The exhibition "Argentina and Bulgaria: 90 Years of Friendship"


On the occasion of the 90th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Bulgaria and Argentina, the Embassy of Argentina in Sofia, in cooperation with the State Cultural Institute and the America Directorate at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, are pleased to present the exhibition Argentina and Bulgaria: 90 Years of Friendship ". The exhibition recreates various moments and documents from the development of bilateral relations since their inception in 1931. In the panel of the exhibition you have the opportunity to see photos and images that testify to the events of political, economic and cultural nature, among other areas, that occurred during the nine decades of relations between the two countries. Here you will see the diplomatic documents founding the relationship, as well as photos of people from each of the two countries and their activities in the other. The images of the monuments of our greatest national heroes, Jose de San Martin and Vasil Levski, defenders of the freedom of their countries at different times and in different ways, will not escape your attention. You will also see photos revealing the friendly relations between Bulgaria and Argentina all the way to Antarctica. The exhibition also testifies to the importance of the presence of Bulgarian emigrants in Argentina before and after the establishment of diplomatic relations, which enrich Argentine culture and which still keep alive Bulgarian traditions and customs in the southern part of the American continent. This exhibition is part of our common history in the field of diplomacy, but it is also a guide for Argentina and Bulgaria to continue to build on their bilateral relations in the future.

The exhibition can be viewed from July 19 after pre-registration- 02 948 06 41.