The Exhibition "The Light of Letters" is presented in Vancouver, British Colombia



The first of its kind exhibition in the province of British Colombia, which tells of the glorious history of the Bulgarian alphabet - "The Light of the Letters", successfully took place in Vancouver on the Day of Independence of the Republic of Bulgaria - September 22. The exhibition was organized by the Consulate General of the Republic of Bulgaria in Toronto with the assistance of the Embassy and the Bulgarian-Canadian Society in British Colombia.

13 works dedicated to the Bulgarian alphabet were on display in Vancouver on the occasion of the 1150th anniversary of the Great Moravian mission of the Holy Brothers Cyril and Methodius.

The exhibition "The Light of the Letters" was created at the initiative of the State Institute for Culture of the Bulgarian Ministry of Foreign Affairs on the occasion of the anniversary of Slavic writing. The collection was collected by the member of the Bulgarian Academy of Science Member Prof. Axinia Dzhurova and Assoc.

The exhibition is from 2013-the year, which was announced by UNESCO as the year of Cyril and Methodius and the creation of the Slavic script.

The Consulate General presents the exhibition for the fourth consecutive time in Canada. She has been in the provinces so far - Ontario and Alberta, but for the first time she has been exposed to visitors to British Colombia. The exhibition will remain in the countryside until the end of the month.

During the official event, which opened the exhibition, the Consul General Mrs. Velislava Panova used the opportunity to award the special award to celebrate the 20th anniversary of the establishment of the Bulgarian-Canadian company. The special award was initiated by Ambassador Svetlana Stoycheva - Etropolski in 2021, but because of the pandemic of Covid failed to organize a proper ceremony.

"On behalf of the whole team of the Consulate General, the Embassy and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, we thank everyone who, with their time, dedication, energy and effort, and most of all, have participated and will continue to participate in all the events which are organized by and for Bulgaria. You make Bulgaria visible for Canada and we thank you," Mrs. Panova said during the ceremony and read a special greeting on behalf of Minister Nikolay Milkov.

For their part, the company had prepared surprises for all Bulgarian citizens with an exhibition of Bulgarian costumes and participation in the fun program of several Bulgarian folklore formations as well as children's performances with songs and poems.

The event at the invitation of the Consulate General was attended by several representatives of the municipality in Vancouver, representatives of many organizations with whom the company has worked over the years, as well as the Honorary Consul of our country in British Colombia, Mr. Ron Suh.

Bulgarian citizens thanked for the organization of the event and for the increasing attention, which the Bulgarian state pays them with various initiatives and regular organization of consular days.