The Exhibition "Miraculous Icons and Holy Relics of the Balkans" Opened at the Cultural Information Center of the Republic of Bulgaria in Skopje

 The Exhibition "Miraculous Icons and Holy Relics of the Balkans" Opened at the Cultural Information Center of the Republic of Bulgaria in Skopje

On February 4, the director of the State Institute for Culture at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Snezhana Yoveva-Dimitrova, opened the exhibition "Miraculous Icons and Holy Relics of the Balkans" at the Cultural Information Center of the Republic of Bulgaria in Skopje. The exhibition is a joint project with the Center for Slavic-Byzantine Studies "Prof. Ivan Duychev" and is a guest at the invitation of the director of BCIC-Skopje Antonia Veleva. Special guests of the event, which is...

Exhibition "Mission Traveler" Tells about Lyuba Kutincheva (1910 - 1998)

Exhibition "Mission Traveler" Tells about Lyuba Kutincheva (1910 - 1998)

    The exhibition presents the path of a little known to the general public and defined as the first Bulgarian traveler. Lyuba Kutincheva was born in Veliko Tarnovo on May 15, 1910. She comes from a family of intellectuals. Her mother is the niece of the legendary captain Raycho Nikolov. In 1912, together with her parents, Lyuba Kutincheva moved to live in the town of Silistra. After 1913, the town of Silistra, as part of Southern Dobrudja, came under Romanian rule. Luba...

An evening of Bulgarian literature in Tehran Marked the 125th Anniversary of the Establishment of Diplomatic Relations between Bulgaria and Iran

 An evening of Bulgarian literature in Tehran Marked the 125th Anniversary of the Establishment of Diplomatic Relations between Bulgaria and Iran

  On January 27, 2022, the Embassy in Tehran initiated the Evening of Bulgarian Literature in Tehran as the beginning of a series of events on the mission's calendar to mark the 125th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Bulgaria and Iran. The evening of Bulgarian literature was organized by Mr. Farid Gadami, translator of contemporary Bulgarian literature in Iran and a great friend of Bulgaria, who took part in a residency program for translators of the Next...

Bulgarian Artists at the Beijing Art Biennale 2022

Bulgarian Artists at the Beijing Art Biennale 2022

The opening ceremony of the Beijing Art Biennale 2022 took place on January 21, 2022. The organizers of this most prestigious festival of culture and art are: Beijing Municipality, China Federation of Culture and Arts, Association of Artists in China and the National Art Gallery. For the first time in its twenty-year history, the Biennale is held after 3, not 2 years. Also, for the first time this year, due to the epidemic situation, the creators of the works of art were not present at the...

The Photographic Exhibition "Directions" is a Guest at the Bulgarian Cultural Institute in Rome

The Photographic Exhibition "Directions" is a Guest at the Bulgarian Cultural Institute in Rome

  The photographic exhibition "Directions" will be opened on January 29 at the Bulgaria Gallery at the Bulgarian Cultural Institute in Rome. It is one of the traveling exhibitions of the State Institute for Culture under the Minister of Foreign Affairs and presents selected photographs from the 2020 competition on the occasion of celebrating 15 years since the establishment of the Institute. The authors are Ventsislav Petrov, Violeta Apostolova, Georgi Mitev, Elena Savova, Zlatko Latev,...

Commemorating January 27 with an Online Presentation of the Film of Elka Nikolova A Question of Survival

Commemorating January 27 with an Online Presentation of the Film of Elka Nikolova A Question of Survival

On the occasion of January 27 - International Holocaust Remembrance Day, the State Institute for Culture with the media support of BTA offers online access to the programs of the Bulgarian diplomatic and consular missions an online presentation of the documentary film A Question of Survival by the Bulgarian fimmaker, who lives and works in New York, Elka Nikolova. The film follows the story of three heroes whose childhood was spent in Bulgaria in the troubled years of...

National Endowment Fund "13 Centuries Bulgaria" Challenges Bulgarian Writers Abroad

National Endowment Fund "13 Centuries Bulgaria" Challenges Bulgarian Writers Abroad

  The new initiative of the National Endowment Fund "13 Centuries Bulgaria" - the contest "Contemporary Bulgarian Literature without Borders" provokes the inspiration of Bulgarian writers abroad. The idea of ​​a patriotic organization with 40 years of history is to support the creativity of native language without geographical constraints, whether poetry or prose. According to the regulation of the creative competition, Bulgarian communities, cultural clubs, authors' associations of the...

Bulgarian Participation in the Sixth EU-China International Literary Festival, 27 November – 19 December 2021

Bulgarian Participation in the Sixth EU-China International Literary Festival, 27 November – 19 December 2021

At the end of last year, with the support of the State Institute for Culture, Bulgaria took part in the Sixth EU-China International Literary Festival - 2021 on the topic "Reading between the lines through women's eyes." The institute made contacts with the writers Ina Valchanova and Emilia Proinova, and the Embassy of the Republic of Bulgaria in China provided their materials to the organizers of the festival. Ina Valchanova was approved to participate.  The 6th EU-China International...

