Vanya Radeva presented a collection of poems "Window" in the Sofia City Gallery


A new collection of poems "Window" by Vanya Radeva was presented in the Sofia City Art Gallery on February 2 at 6:30 p.m. The performance was accompanied by a virtual exhibition of the author Vanya Radeva's brother - Miroslav Radev, who illustrated the collection of poems with paintings.

The event is part of the "Writing Diplomats" program of the State Cultural Institute at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, together with the publishing and production house "Musagena", whose goal is to discover Bulgarian authors in various fields of art and to present their works. The guests were also welcomed with musical performances by Tchaikovsky.

The director of the State Cultural Institute, Snezhana Joveva, welcomed the guests of the event and expressed her gratitude to the director of the Bulgarian Cultural Institute in Bratislava, Vanya Radeva, with whom they have implemented a number of joint initiatives in the field of cultural diplomacy and strengthening Bulgarian-Slovak relations. Regarding the collection of poems, she shared: "Ms. Radeva reaches for the most difficult pen in literature - poetry, which requires not only courage, but also responsibility. To peer into the window of poetry is indeed a challenge, and Ms. Radeva has done it excellently and candidly in her debut collection of poems. That is why we are convinced to promote it through our "writing diplomats" program, through which Bulgarian diplomats, tempted by literature, such as Prof. Kiril Topalov, Viktor Melamed, Hristo Georgiev, Demetra Duleva, etc., have gone through so far.

The presentation of the collection of poems continued with Vanya Radeva's thanks to everyone who supported her and told how she started writing. During the pandemic, life in the Slovak capital comes to a standstill and Vanya reaches for the pen. This is how her first collection of poems "Window" was born, inspired by a seminar of the famous poet Aksinia Mihailova, who was present at the event. The most interesting thing is that for each of her poems, as if synchronously, her brother Miroslav has already created a painting with the same spiritual message. They dedicate it with great affection and humility to their late parents, Maria and Ivan Radevi, also connected to Czechoslovakia. After the short speech, Vanya read some of the poems that are included in her book.

Vanya Radeva was born in the city of Sofia, but is inextricably linked with the cozy and picturesque
capital of Slovakia, where she graduated from the John Comenius University. Already 10 years she
is the director of the Bulgarian Cultural Institute and adviser to the diplomatic services
of the Republic of Bulgaria in Bratislava. Her permanent residence is in Sofia, but she lived in
different cities of Europe. Everywhere she does not fail to complete a new one
Major: Archaeology, English, Religious Studies, Financial Marketing
services. He claims that learning is the best and tried medicine against physical and
emotional ailments.
Miroslav Radev was born in Prague. He graduated from the Art Academy in Bratislava,
where he lives with his family. Draws graphics and paintings, makes exhibitions,
teaches art to children. His paintings are very emotional
close to the poetry of his sister Vanya and achieve a perfect creative amalgam in this one
a collection of poems.
"WINDOW" is a book from the new line of "Musagena" Books and Art publishing house -
"Poetry with pictures". This is an original brand combining the work of artists from
different arts, which creates an opportunity for creative symbiosis in a joint
project to reach a different and larger audience.