The Third National Competition "Poster - Kostadin Otonov" 2020 Gathered Finalists and Guests at the Mission Gallery

The Third National Competition "Poster - Kostadin Otonov" 2020 Gathered Finalists and Guests at the Mission Gallery

An exhibition with selected posters from the third national competition "Poster - Kostadin Otonov" 2020 was opened at the Mission Gallery. The exposition presents the first ten nominated posters from the official jury, which interpret and cover important topics on the occasion of the anniversaries - 65 years of Bulgaria - Member of the United Nations and 75 years since the founding of the United Nations.This year's third edition of the competition is under the patronage of the Ministry of...

State Institute for Culture Launches the Online Initiative "A Peek into the Missions"

State Institute for Culture Launches the Online Initiative "A Peek into the Missions"

The State Institute for Culture has developed a new online initiative #A PEEK INTO THE MISSIONS, which aims to present to the general public the main landmarks and works of art found in Bulgarian missions around the world, which are part of the Art Fund of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. With the motto #A PEEK INTO THE MISSIONS, the missions will be presented individually, with a selection of works of art, "a story" about them, photos of the architecture of the building, interior: stained...

The cultural program of the German Presidency of the Council of the EU started with an innovative project

The cultural program of the German Presidency of the Council of the EU started with an innovative project

Olafur Eliasson's collective work of art "Earth Speakr" will gather ideas from young Europeans and offer solutionsOn the occasion of the German Presidency of the Council of the EU, Germany will conduct a new form of cultural program that will allow it to cover the entire EU. The core of the cultural program is the interactive work of art - "Earth Speakr" by one of the most popular contemporary artists Olafur Eliasson. Conceived as a co-production with children and young people from all over...

The Online Initiative #STAYHOME with Art on the Creatives Unite Platform

 The Online Initiative #STAYHOME with Art on the Creatives Unite Platform

The online initiative #stayhome with art of the State Institute for Culture, which started in mid-March in order to promote masterpieces from the Art Fund of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, is covered on the international platform Creatives Unite for initiatives in the cultural and creative sectors.The platform offers a common space for anyone looking for information on initiatives in the cultural and creative sectors. It provides access to many existing resources and to numerous networks and...

Bulgaria Congratulates Germany on EU Council Presidency with "Bulgarian Letters" Installation

Bulgaria Congratulates Germany on EU Council Presidency with "Bulgarian Letters" Installation

From today "Bulgarian letters" will welcome over the summer the residents and guests of Berlin in one of the busiest places on the banks of the River Spree, near the Berlin Cathedral and the Museums Island.The art installation is the Bulgarian greeting to the German Presidency of the EU Council, which begins on July 1. The project was implemented on the initiative of the Bulgarian embassy in Berlin and the Bulgarian Cultural Institute in the German capital with the support of the Ministry of...

A Short Story Collection of Works of Contemporary Bulgarian Writers was Published in Persian Language

A Short Story Collection of Works of Contemporary Bulgarian Writers was Published in Persian Language

            On 13 June 2020 a short story collection with the title “After the Communism”, consisting of works of contemporary Bulgarian writers, was published in Persian language. The short stories in it were compiled and translated by Farid Ghadami, who took part in a one-month residency programme for translation of “Next Page” Foundation in 2019.       The collection consists of translations...

15 years State Institute for Culture

15 years State Institute for Culture

On June 6, 2005 the Council of Ministers adopted a Decree on the establishment of the State Cultural Institute under the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Bulgaria. Only a few days earlier, the Sculpture Park was officially opened in the yard of the Ministry. The main task of the Institute is the development and preservation of the collection of works of art, which the diplomatic service has concerved for decades. In achieving this mission, the Institute soon realized the...

Results of the photographic competition

Results of the photographic competition

On February 25, 2020, on the occasion of the fifteenth anniversary of the establishment of the State Institute for Culture under the Minister of Foreign Affairs, a photography competition was announced on the topic "Directions". The aim of the initiative was to select and display unique images taken by photography enthusiasts, without age or professional limitations, which directly or indirectly reflect the themes of globalization, identity, intercultural dialogue and tolerance between...

Bulgaria Celebrates the National Day of Culture and Slavic Script

Bulgaria Celebrates the National Day of Culture and Slavic Script

The State Institute for Culture sends warm wishes to the Minister of Foreign Affairs on the occasion of May 24 - Day of Bulgarian education and culture and of the Slavic script! We are pleased to present you specially created by the team of the Institute videos to celebrate the bright holiday. Follow the links below: "The revived letters"   "The Messages of Cyrillic"  Happy holiday!    

