The exhibition "Diplomacy and Art II" was Opened in the Modern Gallery in Podgorica


The representative exhibition from the rich collection of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, "Diplomacy and Art", part II was presented in the Modern Gallery in the capital of Montenegro - Podgorica. The project is implemented jointly by the Embassy of the Republic of Bulgaria in Montenegro and the City Gallery (Museums and Galleries) of the capital Podgorica with the support of the State Cultural Institute at the Minister of Foreign Affairs.

The exhibition includes 22 paintings by well-established Bulgarian artists who managed to preserve the achievements in the field of fine art from previous generations of artists, adding their creative pursuits. The works are from the art fund of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Bulgaria, created over decades, works remarkable for their volume and artistic qualities. Authors who worked in the first half of the 20th century are presented - Konstantin Shtarkelov, Denyu Chokanov, Atanas Mihov, Zdravko Alexandrov, Vasil Stoilov, followed by those who worked in the 1960s - Vladimir Manski, Vanya Decheva, Todor Dinov, Boris Nenov, Vladimir Goev. Picturesque canvases predominate, mainly landscapes. At the same time, the new trends of the 70s and 80s in the art of the next generations are also present - simplification of the artistic image, construction of a national style with original plastic interpretations, new materiality, emergence of associative painting, monochrome imagery, etc. In her welcoming speech to the guests, the Director of Museums and Galleries, Podgorica, Ms. Ivana Chupić, emphasized that art is the most beautiful form of cultural diplomacy, as well as that culture has immeasurable potential and strongly influences the formation of the general image of a country. At the same time, she added, artists are the best ambassadors of their country because their creative range is the identity card of any country. "Art unites people through aesthetics, creates unbreakable friendships and forms a universal system that knows no territorial boundaries and as such represents a wealth that we can all enjoy equally, as is the case tonight," shared at the end of his speech Ms. Chupić.

For his part, Ambassador Stefan Dimitrov emphasized the relationship between art and diplomacy, which create images and impressions, but also bridges between different cultures. He noted that both require expressiveness and creativity. The head of the Bulgarian embassy described art as soft diplomacy that creates lasting change in the long term. History, cultural heritage and art are the most direct path to unification, and the interaction between art and diplomacy is an excellent way to ensure dialogue and understanding between different cultures, and to promote peace and justice in the world.

In conclusion, Ambassador Dimitrov emphasized as his main priority that the friendship between our two peoples is based not only on history and traditions, but also on knowledge of each other and awareness of modern times.

The event continued with a cocktail with Bulgarian wine, during which the high appreciation of the guests for the organization of the exhibition and the quality of the presented works was witnessed. More than 60 guests were present, including the Minister of Culture of Montenegro and other high-ranking representatives of Montenegrin institutions, ambassadors accredited to Montenegro, representatives of the diplomatic corps and international organizations, business circles, as well as cultural figures.

The exhibition is realized with the media partnership of the Bulgarian Telegraph Agency and will be available to visitors from March 19 to April 2, 2024. At their disposal are a special bilingual catalog and cards with images of the paintings provided by the State Cultural Institute.