Българо-американски проект в областта на балетното изкуство


На 18-ти януари 2011 г в залата на Генералното консулство се състоя второто представяне в САЩ на Ballet Across the World – Balanchine & Farrell – American Ballet for Bulgaria. Проектът за сътрудничество и обмен между Suzanne Farrell Ballet и Националния балет на България за сезона 2011-2012 г. е на Cultural Bridges Association, по идея на българския хореограф, балетист и солист на Suzanne Farrell Ballet във Вашингтон Момчил Младенов.Инициативата включва поставянето на няколко...

Министър Николай Младенов ще открие изложба в Дания


В рамките на своето работно посещение министърът на външните работи  Николай Младенов и министърът на вътрешните работи на Дания Бертел Хордер ще открият изложбата „Силата на гражданското общество: Съдбата на евреите в България” на 22 февруари 2011 г. в Музея на датската съпротива към Националния музей на Дания. Очаква се събитието да привлече вниманието на датската общественост, на лидерите на еврейската общност в Дания, както и на представители на българската диаспора....

Посолството в Лондон в сътрудничество с Ричмъндския американски университет


На 11 февруари 2011 г. студенти от магистърската програма по Международни отношения към Ричмъндския американски университет посетиха българското посолство в Лондон като част от установеното партньорство между университета и дипломатическото представителство. Студентите имаха възможност да се запознаят със структурата на посолството и организацията на работния ден на дипломатите, както и със спецификите на българската дипломатическа служба като цяло. Те посетиха служба „Консулски...

Фото изложбата “Покривите на София” в Орхус, Дания


На 8 февруари 2010 г. в централното фоайето на Кметството на Орхус бе открита фото изложбата „Покривите на София”. Проектът бе реализиран от Българското посолство в Копенхаген със съдействието на Държавния културен институт, Кметството на най-стария и втори по-големина град в Дания - Орхус и Датско-българското културно дружество в същия град. Представени бяха 17 фото пана, отразяващи Националната галерия за чуждестранно изкуство, Ротондата „Св. Георги“, детайл от...

First Night Performance of a Bulgarian Play in Moldova


On 06.02.2011, in the town of Tarakliya – Moldova, the theatre of the Bulgarian Bessarabians - Smeshen Petak (Comical Friday) showed a performance, based on the Bulgarian writer Georgi Balabanov’s drama “Belite Galabi” (The White Doves). Guests to the first night performance from Bulgaria were the author of the play and Zhelyazko Kondev – Editor-in-Chief of the literature and art magazine Zhazhda (Thirst).Nikola Draganov – Second Secretary at the Bulgarian...

Round Table in London on the Subject of: Bulgaria and Europe. Shifting Identities.


On 2 February 2011, the School of Slavonic and East European Studies with the University College – London hosted a Round Table on the occasion of the publicising of the book “Bulgaria and Europe. Shifting Identities”. The event was carried out jointly with the Embassy of Republic of Bulgaria to London, the Centre for Slavonic and East European Studies with the University College – London and the Centre for the Study of the Balkans with Goldsmiths College.The round Table...

Exhibition of Bulgarian Artists in Hungary


On 28 January 2011, in the Hungarian town of Kecskemét, under the aegis of the Bulgarian minority local self-government, an exhibition was opened of the Bulgarian artists, living and creating their works in Hungary.More than 30 works of art were exhibited – canvases, textiles, sculptures and metal plastics of famous and well-acknowledged artists in the country.Guests at the event were representatives of the public and the intellectual elite in the town – the Deputy State...

The Sboryanovo Exhibition – Nature, Monuments, Gods and People – in Tokyo


On 14 January 2011, in the Ancient Orient Museum in Tokyo, the Ambassador of the Republic of Bulgaria – Mr. Lyubomir Todorov opened the exhibition Sboryanovo – Nature, Monuments, Gods and People.The exposition is part of the Travelling Exhibitions Programme of the State Institute for Culture and comprises 21 photo-panels, depicting the architectural protected area of Sboryanovo.The opening was attended by the Director of the Ancient Orient Museum – Mr. Ichiro Nakata, the...

