Bulgaria recovers illegally exported antiquities


 Following nearly two years of joint efforts, Bulgaria recovered the antiquities, which were illegally taken out of the country and seized by the Canadian authorities in 2008. The two packages, which were intended for import into Canada, contained approximately 276 archaeological artefacts, comprising 261 coins, earrings, medallions, brooches, knives, ornaments, two human figurines, and other small objects. The objects were examined by two experts, one from the Museum of Fine Arts in...

Minister Nickolay Mladenov opened the Glagolitsa Exhibition on the National Enlighteners’ Day


On the National Enlighteners’ Day, on which we honour the spiritual leaders of the Bulgarian nation and their deed in the pursuit of an independent Bulgarian State, for preserving the spirit and establishing the basis of the nation and of the State, Minister Nickolay Mladenov opened the Glagolitsa Exhibition. Minister Mladenov recalled that the National Enlighteners’ Day was celebrated for the first time in 1922 as a sign of remembrance of the individuals who had promoted the...

Young artists from Belarus in Balchik


Every year, about 40 000 citizens of Belarus come to Bulgaria on holiday. One of the initiatives they organise is a children’s plein air. This year, the little artists have gathered in Balchik. Their pictures speak of their love and admiration for everything they have encountered or observed in the Black Sea town or its landmarks. Every year, the Bulgarian Embassy in Minsk facilitates the visa regime for tourists from Belarus. Their initiatives, which aim to popularise Bulgarian...

Minister Nickolay Mladenov opened the Glagolitsa Exhibition on the National Enlighteners’ Day


On the National Enlighteners’ Day, on which we honour the spiritual leaders of the Bulgarian nation and their deed in the pursuit of an independent Bulgarian State, for preserving the spirit and establishing the basis of the nation and of the State, Minister Nickolay Mladenov opened the Glagolitsa Exhibition. Minister Mladenov recalled that the National Enlighteners’ Day was celebrated for the first time in 1922 as a sign of remembrance of the individuals who had promoted the...

Exhibition of Dogu Bankov at the National Art Museum in Kaunas, Lithuania


On 22 October 2010, an exhibition of the Bulgarian artist Dogu Bankov (1884-1970) was open in the Mykolas Žilinskas Art Gallery, which is a branch of the M. K. Ciurlionis National Art Museum in Kaunas, Lithuania. The exhibition was organised by the M. K. Ciurlionis National Art Museum through the Norwegian independent gallery Foundation 3.14 and its curator, Goran Ohldieck. The exhibition includes 152 works by Dogu Bankov. The M. K. Ciurlionis National Art Museum contains the largest permanent...

“The Power of Civil Society” Exhibition in Letterkenny, Ireland


  On 14 October 2010, the Donegal County Museum situated in the town of Letterkenny, north-western Ireland, hosted the exhibition “The Power of Civil Society: the Fate of Jews in Bulgaria during the Holocaust” organised by the State Institute for Culture. The exhibition, which has been travelling for several months now, has been successively represented by the Holocaust Educational Trust of Ireland (HETI). The opening of the exhibition in the Donegal County Museum in...

The Exhibition


“Ten Years” is an exhibition of Studio d’arte Cannaviello that will open on 25 October at 18:00 hr. at The Mission Gallery of the Institute for Culture with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The exhibition, which includes selected works by young Italian artists, will be open until November 22nd. The State Institute for Culture is hosting a foreign art collection entitled “The Ten” for the first time. The exhibition is a project of Studio d’arte Cannaviello,...


Изложбата "Ези & тура" на българския художник Пламен Деянов е представена във виенския Музей на приложното изкуство М.А.К. В рамките на проекта "Творци на фокус" до 27 февруари ще бъдат показани най-новите творби на Пламен Деянов. В центъра на изложбата е "Бронозовата къща", проект за обществено пространство, който се показва за първи път пред публика. Деянов използва средствата както на изкуството, така и на архитектурата. В МАК са изложени скици, модели...

