Days of Bulgarian Cinema in Tunisia

Days of Bulgarian Cinema in Tunisia

In the period October 21-23, Days of Bulgarian Cinema will be held in Tunis. The project was implemented at the initiative of the Embassy of the Republic of Bulgaria in Tunisia in cooperation with the State Institute for Culture of the Minister of Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of Culture of Tunisia and the Tunisian Cinema Center. The event is hosted by the Palace of Culture in Tunis. Within three days, 3 documentaries and 3 contemporary Bulgarian films will be presented. The panorama of...

Bulgarian films in the first edition of the Festival of European Cinema and Democratic Values - FESCIVAL, Segovia

Bulgarian films in the first edition of the Festival of European Cinema and Democratic Values - FESCIVAL, Segovia

  The Bulgarian Embassy in Madrid will participate in the 1st Festival of European Cinema and Democratic Values ​​- FESCIVAL, which will be held from October 19 to 23 in the city of Segovia. The festival is organized by EUNIC-Madrid (a network of the cultural institutes of the EU Member States), the Bulgarian Embassy in Madrid and the "Valsaín" Foundation, and is aimed at promoting European values. The diverse film program includes two of the most successful Bulgarian...

Presentation of the Exhibition "Hidden Letters: Alphabets of Bulgaria and Korea - Cyrillic and Hangul"

Presentation of the Exhibition "Hidden Letters: Alphabets of Bulgaria and Korea - Cyrillic and Hangul"

  In the period September 28 - November 18, 2022, the Embassy in Seoul, the Korea Foundation and the Center for Bulgarian Studies at Hankuk University will present the exhibition "Hidden Letters: The Alphabets of Bulgaria and Korea - Cyrillic and Hangul" in the gallery of the Korea Foundation in Seoul. The exhibition presents the "Hidden Letters" project of the "Read Sofia" Foundation through 6 of the original benches in the shape of the unique letters of the Cyrillic alphabet - Д, Б,...

Exhibition Dedicated to 800 Years of the Founding of the Rock Monastery "St. Archangel Michael" Near S. Ivanovo - Monument in the List of UNESCO

Exhibition Dedicated to 800 Years of the Founding of the Rock Monastery "St. Archangel Michael" Near S. Ivanovo - Monument in the List of UNESCO

At the foyer of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Bulgaria on the occasion of initiatives marking the month of Bulgarian Enlighters will be presented the exhibition "800 years since the foundation of the rock monastery "St. Archangel Michael" near the village of Ivanovo", which will remain there until the end of November. The poster exhibition was realized by a team of the Regional Historical Museum - Ruse, on the occasion of the holding of the international scientific...

The Exhibition

The Exhibition

  The poster exhibition "Miracle Icons and Holy Relics of the Balkans" will be presented on October 6 in the "Ambrosiana" library in Milan by the partners of the State Institute for Culture - medievalist researchers from the Center for Slavic-Byzantine Studies "Prof. Ivan Duichev" at Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski", within the framework of scientific readings, which take place from October 6 to 9, 2022. They are dedicated to the veneration of the Mother of God in the Slavic...

The Ambassador of Spain Closed the Exhibition

The Ambassador of Spain Closed the Exhibition

On September 29 the extraordinary and plenipotentiary ambassador of the Kingdom of Spain in our country, His Excellency Alejandro Polanco closed the exhibition "The Image of Don Quixote Through the Ages. Publications from the collection of the National Library" officially prepared by the Embassy and our National Library. The exposition was exhibited in the representative space of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs for nearly two months. Deputy Minister Kostadin Kodjabashev, diplomats and guests...

Bulgarian kuker costume for the symbol of Brussels - Manneken Pis

Bulgarian kuker costume for the symbol of Brussels - Manneken Pis

On September 26, the ceremony for awarding the Bulgarian costume to the famous symbol of Brussels - Manneken Pis took place. The Bulgarian ambassador to Belgium, Plamen Bonchev, presented the specially made clothes to the local government in the town hall building in the Belgian capital. The sculpture of Mannequin Peace put on a cook costume. The first Bulgarian costume was made in 2007 on the occasion of our country joining the European Union. Among those present at the event was the designer...

The Exhibition "The Light of Letters" is presented in Vancouver, British Colombia

 The Exhibition "The Light of Letters" is presented in Vancouver, British Colombia

  The first of its kind exhibition in the province of British Colombia, which tells of the glorious history of the Bulgarian alphabet - "The Light of the Letters", successfully took place in Vancouver on the Day of Independence of the Republic of Bulgaria - September 22. The exhibition was organized by the Consulate General of the Republic of Bulgaria in Toronto with the assistance of the Embassy and the Bulgarian-Canadian Society in British Colombia. 13 works dedicated to the Bulgarian...

