitation of the Socio-political contemporary art museum in Jerusalem, created his remarkable poster COEXISTENCE. Today,...
The exhibition "Miraclulous Icons and Holy Relics of the Balkans" is a mobile phototype exhibition from the program of the State Institute for Culture of the Minister of Foreign Affairs, realized in collaboration with the Center for Slavic-Byzantine Studies "Prof. Ivan Duychev" at Sofia University "St. Kliment Ohridski". Icons are one of the emblems of Orthodoxy and an inalienable part of the decoration of the Christian temple since ancient times. 24 panels show churches and monasteries where...
The exhibition focuses on the presentation of the uniqueness and beauty of the Bulgarian monuments, included in the list of sites of world cultural and natural heritage. The exhibition is dedicated to 65 years of Bulgarian membership in UNESCO and 75 years since the founding of the organization.
The exhibition presents 13 information boards (dimensions: 170 x 80 cm) and 8 photo panels (dimensions: 50 x 70 cm) of the included sites of Bulgaria in the UNESCO list of cultural and...
Изложбата разказва за 140-годишната история на българската дипломатическа служба, която започва с назначаването на трима дипломатически представители. Според разпоредбите на Берлинския договор Княжеството изгражда своята външнополитическа структура само в съседните страни и така са назначени първите дипломати в Цариград, Букурещ и Белград. Днес дипломатически представителства страната има в почти сто страни в света, постоянни представителства в големи международни организации, член е на...
About the exhibition
The blue-violet beauty of the lavender fields conquered the heart of Krassimir Matarov and he embarked on a several-year search for these visions all over Bulgaria, alongside with his colleague Ruslan Asanov. Back then the aromatic fields were not marked on the geographic maps, there were no signposts and directions, and those few who have already found the seas of lavender were fervently keeping the secret. That is why the two...
Държавният културен институт представя ново попълнение в проекта „Пътуващи експозиции”. В сътрудничество с Международното триенале на сценичния плакат – София беше селектирана колекция от плакати, авторство на едни от най-добрите и награждавани плакатисти от Балканите. В експозицията присъстват творби от Сърбия, Словения, Турция, Хърватия, Босна и Херцеговина, Косово, Гърция, Македония, Румъния, Черна гора и България. Серията показва 30 плаката, посветени на спектакли,...
The Alphabet and History Exhibition presents the role of the alphabet in the cultural history of the Slavic peoples and writing as the base of the historic memory of mankind. We do not have the knowledge of whom and when transformed the ephemeral human speech into a system of graphic signs for the first time thus perpetuating and salvaging it from oblivion. However, by force of a mere historic chance the Slavs are among very few peoples who not only know when...