Exhibition “The Power of Civil Society: the Fate of Jews in Bulgaria” opens in New York


In the framework of the United Nations General Assembly 65th session, on 21 September the Prime Minister of Bulgaria Boyko Borissov opened in the hall of the Consulate General of Bulgaria in New York the exhibition “The Power of Civil Society: the Fate of Jews in Bulgaria during the Holocaust”, prepared by the State Institute for Culture jointly with the Centre for Jewish Studies at the University of Sofia “St. Kliment Ohridski”.   In his speech, the Prime...

Биеналето в Антакия 2010 -


От 15 октомври до 20 ноември в Антакия, Турция ще се проведе второто международно биенале за съвременно изкуство. Тази година то е организирано около фразата "Благодаря Ви за разбирането" - Thank You for Your Understanding", взаимствано от заглавието на едно от произведенията в биеналенто с автор Симон Кентгенс. Куратори на мащабното културно събитие в древната Антиохия са Арзу Йайънташ и Десислава Димова, а сред четеридисетте участници са Даниела Костова, Иван Мудов, Лъчезар...

Bulgarian artists exhibit their works in Beijing


On 20 September 2010, the Fourth Beijing International Art Biennial, China 2010 was opened in the Arts Museum. The biennial was organised by the China Federation of Literary and Art Circles, the Beijing Municipality and Chinese Artists Association, with the support of the Ministry of Culture of China. The theme of the biennial was “Environment Concern and Human Existence”, and it attracted more than 500 works of art by authors from 85 countries. On the invitation of the Organising...

The Gotse Delchev Ensemble tours Bitola, Struga and Tirana


On 22 September 2010, Bulgaria’s Independence Day, the Gotse Delchev ensemble from Sofia delivered a concert in the Magnolia central square of Bitola. The ensemble presented to the audience in Bitola samples from the musical treasure of different Bulgarian folk regions. Bulgaria’s Consul General in Bitola, eminent representatives of the Bitola cultural society, Bulgarian citizens and friends of Bulgaria were present at the concert. The event was organised by the Association for...

In Memoriam


Отиде си големият български художник Иван Кирков.През 1955г. Кирков завършва живопис при проф. Илия Петров и Кирил Цонев. Веднага след дебюта си пред публика, на Младежката изложба от 1961г. името му става синоним на оригинално търсене и неконформизъм. С експериментите си в различни жанрове – живопис, плакат,илюстрация, театрална и филмова сценография, стенопис и др. Кирков разгръща търсенията си във внушителен мащаб. Иван Кирков е професор в Националната художествена академия, носител е...

Minister Mladenov opened an exhibition devoted to the events of 11 September 2001 in New York


The Minister of foreign affairs Nikolay Mladenov and the US Ambassador to Bulgaria – James Warlick opened an exhibition in Sofia “Nothing is Impossible”, photographs by Alberto Staykov, at the “Mission” Gallery at the State Institute for Culture.In his speech Minister Mladenov made a parallel between the events of 10 November 1989 in Bulgaria and 11 September 2001 in New York. While on 10 November 1989 we have realized that the world is different and free, on...



ДЪРЖАВЕН КУЛТУРЕН ИНСТИТУТ Има удоволствието да Ви покани на откриване на изложба фотографии „Няма нищо невъзможно” на Алберто Стайков на 9 септември от 18.00 часа Изложбата ще бъде открита от министъра на външните работи г-н Николай Младенов и американския посланик в София Н. пр. Джеймс Уорлик. Посвещава се на всички жертви на атаката от 11 септември 2001 г в Ню Йорк, на техните близки и приятели, оставащи завинаги с болката от ужасната загуба, на всички хора по света, за...

World Capital of Stage Poster


The partners of the State Institute for Culture with the Minister of Foreign Affairs, the International Triennial of Stage Poster and METROPOLIS subscribed to the “Sofia Breathes” idea, which was put forward by Deputy Mayor Hristo Angelichin, by installing the biggest stage poster installed in Sofia ever, and dedicated to a cultural event. Yesterday, the enormous signboard bearing the motto “Sofia: World Capital of Stage Poster” was mounted in the beginning of Shishman Street (on the...