The Exhibition "Diplomacy and Art" at the City Art Gallery "Vladimir Dimitrov - The Master" - Kyustendil until the End of September

The Exhibition "Diplomacy and Art" at the City Art Gallery "Vladimir Dimitrov - The Master" - Kyustendil until the End of September

The representative exhibition of masterpieces from the Art Collection of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs opened on May 21st at the City Art Gallery "Vladimir Dimitrov - The Master" - Kyustendil, after its great success in Sofia, Ruse, Veliko Tarnovo and Blagoevgrad. It was prepared on the occasion of 140 years since the establishment of the Bulgarian diplomatic service to show the inseparable link between diplomacy and art over the years. The exhibition includes selected works by Bulgarian...

Изложба по случай 24 май - Ден на българската просвета и култура и на славянската писменост в залата на общинския парламент на столицата Подгорица

Изложба по случай 24 май - Ден на българската просвета и култура и на славянската писменост в залата на общинския парламент на столицата Подгорица

 По случай 24 май - Ден на българската просвета и култура и на славянската писменост в залата на общинския парламент на столицата Подгорица, Посолството на Република България в Черна гора организира представянето на изложбата „Книги, посоки, публики“ на Националната библиотеката "Св. св. Кирил и Методий". Изложбата представя пред различни колекциите от ръкописи, старопечатни книги, документи от  епохата на Българското възраждане и арабографична литература от фондовете на...

"The Letters of Bulgaria - Alphabet of Europe", presented in Seoul

"The Letters of Bulgaria - Alphabet of Europe", presented in Seoul

From May 20 to June 13 in the gallery of the Korean Foundation in Seoul can be seen a poster exhibition of the International Triennial of the stage poster "Letters of Bulgaria - Alphabet of Europe", which features prominent artists from different countries and continents. Each artist is the author of one poster - a letter determined by lot during the international jury of the fifth triennial in October 2007 in Sofia, and like every 30 posters, as many as the letters of the Bulgarian alphabet,...

Държавният културен институт се присъединява към инициативата

Държавният културен институт се присъединява към инициативата

Европейските културни институти и посолства в България, които са част от Европейското сдружение на националните културни институти (EUNIC Global - European Union National Institutes for Culture) ни припомнят кое е това, което ни свързва независимо разнообразните ни произход, религия или култура. С инициативата #CultureConnectsEurope / #КултуратаСвързваЕвропа всички ще заявят отношението си към Европа – една отговорност, звучаща все по-актуално във времена на надигащ се популизъм,...

LIVE STREAM от Виена, посветен на Деня на Европа

LIVE STREAM от Виена,  посветен на Деня на Европа

Заедно като един 9 май / 9 изпълнители / 9 минути / 9-та симфония   За да отбележи Деня на Европа, 25 години членство на Австрия в ЕС, 70 години декларация на Роберт Шуман, 75 години от учредяването на ООН, 250 години от рождението на Бетховен, както и солидарността и привързаността на ЕС към мултилатерализма, Делегацията на ЕС в международните организации във Виена на 24 април - Международният ден на мултилатерализма – отправи покана за участие в LIVE STREAM Europe Day, на 9...

Кинофестивал в Испания по случай Деня на Европа

Кинофестивал в Испания по случай  Деня на Европа

      Денят на Европа, честван на 9 май, е посветен на мира и единството на континента. Тази година, предвид необичайните обстоятелства и отбелязването на този ден в Испания ще бъде по-необичайно – от вкъщи, но с много желание и настроение.       От 1 до 10 май 2020 г. Представителството на ЕК в Мадрид, съвместно с посолства и културни институти на ДЧ на ЕС в Испания, организира Фестивал на европейското кино по случай празника, в който...

The due date for entries in the competition is extended until May 15, 2020

The due date for entries in the competition is extended until May 15, 2020

  Due to the emergency situation in Bulgaria concerning COVID-19, the due date for entries in the competition is extended until May 15, 2020.       The photography competition Directions, organized by the State Cultural Institute to the Minister of Foreign Affairs to mark the 15th anniversary of its creation, is open to all photography enthusiasts, with no restrictions of professional experience. The competition aims to select and display unique...