Ballet Art Exchange Project between Bulgaria and the USA


On 13 January 2011, the Bulgarian Ambassador to the USA Elena Poptodorova hosted the first of series of such presentations in the USA – of the Ballet across the World – Balanchine & Farrell – American Ballet for Bulgaria. The project for cooperation and exchange among Suzanne Farrell Ballet, the choreographers Momchil Mladenov and Kathryn Posin and the Bulgarian National Ballet for the 2011-2012 season is that of the Cultural Bridges Association, on the initiative of the...

An exhibition by Yanko Bonev and Pavel Mitkov at the Bulgarian Embassy in London


On 11 January 2011, the Amalgam Exhibition opened in the Sophia Art Gallery at the Embassy of the Republic of Bulgaria in London. The exhibition includes works by sculptor Yanko Bonev and artist Pavel Mitkov. Yanko Bonev is widely known for his works in the area of monumental plastic art. Bronze is the artist’s preferred material. Yanko Bonev has participated in a number of national exhibitions, and his works projects have been exhibited in various towns in Bulgaria. Besides, his name...

Exhibition “Border Situation: Drawing in Contemporary Art” in the Bulgarian Cultural Institute in Prague


On 10 January 2011, an exhibition entitled “Border Situation: Drawing in Contemporary Art” opened in the Bulgarian Cultural Centre in Prague. The exhibition will be open to the public until 10 February 2011. The opening was attended by one of the authors and curator of the exhibition Lyuben Petrov, and Yovo Panchev, expert at the State Institute for Culture. “Border Situation: Drawing in Contemporary Art” presents twenty contemporary Bulgarian authors with more than 50...

Exposition on the Occasion of Commencement of the Hungarian Presidency of EU


 The exposition is a collection of richly illustrated posters, aiming at displaying in synthesised way all there is worth knowing about Hungary and the Hungarians of today. Each part of the sequence of exhibits represents a significant aspect of the image of this Central-European country – culture, history and natural recourses. The essential information and the chronology of the changing history of Hungary are provided. The photographs relate to the natural resources –...

Christmas Concert


The State Institute for Culture marked the coming Christmas holidays with a Christmas concert at the Mission Gallery, jointly with chitalishte “St. George the Victory-Bearer 1999”. The “Bissera” group was established in 2000, with conductor Milena Spasova. Nowadays the group performs folk songs from different parts of Bulgaria and church music. In 2004, the group recorded its first CD named “Pearls in the Grass”; it was followed by a second single in 2006...

The State Institute for Culture marks the 115th anniversary of the Nobel Prize Awards with a photo exhibition at the Mission Gallery


An exhibition dedicated to the 115th anniversary of the Nobel Prize Awards was opened at the Mission Gallery. The event was presented by Ms Lyudmila Dimitrova, Director of the Institute, and H.E. Mrs Tove Skarstein, Norwegian Ambassador in Sofia, in the presence of ambassadors, representatives of the diplomatic corps, friends of the Kingdom of Norway, authors and guests. The photographs in the exhibition were taken by the young photographer Vladimir Donkov in the framework of the...

Bulgarian Ethnographic Collection Presented in Lithuania


Dec 2nd 2010, at the Antanas Zhmuidzinavichus Museum a.k.a the Devil Museum, branch of the National Art Museum “M. K. Čiurlionis” in Kaunas, Lithuania, was the opening day and venue of exhibition “Bulgarian Masquerade Games and Masks”. The exposition of the collection representing Bulgarian ethnographic regions has been organized by the Institute of Ethnology and Folklore Research and Museum of Ethnography at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, and the Museum of History...

Bulgarian Festival “As sam bulgarche” in Madrid


Nov 21st 2010, Madrid – the second Festival of Bulgarians Abroad took place under the title “Az sam bulgarche”. Initiated and organized by Deana Ivanova, Head of the Association of Bulgarians T.A.N.G.R.A, together with the Bulgarian Embassy, ABA, the Madrid Townhall and weekly “New word”. The event celebrated November 1st, Bulgarian Enlighteners' Day.Ambassador Ivan Hristov welcomed the delegates of the Festival on behalf of Minister Bozhidar Dimitrov. The speech...