Изложбата „Силата на гражданското общество:съдбата на евреите в България” с нова програма в Ирландия


Посолството на Република  България в Ирландия ще представи на 14 юли 2010 г. от 17.00 часа в Централната градска библиотека на град Корк  – Bishopstown Library, Wilton документалната изложба „Силата на гражданското общество: съдбата на евреите в България по времето на Холокоста”. Паралелно с нея в библиотеката ще има прожекции на документалния филм „Извън хватката на Хитлер “ – вълнуващ разказ за този епизод от българската история по книгата на...

Balkan Documentary Centre Workshop


On 4 July 2010, the State Institute for Culture will organise jointly with the Balkan Documentary Centre a one-day workshop on the topic “Business Models of the Documentary Cinema. Marketing Techniques in the Documentary Film Industry”. The workshop will discuss topics related to the development of regional co-operation, e.g. collaboration between producer centres and institutions, and participation in European networks. The workshop is part of the Project Development Workshop,...

Opening of the documentary exhibition “I Remember. Katin 1940”


 The director of the State Cultural Institute, hosting the exhibition, Mrs. Dimitrova thanked the guests for attending the event and underlined that the strength of this exhibition is in its documentary nature. It reveals in an unique way the depth and tragedy of the events, to which every one of us should give a new meaning through his/her personal memory, it makes us read history not as a chronicle or news in brief and curious facts, to live with history and not to forget our past. The...

Movie award for “Sevt the Immortal: the secrets of a Thracian tzar (king)”


The Bulgarian documentary film “Sevt the Immortal: the secrets of a Thracian tzar (king)” (2009) by the producer Zlatina Ruseva won the prestigious award of the jury at the festival “Arts&film – 2010” in Czeck Republic. The film producers shall receive the award on the official ceremony on June 26th t.y. “Arts&film” is a specialized festival devoted to European art and is of competitive character. In this year’s sixth in a row...

Round table


On June 1st 2010 in the American center at the Metropolitan library, foundation “Elizabeth Kostova” transferred its Sozopol’s seminar in creative writing by organizing the meeting "The literature diplomacy". Authors, who are prize-winners of the foundation and guests, discussed the topic about the role of literature in the communication among countries, authors and visions about this process. The State cultural institute is among the organizers of the meeting and...



On June 8th from 16.00 hrs in the Ceremonial hall of Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski” PROF. FABRIZIO MASTROFINI delivered a public lecture titled: “THE CHURCH AND THE EUROPEAN CULTURE”. Prof. Mastrofini’s visit in the country is in connection with the celebrations of 20 years of establishment of diplomatic relations between Bulgaria and Vatican and 30 years since the proclamation of St. St. Cyril and Methodius as co-patrons of Europe. Prof. Fabrizio...

Official first anniversary celebration of the establishment of the Class of Slavic Studies at the Ambrosiana


On 26 and 27 May 2010 in the most impressive arts gallery in Milan – Pinacoteca “Ambrosiana” took place an official celebration of the first anniversary of the establishment of the Class of Slavic Studies at the Academia Ambrosiana with the participation of international scholars competent in Slavic Studies among whom Bulgarian researchers in the lead of Prof. Dr. Aksiniia Djurova – Director of the Centre for Slavo-Byzantine Studies at the Sofia University “St....



The State Cultural Institute and the Diplomatic Institute at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Bulgaria presented “PETER UVALIEV OR PIERRE ROUVE. A LIFE” BY SONYA RUVOn 1 June 2010 (Tuesday), 5:00 p. m. in the gallery “The Mission” of the State Cultural Institute was made a presentation of the biographic book by Sonya Ruv about the life of one of the most appreciable intellectuals of our time – Peter Uvaliev. Special guest at the presentation was the author of...

24 May, Day of Slavonic Letters, Culture and Education


 24 May, Day of Slavonic Letters, Culture and Education The celebrations of the Day of the Enlighteners Saints Cyril and Methodius in the Bulgarian missions are usually very festive. Some of these events are accompanied by exhibitions forming part of the Travelling Exhibitions Project of the State Institute for Culture. Here are some of them: United Kingdom: The exhibition “The Lost Civilisation of Ancient Europe” opened at the Ashmolean Museum of Art and Archaeology,...

European Film Week in Buenos Aires


 On 12 May 2010, a European Film Week opened in Buenos Aires with the participation of 21 films from 20 European Union Member States. Bulgaria participated with the films “After the End of the World” and “Journey to Jerusalem” which were kindly granted by director Ivan Nichev. The film shows were organised by the embassy, and took place in the two largest organisations of the Jewish community in Buenos Aires. They were attended by representatives of the...

Celebrating 9 May - Europe Day - in Ankara


The Embassy of the Republic of Bulgaria in Ankara, jointly with the State Institute for Culture with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, made a presentation of Bulgaria in the framework of the Europe Day celebrations in Turkey’s capital, which were organised by the European Commission Delegation to Turkey and the Turkish General Secretariat on European Affairs. The programme of the one-day European Festival included various events, e.g. promotional materials at pavilions of the EU Member...

EU Open House 2010 in Washington, DC


 On 8 May 2010, the 4th EU Embassies' Open House got under way in Washington, DC. The guests visited the photo exhibition dedicated to the salvation of the Bulgarian Jews, and the photo exhibition “The Return of Bulgaria to Europe – late 19th and early 20th century”. On 29 April 2010, Bulgaria’ foreign minister Nickolay Mladenov inaugurated the first exhibition entitled “The Power of Civil Society: the Fate of Jews in Bulgaria during the Holocaust”. The...

“The Roofs of Sofia” and “Traditions” photo exhibitions take part in foreign minister Nickolay Mladenov’s first Balkan tour


In the framework of Minister Nickolay Mladenov’s first Balkan tour beginning on 5 May, the State Institute for Culture jointly with the Bulgarian Embassy in Skopje organised two photo exhibitions, which are part of the Travelling Exhibitions Project. The “Roofs of Sofia” exhibition by photographer Bistra Boshnakova was presented in the City Library in Skopje. In his address to the audience, Minister Mladenov used the exhibition’s symbols and message to transmit...

Cultural events on 9 May, Europe Day


The cultural programme of Bulgaria’s foreign missions for the month of May features various events, which are dedicated to 9 May, Europe Day. On this occasion, the State Institute for Culture, jointly with the Bulgarian embassies, will organise the missions’ participation in joint European programmes, e.g. film festivals, exhibitions, etc.  


Ежегодното издание на международната инициатива „Нощ на музеите” – 15 май 2010 г., ще бъде посветено на 5-та годишнина от създаването на Скулптурния парк на МВнР,и на Държавния културен институт. Специален гост на събитието ще бъде министърът на външните работи  - Г-н Николай Младенов.Приятелите и почитателите на монументалното изкуство, намерило своя дом в красивия парк на институцията, ще могат отново да се разходят в тази уникална за София галерия на открито, която...

Minister Mladenov to launch two cultural events in Macedonia


 The State Institute for Culture organised two concurrent cultural events in the framework of Minister Nickolay Mladenov’s visit to Macedonia. The “Traditions” exhibition will open in the University of Tetovo. Powerful large-scale compositional photos tell of the most interesting Bulgarian traditions, which continue to exist. The exhibition has been shown in more than 25 countries of Europe, North America, the Middle East and Asia. In our view, the exhibition is an...