Watch 20 Bulgarian films for free in the next 3 weeks

Watch 20 Bulgarian films for free in the next 3 weeks

For the third year in a row, the State Institute for Culture at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the streaming platform are pleased to present the online festival for Bulgarian films, which will be available on your screens for three weeks – from November 28 to December 18, 2022. The entire film program of BG Screen Online is completely free of charge at any time of the day, from anywhere in the world, including Bulgaria. BG Screen Online presents a diverse selection of...

The Bulgarian film "Fear" participates in the 37th European Film Festival in Canada

The Bulgarian film "Fear" participates in the 37th European Film Festival in Canada

The Bulgarian film Fear (2020) by the director Ivaylo Hristov participates in the 37th edition of the traditional European film festival in Canada, which takes place from November 17 - December 10, 2022. The Bulgarian production is included in the program of the festival with three screenings – in Ottawa, Toronto, and Vancouver. Traditionally organized by the EU Delegation in Ottawa in partnership with the Canadian Film Institute in Ottawa, the European Film Festival in Toronto, the...

The Bulgarian film “Bubblegum” participates in the 34th European Film Festival in Amman

The Bulgarian film “Bubblegum” participates in the 34th European Film Festival in Amman

On November 19, 2022, at 8:00 p.m. in Haya Cultural Center in Amman the presentation of the Bulgarian film Bubblegum (2017, dir. Stanislav Todorov) took place as part of the traditional annual European Film Festival in Jordan, organized with the support of the EU and the European Union National Institutes for Culture - EUNIC.  This year’s 34th edition was scheduled in November 13-25. It features 16 films from EU member states - Belgium, France, Italy, Cyprus, Romania, Germany,...

Избрана колекция от ,,Града на художниците'' гостува в МВнР

Избрана колекция от ,,Града на художниците'' гостува в МВнР

По покана на Държавния културен институт към министъра на външните работи в официалните пространства на Министерството на външните работи гостува отбрана колекция от Художествената галерия в Казанлък.  „По този начин изкуството ни става достояние до по-широк кръг публики – до политици, дипломати, гости на министерството.“ – това сподели директорът на ХГ Казанлък д-р Пламен Петров по време на официалната му визита в министерството, придружен от екип на ДКИ. Като...

"Ambassadors of the Initiative" seminar programme

"Ambassadors of the Initiative" seminar programme

The State Institute for Culture held on November 21 and 22, 2022 a seminar program "Ambassadors of the initiative". The project is part of the initiative "Strategic cooperation between Bulgaria and Norway in support of Bulgaria's international commitments to combat anti-Semitism and the preservation of Jewish heritage". The participants are young leaders of public opinion - journalists from national media, representatives of the non-governmental sector and the diplomatic service, of...

Изложба „Чудотворни икони и свети мощи на Балканите“ беше открита в Университет по библиотекознание и информационни технологии

Изложба „Чудотворни икони и свети мощи на Балканите“ беше открита в Университет по библиотекознание и информационни технологии

По инициатива и покана на Института за анализи и оценки на информационната среда в туризма, Катедра „Култура, историческо наследство и туризъм” към Университет по библиотекознание и информационни технологии  и Българския туристически съюз,  Държавният културен институт към Министъра на външните работи гостува с постерна изложба „Чудотворни икони и свети мощи на Балканите“, която се откри днес. Събитието бе уважено от зам.-министър на туризма доц....

Opening of the Exhibition

Opening of the Exhibition

On November 14, at 12:00 p.m., the exhibition "The Shared Art Of The Balkans - Traditions and Modernity" will be officially opened in the building of the art gallery, located in the building of the town hall of District Bruchko. The event was organized on the initiative of the Embassy of the Republic of Bulgaria in Bosnia and Herzegovina, National Endowment Fund "13 Centuries Bulgaria" and with the courtesy of the State Institute for Culture of the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic...

The State Institute for Culture is a Partner of the Seventh Edition of the

The State Institute for Culture is a Partner of the Seventh Edition of the

  The official opening of the seventh edition of the "Poetry on the Subway" project took place on November 15, 2022, Tuesday, at 6:30 p.m. in the Ancient Cultural and Communication Complex "Serdika" - under the dome of Largoto. The project was presented by Prof. Amelia Licheva, editor-in-chief of "Literaturen Vestnik" and Ivona Yakushko-Dudka, director of the Polish Institute. The representatives of the institutions and embassies participating in this year's edition, as well as the...

