The State Cultural Institute Received a Certificate for Participation in the Day of European Authors


The State Cultural Institute received a certificate for participation in the first edition of the European Authors' Day initiative. In 2023, DKI actively joined the new European initiative led by the then Commissioner for Innovation, Research, Culture, Education and Youth Maria Gabriel, which will be celebrated annually on March 27.

The idea is to hold the day annually on the last Monday of March to encourage reading, especially among young people, to familiarize themselves with literature and new releases. This pan-European celebration aims to unite books and the education sector, aiming to reconnect Europeans with reading and help them discover European literature and its linguistic and cultural diversity.

In the "Mission" gallery at the State Cultural Institute, at the invitation of the director Snezhana Joveva and with the support of the European Commissioner Maria Gabriel, a year ago students from the Vocational High School of Tourism in the town of Samokov and their teachers visited us. Works by contemporary Bulgarian authors were presented. Special guests at the event were the actor Vladimir Mihailov and the contemporary Bulgarian author Todora Radeva, who read excerpts from books by Georgi Burdarov (winner of the European Union Prize for Literature 2021), Ivan Vladimirov – Nav and the poet Ivan Landzhov.

The writer Georgi Burdarov participated in the event with a special video address to the students and shared that thanks to his love for books, his life went in a better direction.

In 2024, DKI again plans to participate in the celebration of the Day of European Authors.


For more information:

Ден на европейските автори | Култура и творчество (

Награда за литература на Европейския съюз | Култура и творчество (

Разпространение на европейски литературни произведения и преводи на литературни произведения | Култура и творчество (