Premiere of Prof. Kiril Topalov's book


The new book with short stories and short stories by Prof. Kiril Topalov "Sofia Stories" - "BARD" Publishing House will be presented on July 21 at 6 pm in the Peroto Literary Club.

Kiril Topalov was born in 1943 in Sofia. Professor of Literature at Sofia University "St. Kliment Ohridski", as well as at French and Greek universities. He was director of the St. Cyril and St. Methodius National Library, ambassador to Greece, the Vatican and the Order of Malta. Honorary citizen of Athens and Sofia. Member of two world Hellenistic academies, PEN, the unions of writers, translators, journalists, filmmakers. Author of many scientific studies, 3 books of short stories, 11 novels, most of them repeatedly published - "Be Blessed", "Don't be angry, Man", "Run ... I love you" (all three filmed), "Nerves" , "Room temperature", "Monkey story", "Divergence", "From here to the horizon" and others, on 20 plays, staged on Bulgarian and foreign stages - "Parable of the Philosopher", "Viva Academy", "Nerves for love" "," Game of Man and Woman "," Savior "," Monkey Story "," God High "," Doomsday "," Business "," Scarf of the Sun "and others.

The plots and characters of most of Kiril Topalov's fiction and drama reflect the life of Sofia, which is why he is defined by literary critics as one of the best Sofia city writers. This tradition continues in "Sofia Stories". She looks at the dramas of three generations of Sofians - from their grandfathers (Macedonian and Thracian refugees with their ideals, their difficult and unhappy life in the drama of four wars, three of them one after the other), through their sons (in the dramatic time after the political change in 1944), to the grandchildren and great-grandchildren in the period of the next dramatic political change after 1989. Different generations, different ideals, different values ​​in the fate of the Bulgarian capital.

The book will be presented by Prof. Mihail Nedelchev.

The event is part of the program of the State Institute for Culture under the Minister of Foreign Affairs "Writing Diplomats", in partnership with the Peroto Literary Club and the Bulgarian Diplomatic Institute under the Minister of Foreign Affairs.