Organization of the exhibition "The Light of the Letters" and a celebration by occasion of the Day of the Bulgarian Enlightener in Greater Toronto

Organization of the exhibition "The Light of the Letters" and a celebration by                  occasion of the Day of the Bulgarian Enlightener in Greater Toronto

  The Consulate General of the Republic of Bulgaria in Toronto, together with the Canadian-Bulgarian Foundation for Cultural Heritage and Art, organized a solemn celebration of the Day of People's Awakeners. The event took place on November 6 in one of the halls of the Bulgarian Orthodox Church "St. St. Cyril and Methodius", attended by over 50 representatives of the Bulgarian community in the Greater Toronto Area. The Consulate General presented the exhibition "The Light of Letters"....

Presentation of New Books at the Mission Gallery

Presentation of New Books at the Mission Gallery

  The National Scientific Program "Cultural-Historical Heritage, National Memory and Social Development" with the courtesy of the State Institute for Culture under the Minister of Foreign Affairs invites you to the presentation of its latest publications: "CORPUS OF THE DECORATED SLAVIC MANUSCRIPTS IN THE NATIONAL LIBRARY "ST. ST. CYRIL AND METHODIUS", X/XI-XIV CENTURY. VOL. 1. PART 1. PSALTER, GOSPEL, APOSTLES" WITH AUTHOR ELIZABETA MUSAKOVA and "OLD TESTAMENT BOOKS IN THE SLAVIC...

Opening of an Exhibition On The Occasion Of 60 Years Of Diplomatic Relations Between Bulgaria and Algeria

Opening of an Exhibition On The Occasion Of 60 Years Of Diplomatic Relations Between Bulgaria and Algeria

  The Minister of Foreign Affairs Nikolay Milkov opened an exhibition dedicated to the 60th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between the Republic of Bulgaria and the Democratic and People's Republic of Algeria, in the presence of representatives of the diplomatic corps, members of the public and journalists. The exhibition was organized by the Embassy of the Democratic and People's Republic of Algeria in Sofia, together with the State Institute for Culture of the...

Official Opening Of The Jubilee Tenth Edition Of The International Triennial Of Stage Poster-Sofia

Official Opening Of The Jubilee Tenth Edition Of The International Triennial Of Stage Poster-Sofia

On November 1, the official opening of the tenth anniversary edition of the International Triennial of Stage Poster-Sofia will take place in the National Palace of Culture. Founded in 1994 by Bojidar Ikonomov (1943-2016), Bojidar Ionov and Albena Spasova, today the Triennale is among the authoritative international poster platforms and the only exhibition focused on posters created especially for the cultural scene. The tenth edition differs from all the previous ones, not only because the...

The representative exhibition "Diplomacy and Art" opened at the National Gallery in Skopje

The representative exhibition "Diplomacy and Art" opened at the National Gallery in Skopje

  The representative exhibition "Diplomacy and Art" of the State Institute for Culture under the Minister of Foreign Affairs opened in the National Gallery in Skopje, which successfully attracted admirers of contemporary Bulgarian art, diplomats and the media. In 2022, the exhibition "Diplomacy and Art" was successfully presented in the National Museum of Montenegro in Cetinje and in the Museum of Literature and Theater Art in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina. The exhibition, including...

The Exhibition Diplomacy and Art II Opens in Skopje

The Exhibition Diplomacy and Art II Opens in Skopje

The second part of the exhibition "Diplomacy and Art" will be opened at the National Gallery of the Republic of North Macedonia in Skopje on October 26, 2022. Partners in the implementation of the project are the Bulgarian Cultural and Information Center in Skopje and BTA.   The Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Bulgaria has been developing, for decades on end, a fine art collection, which is remarkable in terms of both volume and artistic quality. The building of the Ministry in Sofia...

The Palace of Culture in Tunis - Host of a Bulgarian Event

The Palace of Culture in Tunis - Host of a Bulgarian Event

  On October 21, 2022, Ambassador Veselin Dyankov and the Director of the State Institute for Culture Snezhana Joveva opened the Days of Bulgarian Cinema at the Palace of Culture in Tunis with the Director of the Tunisian Cinema Center Khaled Azek. The event was attended by the first diplomats of Germany, Argentina, the Czech Republic, as well as other guests. Within the framework of the film festival, the feature films "The Foreigner" (2012) by director Niki Iliev and two films by...

The Traveling Exhibition "Miraculous Icons and Holy Relics of the Balkans" at the Pontifical Gregorian University

The Traveling Exhibition "Miraculous Icons and Holy Relics of the Balkans" at the Pontifical Gregorian University

The traveling exhibition "Miraculous Icons and Holy Relics of the Balkans" of the State Institute for Culture of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Bulgaria is on display at the Pontifical Gregorian University, the most prestigious higher education institution of the Vatican, where nearly 3,000 students from 125 nationalities study in 14 faculties led by 334 teachers. The opening of the exhibition was held on Monday, October 17 at 6:00 p.m. in the university hall, while the 25...