Premiere of the Documentary Film “The Path of Light”


The National Program “Cultural and Historical Heritage, National Memory and Social Development", in which Sofia University" St. Kliment Ohridski" is a leading partner, and the State Institute for Culture under the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Bulgaria, within the framework of their partnership agreement, presented the new documentary “The Path of Light”. The screening took place on June 25, 2021 in the literary club "Peroto" - National Palace of Culture. The film's story begins when "the saints are still walking the earth" and traces the path of the Holy Brothers Cyril and Methodius and their disciples, emphasizing the merits of Bulgaria and its Christian rulers for the survival and preservation of their work and its spread among other Slavic nations, which becomes Bulgaria's greatest contribution to European and world culture.
The event was opened by Prof. Ph.D. Anna-Maria Totomanova, coordinator of the National Program and producer of the film. She shared that the idea for the film was born from the feeling that Bulgarian society is less and less aware of the extent to which the decisions of our rulers of the IX - X century have predetermined not only the fate of Bulgaria but also the fate of Eastern and Southern Europe, which join the Christian civilization through the liturgical language and script created in Bulgaria. The film premiere was honored by the Vice-Rector of Sofia University Assoc. Prof. Dr. Georgi Valchev, Prof. Lucia Antonova, Director of the Institute of Bulgarian Language "Prof. L. Andreychin ”- BAS, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nina Gagova, Prof. Dr. Alexander Kyosev, Director of NGDEK “St. Constantine Cyril the Philosopher” Mrs. Marieta Papazova, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Kiril Kirilov, Assoc. Prof. Yavor Miltenov and many others.
In her greeting to the guests, Ms. Snezhana Yoveva, Director of the State Institute for Culture, assured that the film and the new research books published under the National Science Program will be promoted through the communication channels of the institute and for the needs of cultural diplomacy in the Bulgarian diplomatic representations.
"The Path of Light" is realized within the National Program "Cultural and Historical Heritage, National Memory and Social Development" (