Participation in the "European Days of Heritage" and "European Day of Languages" of the State Institute for Culture at the Minister of Foreign Affairs


The State Institute for Cutlture at the Minister of Foreign Affairs will participate for another year in two large-scale European initiatives that will take place in Sofia between September 17 and 18 - the "European Days of Heritage" and the "European Day of Languages".

"European Heritage Days - Sofia 2022" are organized by the French Institute in Bulgaria in partnership with the Ministry of Culture and Sofia Municipality. This year's edition is themed 'Sustainable Cultural Heritage' and aims to show the link between cultural heritage conservation and a sustainable environmental future. The program of the event includes over 30 cultural sites with remarkable architecture, which will reveal their secrets to the Sofia public.

The State Institute for Culture at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Mission Gallery will participate in the event with the following program for Saturday, September 17:

11:00-12:00 a.m. Tour with a lecture of the Sculpture Park of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Meeting at the entrance for visitors at 2 Alexander Zhendov Street at 10:45 a.m.)

10:00-13:00 The Mission Gallery - painting exhibition "Closeness", Yasharali Tahir (Turkey) and Ivan Milushev (Bulgaria)

You can find the full program of the event here:

On September 17, which is also Sofia Day, the edition of the "European Day of Languages" will take place. Traditionally, the European Day of Languages is celebrated annually on September 26 at the initiative of the Council of Europe. Represented by the 46 member states of the Council of Europe, 700 million Europeans are encouraged to learn more languages both at school and outside. The Council of Europe encourages multilingualism on the continent in the belief that linguistic diversity is a means of achieving better intercultural understanding and a key element of Europe's rich cultural heritage.

On the occasion of the "European Day of Languages", the State Institute for Culture invited its partners to participate in the outdoor information tents on Slaveykov Square in Sofia. The Language Training Center at the University of St. Kliment Ohridski", the Institute of Bulgarian Language at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences and the National Scientific Program Cultural-Historical Heritage, National Memory and Social Development at Sofia University St. Kliment Ohridski unite their efforts for the presentation and promotion of the Bulgarian language and historical memory in a modern and attractive way and through promotional materials, films, videos, interactive maps, games will be included in the event, which will take place from 10:30 to 16:00 on September 17 at Slaveykov Square.