“The Eternal Lessons of Ikko Tanaka and Shigeo Fukuda (Japan)” at the Mission Gallery


From 12.10.2010 to 20.10.2010, connoisseurs and fans will be able to view works by two of the founders of the Japanese school of graphic design, Ikko Tanaka (1930-2002) and Shigeo Fukuda (1932-2009). Their works are exhibited with the kind assistance of the Golden Fund of the International Triennial of Stage Poster.

Bulgarian films at the “Manaki Brothers” International Film Festival in Bitola


 The Thirty-First International Cinematographers’ Film Festival (ICFF) “Manaki Brothers” opens on Saturday, 16 October 2010, in Bitola, Republic of Macedonia, with the film Mothers. The film is a joint production of the Republic of Macedonia, France, and the Republic of Bulgaria, director Milcho Manchevski. Contemporary Bulgarian cinema will be featured on 18, 19 and 20 October when the films “Forecast”, “Letter from America” and “The World...

Kovacheva and Stefanoff with a new video art at the Museum of Contemporary Art (МОCA) in Taipei


Valentin Stefanoff and Nina Kovacheva present their work “The World is too much With Us” at the Museum of Contemporary Art (MOCA) in Taipei. Other participants in the Floating Cities video art exhibition include I-Chung Chen with “City/ TV Wall”, Shanglin Wu with “Portrait of Cities – Tokyo Project, Transitions / TV Wall”, Robert Seidel, Max Hattler, Daniel Burkhardt with "Impression / Windows of Public Art”. The exhibition continues until...


Чешкият културен център съвместно с Държавният културен институт и Арт център "Алтера" има удоволствието да представи уникалната изложба “Стъклото в чешкото изкуство”. Изложбата ще се представи от 14 октомври до 12 ноември, а откриването ще се състои на 14.10 (четвъртък) от 18.30 ч. в Арт център “Алтера” (в сградата на Интерпред, бул. “Драган Цанков” 36). Изложбата се осъществява с професионалната подкрепа на Музея за приложни изкуства в Прага...

The novel “L’Homme Surveillé” by Veselin Branev is nominated for the 2010 European Book Award


The novel “L’Homme Surveillé” by Veselin Branev is one of the eight novels nominated for the 2010 European Book Award. In the essays category, we see the name of Tzvetan Todorov among the seven authors nominated by the jury. Authors from all EU Member States participate in the competition. Eight novels were finally selected from 52 novels by authors from 23 countries. The other seven nominations are Ursula Prokop (Austria), Paul Verhaeghen (Belgium), Sofi Oksanen...

изложбата SHORTLIST / 2010 за наградата „Гауденц Б. Руф” за ново българско изкуство ще бъде раздадена за четвърта поредна година


Днес, 4 октовмри от 18 часа в галерия "Райко Алексиев" е откриването на изложбата на финалистите от конкурса за наградата за съвременно изкуство "Гауденц Б. Руф". Учредена в 2007 г. от г-н Гауденц Б. Руф, бивш посланик на Швейцария в София, си поставя за цел да подкрепя художествените изяви в областта на визуалните изкуства. Финансира се от швейцарски фонд. Всяка година, след провеждането на конкурс, двама художници от категориите „Млади творци” и...



ШЕСТОТО МЕЖДУНАРОДНО ТРИЕНАЛЕ НА СЦЕНИЧНИЯ ПЛАКАТ – СОФИЯ 2010 се провежда под патронажа на кмета на София – г-жа Йорданка Фандъкова в периода 11 октомври – 05 ноември 2010; СОФИЯ, ГАЛЕРИЯ СБХ, „ШИПКА”6 Организатор е сдружение „МЕЖДУНАРОДНО ТРИЕНАЛЕ НА СЦЕНИЧНИЯ ПЛАКАТ” в партньорство с Столична община, Съюза на българските художници, Държавния културен институт към МВнР, Полски институт, Френски институт, Институт “Сервантес” СОФИЯ -...

The Exhibition


The Bulgarian Institute for Culture (Paris) participates in the Annual Week of Foreign Cultures and Foreign Culture Institutes with the exhibition of the Institute for Culture with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs entitled “Sboryanovo: Nature and Monuments, Gods and People”. The events forming part of this year’s Week edition are united by the common theme of the cultural and historic heritage. In the presence of a large number of guests, Bulgaria’s ambassador to France,...