Celebration of 3rd of March: Еxhibition “The Ancient Treasures of Bulgaria” in Bulgarian Cultural Institute in London


On 3th of March, The Bulgarian will celebrate Bulgaria’s national holiday, with a grand opening of the “Ancient Treasures of Bulgaria” exhibition, followed by a cocktail.

The opening of the exhibition will be accompanied by a musical greeting - a concert performance by prominent musicians, Boyan Ivanov (clarinet), Alexander Somov (cello), Lysianne Chen (piano).

Special Guests will be: Snezhana Joveva-Dimitrova, director of the State Cultural Institute under the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Prof. Dr. Rumyana Preshlenova, Director of the Institute of Balkan Studies with the Center for Tracology and Assist. Prof. Alexandra Milanova, PhD, scientific coordinator of the Institute of Balkan Studies with the Center for Tracology

The exhibition “The Ancient Treasures of Bulgaria” was prepared by a team of the Institute of Balkan Studies & Centre of Thracology at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences (IBSCT-BAS) under the National Scholarly Program Development of Bulgarian Studies Abroad.

The materials of the IBSCT-BAS were created under the “Bulgariana” Project by Prof. D.Sc. Valeria Fol and Nikolay Genov, photographer.