Opening of a Memorial Plaque to the Famous Bulgarian Opera Singer Elena Nikolay in Genoa

 Opening of a Memorial Plaque to the Famous Bulgarian Opera Singer Elena Nikolay in Genoa

  The Consulate General of the Republic of Bulgaria in Milan organized the official opening of the memorial plaque of the famous Bulgarian opera singer and actress Elena Nikolay on January 14, 2022 at 11.00 in the park of the Conservatorio Paganini in Genoa at 38 Albaro Street. Placing a memorial plaque in honor of the famous singer, naturalized Italian is the idea of ​​the Consul General in Milan, Mrs. Tanya Dimitrova. Elena Nikolai is deeply connected with the city of Genoa, where she...

International Poster Action on the Occasion of the 400th Anniversary of Moliere's Birth

International Poster Action on the Occasion of the 400th Anniversary of Moliere's Birth

January 15, 2022 marks the 400th anniversary of the birth of the French playwright Jean-Baptiste Poclin, known by his stage name Moliere. On this occasion, the International Triennial of Stage Poster - Sofia in partnership with the State Institute for Culture under the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the French Institute in Bulgaria present the online project "Moliere without Borders", dedicated to the work of the great playwright and master of comedy. The collection unites over 35 Bulgarian...



At the beginning of the new 2022 in the representative exhibition hall of the Museum of Tourism at the University of Library Science and Information Technology on January 13 opened the travelling phototype exhibition "Bulgarian Monuments Under the Protection of UNESCO", realized by the State Institute for Culture and with the expert support of The National Commission for UNESCO at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs on the occasion of celebrating in 2021 the 65th anniversary of Bulgaria's...

Contemporary Bulgarian artists present their work in a gallery in the Czech Republic

Contemporary Bulgarian artists present their work in a gallery in the Czech Republic

Bulgarian artists living and working in the Czech Republic present their works in an exhibition organized by the Bulgarian Cultural Institute. The exhibition includes works by Bistra Bakalova, Boris Brankov, Sofia Kandilarova, Sevdalina Kovarzhova Kostadinova, Valentin Popov, Lyuben Petrov, Rumen Sazdov, Selina Sazdova, Nikolay Stanev, Irena Fris Staneva, Louisa Staneva and Todor Yankov. The artists are representatives of different generations, with different ideological and aesthetic...

Роман на Георги Господинов спечели Атинската награда за литература

Роман на Георги Господинов спечели Атинската награда за литература

 Романът на Георги Господинов „Естествен роман“(1999), спечели Атинската награда за литература за 2021 година. Кандидати за наградата, учредена от гръцкото литературно списание „(де)ката“ за произведение на чуждестранната литература, бяха известни автори като Бернардин Еваристо (Booker 2019), Йоко Огава, Петер Хандке (нобелов лауреат за 2019), Джулиън Барнс, Сара Меса и Мануел Вилас.   Георги Господинов е първият български автор удостоен с Athens Prize for...

Списък на допуснатите и недопуснатите кандидати


    Списък на допуснатите и недопуснатите кандидати     до писмената част в конкурс за назначаване на държавен служител на свободна длъжност „Главен експерт“ – една щатна бройка, отдел „Културни програми и международно културно сътрудничество“, Държавен културен институт I. Въз основа на преценката, отразена в протокол, съгласно чл. 20, ал. 5 от Наредбата за провеждане на конкурсите и подбора при мобилност на държавни служители,...

Високото многогласно пеене от Долен и Сатовча бе вписано в Представителния списък на нематериалното културно наследство на човечеството

Високото многогласно пеене от Долен и Сатовча бе вписано в Представителния списък на нематериалното културно наследство на човечеството

В рамките на 16-та си сесия, която се провежда във виртуален формат от 13 до 18 декември, Междуправителственият комитет за опазване на нематериалното културно наследство на ЮНЕСКО взе решение за вписване на Високото многогласно пеене от селата Долен и Сатовча (Югозападна България) в Представителния списък на нематериалното културно наследство на човечеството. Включването на тази уникална, многогласна, певческа традиция в световната съкровищница е ярко доказателсто не само за нейното значение...



В навечерието на предстоящите Коледни и новогодишни празници  в представителната изложбена зала "Иван Милев" на 14 декември 2021 г. се откри пътуващата фототипна експозиция „Българските паметници под закрилата на ЮНЕСКО“. Събитието събра заинтересована публика в града на тракийските царе и бе уважено от представители на местната власт, Министерството на външните работи, творчески и образователни организации в града.Директорът на Художествената галерия в Казанлък д-р Пламен...