Days of Ivan Shishmanov in Ruse and in Vienna

Days of Ivan Shishmanov in Ruse and in Vienna

On the occasion of the 160th anniversary of the birth of Ivan Shishmanov, founder and first chairman of the Bulgarian section of the Pan-European Union and of the PEN Club, the International Society "Elias Canetti" Ruse and the Wittgenstein House Vienna are organizing a double conference in Ruse and in Vienna on the topic IVAN SHISHMANOV AND A UNITED EUROPE . "Union of Spirits and Hearts", which will involve historians, politicians, political scientists, writers and will take an...

Presentation of a selection of photos from the exhibition "Traditions" in Budapest

Presentation of a selection of photos from the exhibition "Traditions" in Budapest

On September 26, 2022, a selection of photos from the thematic exhibition "Traditions" were hung on the fence of the Embassy of the Republic of Bulgaria in Budapest, which is located on the capital's emblematic Andrassy Boulevard. The pedestrian route in front of the embassy building is included in the UNESCO World Heritage List and is among the must-see destinations for the many tourists visiting the Hungarian capital. The event aims to popularize Bulgaria and its rich cultural and...

Bulgarian Participation in This Year's Edition of the "European-Chinese International Literary Festival"

Bulgarian Participation in This Year's Edition of the "European-Chinese International Literary Festival"

  Vladimir Poleganov is a Bulgarian writer, translator and screenwriter who represents our country at this year's edition of the European-Chinese International Literary Festival. He is the author of a short story collection, The Deconstruction of Thomas S (published in 2013 by St. Kliment Ohridski University Press) and a Helikon Award-winning novel, The Other Dream (2016, Colibri). for the best fiction book of the year for 2017. His stories have been published in various literary...

The Bulgarian Embassy in Brussels Opened its Doors for Heritage Days on September 17-18

The Bulgarian Embassy in Brussels Opened its Doors for Heritage Days on September 17-18

  As part of the traditional Heritage Days in Brussels, which took place on September 17 and 18 this year, the Embassy of Bulgaria was one of the twenty diplomatic representations in the Belgian capital that opened their doors to the general public for the first time. Hundreds of visitors had the opportunity to view the paintings from the Art Fund of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs exhibited in the salons of the embassy, ​​which include works by prominent Bulgarian artists, such as...

The State Institute for Culture is a partner of the

The State Institute for Culture is a partner of the

  From September 19 to 28, 2022, the Balkan Documentary Center organizes the Sofia DocuMental film festival, dedicated to the best documentary cinema, at the center of which are topics causing hot debates in society - the traumas of war and violence, the refusal to recognize the right of the individual to decide your destiny. 30 titles comprise the festival program in the halls of Sofia's Largo, the Czech Center, the House of Cinema and Lumière. "Today, times seem more and more...

Participation in the "European Days of Heritage" and "European Day of Languages" of the State Institute for Culture at the Minister of Foreign Affairs

Participation in the "European Days of Heritage" and "European Day of Languages" of the State Institute for Culture at the Minister of Foreign Affairs

The State Institute for Cutlture at the Minister of Foreign Affairs will participate for another year in two large-scale European initiatives that will take place in Sofia between September 17 and 18 - the "European Days of Heritage" and the "European Day of Languages". "European Heritage Days - Sofia 2022" are organized by the French Institute in Bulgaria in partnership with the Ministry of Culture and Sofia Municipality. This year's edition is themed 'Sustainable Cultural Heritage' and aims...

Award for the Best Bulgarian Art Documentary at the Master of Art 2022 Festival

Award for the Best Bulgarian Art Documentary at the Master of Art 2022 Festival

On September 9, 2022, the closing award ceremony of the seventh edition of the Master of Art Film Festival was held at the Odeon Cinema. The jury awarded the prize for the best Bulgarian art documentary to Bilyana Kirilova's film "Voev", which also won the debut award. The award for the second year in a row is provided by the State Institute for Culture at the Minister of Foreign Affairs.  The film tells about the life and work of Dimitar Voev - a musician, poet and artist, one of the...

Premiere Presentation in Milan of the Mobile Exhibition

Premiere Presentation in Milan of the Mobile Exhibition

On the occasion of the National Day, the Consulate General of the Republic of Bulgaria in Milan organized together with the Municipality of Milan the opening of the exhibition "Bulgaria from a Bird's Eye View", kindly provided by the State Institute for Culture to the Minister of Foreign Affairs, in an exhibition space near the Arch of Peace in Milan. The official celebration on September 6, 2022 was attended by the Councilor for Culture in the Municipality of Milan, Mr. Tommaso Sacchi, the...