“Border Situation” Exhibition at Apolonia 2010


After the presentation in Sofia the exhibition “Border Situation: the Drawing in Contemporary Art” in which were included works of about 40 Bulgarian artists, the State Cultural Institute at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs which initiated the project, made a special selection that will be displayed in other Bulgarian cities and abroad. The first appearance of the mobile version has been presented at Apolonia 2010 at the city gallery in Sozopol. The exposition was opened on August...

Tommy Barr gave his painting as a present to the Bulgarian Embassy in Dublin


On the occasion of the 20th anniversary of diplomatic relations between Bulgaria and Ireland, the Irish artist Tommy Barr gave his painting as a present to the Bulgarian Embassy in Dublin titled “THE BIRTH OF А LANGUAGE “. Similar painting of the same cycle was given as a present by the artist to the Irish Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The paintings are included in the presented in May this year exhibition in Dublin „Thracian and Celtic Symbols”.    The...

„BIT FEST 2010“ – Bitola


Within the framework of the summer festival„BIT FEST 2010“ – Bitola Bulgaria presented an extensive program of cultural events. The official opening of the festival was with the participation of Teodosi Spasov in a joint concert with the famous Macedonian soloists Vladko Stefanovski and Gordana Josifova-Nedelkovska. The festival program included three more concerts – opera concert of the duo Daniela Dimova – Janet Benun-Nikolaeva, ethno-jazz of “Valeri...

Bulgarian selection at the AKTO_5 Festival in Bitola


From 11 to 15 August 2010, the fifth edition of the international festival for contemporary arts AKT0_5 took place in Bitola, Macedonia. This year’s participation was reduced to a narrow selection from countries of former Yugoslavia; Bulgaria’s selection also found its place there. Our traditional partnership with the festival was successful this year, too. The selection of the State Institute for Culture included part of the programme “Borderline Situation: The Drawing in...

The Bulgarian Film “The Prince and the Pauper” presented in India


From 12 June to 31 July 2010 in the Indian state West Bengal the 10th international children’s film festival was held, organized by the film association Cine Central Calcutta, the Film Center of West Bengal, and UNICEF. Bulgaria participates in the festival with the feature film “The Prince and the Pauper” of the director Mariana Evstatieva-Biolcheva, which has been shown in three film halls in Calcutta and in four more cities of West Bengal. The film managed to arouse the...



На 31 юли след кратко боледуване  на 95-годишна възраст почина в дома си в Рим г-жа Франка Христоф, съпруга на световноизвестния български оперен певец Борис Христов. Съпругата на знаменития бас е неотлъчно до него в продължение на 44 години до смъртта му през 1993 година. След кончината му, основната грижа за опазване и разпространение на приноса му към световната култура остава в нейните ръце. През 1977 г. Франка и Борис Христов даряват на България вилата си в Рим, основавайки в нея...

The day of the diplomat was marked by two exhibitions


Pictures from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Fund Exhibition – in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs building /in the cinema foyer/ The pictures from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Fund exhibition challenges the specialists to look at the Ministry’s Fund as an unique reflection of the respective period of time, the aesthetical criteria of generations of diplomats, the freedom in the means of expression and the sophistication in preserving the artist’s dignity in some very much...

Alliance of Civilisations (AoC) Summer Course 15-27 August 2010 in Aveiro, Portugal


An AoC Summer Course will open in the framework of the Third Annual Forum of the United Nations Alliance of Civilisations (AoC). The summer course will be organised by the AoC Secretariat in partnership with the University of Aveiro, the North-South Centre of the Council of Europe, the EC Representation to Portugal, the Community of Lusophone (Portuguese Language) Countries (CPLP), the Research Centre for Islamic History, Art and Culture (IRCICA), and the Arab League Educational, Cultural and...